Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 52 Thermal Sensing

Chapter 52 Thermal Sensing
Thinking of this, Lin Ye started to run, gathering his abilities while running.

Lin Ye is going to form an ice arrow within a certain range, attacking the scavenger to make it appear.

However, this skill is only a preliminary expectation, so Lin Ye needs a certain amount of time to manipulate it.

The ability circulated in the body, and the cold air fell instantly. The rain around Lin Ye's body slowed down a beat, and then turned into ice chips and fell downward.

In the first experiment, the condensation failed.

Lin Ye couldn't control the large amount of rain, and couldn't form together.

However, due to the rain, the power consumed was less than Lin Ye expected, and the ice was not slow to condense.

This only happened in an instant. Although there was no scavenger attack at this moment, Lin Ye knew that the scavenger was looking for an opportunity.

Lin Ye didn't have much time, and didn't care about the consumption of abilities, so he quickly gathered together again.

However, this time it didn't go so smoothly. Just as Lin Ye raised the cold air around his body, he felt a sense of danger from the side.

"Huh?" Lin Ye was a little confused, and stepped back a few steps. Sure enough, a scavenged beast rushed over at that place just now, and soon disappeared into the rain again.

Just now, due to the concentration of Lin Ye's mind, when the cold air around his body was raised, his mind suddenly sensed that an object with abnormal temperature appeared within the range of the cold air.

That's the scavenger.

"Cold air can still be used like this?"

Unexpectedly, by self-defeating, Lin Ye discovered another function of cold air, heat induction.

Even though the scavenging beast is a mutant beast, it still has body heat energy. Obviously its body temperature is higher than the cold air. In this way, Lin Ye, who is manipulating the cold air, can sense the existence of the scavenging beast.

Lin Ye still needs to experiment with this kind of idea, and the idea of ​​falling ice arrows cannot be stopped. The cold air can certainly sense the scavengers, allowing Lin Ye to avoid the attacks of scavengers, but only the ice arrows can make the eaters The rotting beast appeared so that Lin Ye could attack it.

So Lin Ye diffused the cold air out of the body first, and the radiation range was within a radius of about two meters. The surrounding rainwater began to turn into ice flakes, but he soon realized that ice seems to be harder to shape than water. The direct water system ability first condenses rainwater into ice cones, and then freezes them.

Just do what you think, the surrounding rainwater is manipulated by Lin Ye to accumulate when it is in the air, turning into the shape of ice ridges.

Manipulating water is much simpler than manipulating ice. Water arrows accumulate around Lin Ye's body. Although they are small in size and only a few in number, they are still increasing in the air.

After reaching ten water arrows, Lin Ye couldn't hold on any longer. Manipulating ten water arrows at the same time is not about supernatural powers, but a test of energy.

Bronze-level mental strength is 1.5 times that of ordinary people, but it is still not enough.

It seems to be slow, but in fact this process is very fast. When Lin Ye covered his body with cold air, he felt an unusual heat transfer from the right side. Lin Ye raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "I'll wait for you."

"Frozen arrow rain!"

Immediately, ten ice arrows flew to the right at the same time, and under the super-large coverage, they hit a scavenger. The ice arrows were not powerful, but the number was large.

Lin Ye had been prepared to take out his hunting knife and slash away.

Mutant beasts have a certain adaptive directional thinking mode in the last days, that is, after they understand the strength of the enemy within a certain period of time, they will instinctively choose to retreat or attack.

This time Lin Ye's attack did not give it time to adapt at all. The defense of a creature like a scavenger is weak, and the hunting knife that came in an instant could easily wipe off its body.


The two halves of the scavenger's corpse fell into the rain, which was mercilessly washed by the rain, washing its blue, slurry-like blood.

Lin Ye was not happy with killing one, and there were three more waiting for him.

After mastering the skill of killing scavenging beasts, the other three scavenging beasts can't do much.

The cold air around Lin Ye's body did not withdraw, and when the second, third, and fourth scavengers attacked at the same time, his ice arrows were not enough to cover three directions at the same time.

However, under the thermal induction of the cold air, Lin Ye could dodge the other two in time, so he only needed to focus on killing one of the scavengers.

Sure enough, after their companions were killed, the three scavengers finally couldn't hold back and attacked from the front, back, and left at the same time.

Under the spread of the cold air, Lin Ye quickly sensed the attack path of the three scavenging beasts through thermal induction, first dodged to the right, and gathered a rain of ice arrows to attack the scavenging beasts in front.

This time, due to his experience, the condensed ice arrows were much faster than last time. Soon, a row of ice arrows blocked Lin Ye's front.

With the sound of "Papa", several ice arrows hit the invisible scavenger, immediately exposing it to Lin Ye's eyes.

The scavengers also felt bad and wanted to leave quickly.

"Ice Spear" Lin Ye didn't give it a chance. An ice spear shot out from under the scavenger in an instant, piercing it directly.

But it wasn't dead yet, but it started screaming, its voice was sharp and piercing, and it was also full of anxiety.

Lin Ye didn't want to hear this disturbing sound, so he slashed out with the hunting knife, making the scavengers on the ice spear stop their croaking.

"Okay, it's your turn."

Lin Ye turned around and stared at the open roof on the side. Although there was nothing to the naked eye, but from the traces of the battle just now, Lin Ye guessed that the remaining two scavengers were in that direction.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Ye finished speaking, the two scavengers couldn't bear their temper anymore and began to move. They seemed to be afraid of Lin Ye, and they all backed away, as if they were planning to escape.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound in the large water tank.


As soon as the sound came out, the two scavenging beasts trembled all over, stopped their retreating movements, as if possessed by a demon, and instantly became frantic, baring their teeth at Lin Ye.

In fact, apart from zombies, mutant creatures also have the characteristic of fear of death, so they will run away, just like animals instinctively.

There are even some mutated creatures that are more sensitive to death, such as scavengers. They generally don't take the initiative to attack people, because they are also extremely afraid of death.

But now, just a cry made them overcome their fear of death. Lin Ye couldn't help frowning and looked at the big water tank: "What's in it? Could it be the king beast?"

"If it's a king beast, then it's really troublesome."

King beasts are different from ordinary mutant beasts, they all have a racial heritage.

Just like the pig king that Lin Ye killed in Luxing Village, if it hadn't been for the fact that it hadn't mutated for a long time and the blood lineage hadn't stabilized, then Lin Ye wouldn't have won.

But now, the doomsday has passed for some time, what should be settled has already settled down, and human beings will face the stabilized zombies and mutant beasts.

At this time, any beast king can be said to be one of the most powerful creatures in the doomsday.

(End of this chapter)

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