Chapter 53

The probability of the Beastmaster appearing is about 0.01%, that is, there may be only one Beastmaster in [-]. At this time, Lin Ye has to feel his luck. In a short time, he met two Beastmasters.

This really made Lin Ye a little speechless. He clearly felt that fate was targeting him. Perhaps, this was one of the prices paid for rebirth.

While thinking about this, Lin Ye never gave up his sense of the surroundings. Although it is unclear whether the beast king is in the big water tank, there is definitely nothing good in it, so he has to get rid of these two scavengers as soon as possible.

Lin Ye thought so, why not the scavengers on the opposite side?

After gathering momentum, they rushed towards Lin Ye without hesitation.

This time it seemed that it was due to mania. Lin Ye quickly sensed the fluctuations of the two scavengers. Their attacking directions were almost in the same direction, and they seemed to want to work together to kill Lin Ye.

This made Lin Ye take advantage of it.

"Water curtain!"

"Frozen arrow rain!"

The two moves were launched at the same time, the water curtain slowed down the attack of the two scavengers, and the rain of ice arrows poured down, directly making them visible.

At the same time as launching the two skills, Lin Ye had already grasped the hunting knife and attacked quickly.

The distance between the scavenging beasts and Lin Ye was not far, and they were in front of them in the blink of an eye. The frenzied two scavenging beasts didn't seem to want to retreat after they appeared. They screamed sharply and rushed towards Lin Ye at the same time.

However, when they rushed over, a saber light had already slashed down.


One knife four and a half.

"Nature-type abilities are not as strong as combat-type abilities in the early stage." Withdrawing the knife, Lin Ye muttered to himself without looking at the carrion-eating beast's corpse.

Natural abilities are like mages. Once they encounter assassin-type monsters, they will be easily wiped out when they get close.

Even Lin Ye had to spend some brainpower to find the skills to deal with scavengers before killing them. If other natural supernatural powers encounter mutants like scavengers, it will definitely be over.

The battle lasted only 5 minutes. Lin Ye withdrew his thoughts and glanced in Zhao Xun's direction.

Lin Ye's expression was a little stunned. In his imagination, a scavenging beast manipulating rotting corpses was more than enough to deal with a waste like Zhao Xun.However, what he didn't expect was that Zhao Xun was still alive and well, and even killed the scavenger that threw him down, and had already crawled to the entrance of the downstairs passage.

This accident had to make Lin Ye reconsider whether to go up and get rid of Zhao Xun. After all, letting this kind of person run away would cause endless disasters.

However, after feeling that there seemed to be a figure behind Zhao Xun, Lin Ye knew that Zhao Xun was bound to die.


It was located at the back of the rooftop. At this time, Zhao Xun, who was full of longing for life, had already climbed to the entrance of the corridor. Looking at the big iron gate in front of him, he was as excited as seeing the gate of heaven.

"It's here, damn it, I'll be able to escape this damn place soon."

At this moment Zhao Xun was full of joy, he turned his head to see if Lin Ye was dead.Of course, he hoped that Lin Ye would not be so useless, at least he had to delay for a while, and after creating more time for himself to escape, it would not be too late to die.

In fact, when Zhao Xun first joined Hu Fei's team, he hoped that others would step up for him when he was in danger, and he has always carried out this idea to the end.

On the way here, there were originally six of them. Zhao Xun's brothers and two dogs were bitten by the zombies not because of carelessness. It was Zhao Xun who was going to be bitten, but he pushed the two dogs towards the zombies when his life was hanging by a thread. Zhao Xun survived by blocking the zombies with Ergou's death.

Zhao Xun did it very covertly. After Hu Fei and the others saw the result, Er Gou was already on the verge of mutation and had to kill Er Gou. Later, Zhao Xun showed anger at Hu Fei's decision to kill Er Gou, which was just a kind of cover up.

Zhao Xun admired his acting skills and almost fooled everyone.

"In the last days, it should be like this. What mutual help and brotherhood are all false. Only living by myself is the best and real."

"It doesn't matter how strong this Lin Ye is, he's still being used by me to back him up."

At this moment, Zhao's thoughts of looking for evil burst out.

Now Zhao Xun just wants to see this master who backed him up and see how he is struggling, he must be very angry, right?

Looking back, to his surprise, Zhao Xun didn't see Lin Ye who was beaten all over his body by scavengers as he imagined, but only saw Lin Ye who was unharmed standing there and staring at him.

"He...he actually killed all these monsters."

Not only was he surprised by Lin Ye's strength, but when he found that Lin Ye didn't fight with any monsters, Zhao Xun immediately became frightened.He was injured, if Lin Ye came to kill him now, he would not even have the ability to resist.

Zhao Xun looked at Lin Ye apprehensively, but Lin Ye never moved, but the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, as if he was mocking him, and Lin Ye's eyes looked at him with nothing but indifference, as if he was just looking at a corpse.

Not at all, it shouldn't be, what does he mean?
However, Zhao Xun didn't have the chance to think about this question, because soon he discovered that there seemed to be something hidden in the pattering rain curtain in front of him.

Combined with Lin Ye's expression, Zhao Xun reacted instantly.

"Monster, it's that monster."

Zhao Xun suddenly screamed, regardless of the blood continuously flowing from his legs, he kicked his feet hard on the ground, and quickly crawled into the corridor with his hands supported.

In a few seconds, Zhao Xun's upper body had climbed into the corridor, but unfortunately it was too late, at this time a scavenger suddenly appeared behind him.

Then he threw himself on Zhao Xun.

Zhao Xun was thrown down by the scavenging beast. Lin Ye couldn't see the specific situation clearly. He could only see Zhao Xun struggling violently, followed by screams resounding through the sky, gradually becoming hoarse and powerless.

Soon, Zhao Xun stopped struggling, and the carrion also stood up, dragging Zhao Xun's body, and quickly walked towards the large water tank.

Only then did Lin Ye see Zhao Xun. At this moment, he was a bit miserable, his body was like a sieve, with many holes, and blood flowed out like he didn't want money.Form a wide blood blanket, spread all the way to the water tank.

At this time, Zhao Xun was still breathing. Lin Ye could see that his face was trembling, as if he had been subjected to extreme cold. His eyes covered with blood no longer showed any luster, and his mouth was slightly open. But he couldn't utter a single word.

From the shape of his mouth, Lin Ye knew that he was saying "help me", but Lin Ye was indifferent, just watching, watching Zhao Xun being dragged to the water tank by the rotten corpse, who pulled him up like a doll , and stuffed it into the hole broken on the iron sheet of the water tank.

Time passed by second by second. In this slow atmosphere, Lin Ye could clearly see that Zhao Xun's body that had not been stuffed into the water tank instinctively twitched. He opened his mouth wide, his cheeks bulged, and moaned silently. .

(End of this chapter)

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