Chapter 54
Although he couldn't see what was going on in the water tank, Lin Ye knew that Zhao Xun must have been tortured by something in the water tank. Maybe it was another rotting corpse. For these monsters, Zhao Xun was the most delicious food.

Soon, except for the head, Zhao Xun's whole body was stuffed in, and the carrion pressed his head and stuffed it in again, the head was stuck outside and couldn't get in.After a few times, the carrion couldn't hold back anymore, and pressed his shoulder with one hand, and pulled his neck with the other.

Human beings are always under despair and fear, and they will stimulate all their potentials. However, the stimulation of some potentials just makes them leave the last struggle in the world.

Zhao Xun seemed to know what was going to happen in the next moment, he writhed with only one breath left, and his voice squeezed out of his throat.

He even pulled out a hand from the large water tank. The shape of the palm could no longer be seen clearly, the phalanges were exposed, and the flesh on it exploded like popcorn. With his movements, the broken palm was swinging in the air.

That hand tremblingly grasped the ragged clothes on the rotting corpse, pulling, pulling, but it seemed so futile.

The rotting corpse pulled Zhao Xun's chin, and the other hand pulled his neck to both sides.


The terrified sound didn't last long, as the rotting corpse raised its arms and yanked.

Zhao Xun's neck stretched, and the flesh began to crack. He could not speak, only the sound of hiccup echoed in his throat, and then blood bubbles spit out from his mouth. As the flesh on the neck began to break, Finally, there was a "beep", like the sound of a cork being pulled out of a bottle.

A bloody head was ripped off by the carrion.


A lot of blood sprayed out from the headless neck, and the rotting corpse didn't even look at Zhao Xun's head, and threw it on the ground.

Lin Ye indifferently watched Zhao Xun's head fall into the pool of water on the roof, the blood flowing in the pool dyed his hair red, Zhao Xun's eyes were still staring at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye's mood didn't fluctuate at all.

Lin Ye has seen more cruel ways of killing than this, so he doesn't like it.

Moreover, Zhao Xun's death is also atonement for everything he has done.

If there is hell, then when he goes to hell, his punishment will be reduced, right?

At this time, the only sound in the air was the sound of rain.

It is said that the heavy rain is not slow, and the light rain is not urgent. Sure enough, the heavy rain has become smaller at this time, and it is scattered like fine hair.The dark clouds above also thinned a bit, revealing a glimmer of light.

Is the heat of battle over?

Lin Ye swept to the opposite side of the building, and Jiang Xinyu had safely arrived at the opposite side.

There was no movement in the big water tank, and the scavenger that killed Zhao Xun seemed to have disappeared.

Except for a few scavengers and Zhao Xun's corpse, which proved that there was a fierce battle just now, everything seemed to be quiet.

It was eerily quiet.

"Tsk tsk, why do you always come here, do you have to pretend like this to come out?"

Lin Ye acted calmly, but in fact, this kind of aura that everything depends on him really made him feel a little bit of pressure.

However, Lin Ye's teasing sentence broke this momentum.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Ye finished speaking, the monster in the big water tank couldn't hold back anymore.

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a violent slapping sound from the large water tank, and the iron sheet couldn't bear the slapping and began to deform and twist, blasting a hole from the side.

One hole, two holes... Finally, the large water tank was overwhelmed, and the monster inside roared wildly.

Lin Ye only saw the big water tank burst open and flew up, and the monster inside was finally exposed at this moment.

This monster has the same appearance as the scavenging beast, and has a lizard-like body. It is already known that he is the king of scavenging beasts.It's just that it is completely different from the young body of ordinary scavengers. The whole person stands 4 meters high.

Its body is completely like rotten mud, exuding a foul smell, and even when it moves, the rotten flesh on its body hangs down, and as it roars, the fleshy tumors on its body burst open, like parasites, a body A corpse emerged from its body.

Just like the limbs grafted on this monster, with its movements, these corpses swayed wantonly on it.

Lin Ye even saw a familiar figure, which was Zhao Xun's headless corpse, but there was only a shell left of this body, which was driven by the carrion beast king.

Those with three heads and six arms are all ancient supernatural powers. This guy, with a dozen hands and seven or eight heads, looks like a Shura.

However, this monster is naturally not as powerful as Shura, but it just makes Lin Ye feel disgusted by this appearance.

The scavenging beast king seemed to sense Lin Ye's dislike for it. He opened his arms and yelled at Lin Ye, and a stench rushed towards his face.

Lin Ye quickly covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve, and took a few steps back. He was thinking about whether to fight or just climb up the rope and leave.If he walked straight away, if the scavenger broke the rope, he might be on a swing. At that time, his hands would leave the rope, and he would fall directly into a puddle of meat.

Although Lin Ye can use the ability to set up some safeguards, but in practice, he does not know whether it will work or not. This is very risky, and Lin Ye does not want to take risks.

Lin Ye still decided to try the monster's combat power first, and fight as soon as he can, and it's not too late to retreat if he loses.

The monster found that Lin Ye was unmoved by its roar, roared again, and rushed towards Lin Ye with both feet.

The superimposed figure of two elephants can be imagined, how much impact it gives people when running.

Lin Ye was really worried about whether the roof would be able to bear the scavenging beast king running like this.

It would really be a complaint if he was not killed by the scavenger-eating beast king, but was stoned to death.

The entire rooftop also shook as it ran, the iron frame and the remaining half of the bottom of the water tank were shaking.


He was full of power, so Lin Ye would not be so stupid as to resist, and moved quickly. In order to prevent the scavenging beast king from breaking the rope, Lin Ye deliberately led to the corridor hut.

Although the Scavenging Beast King looks big, its speed is not too slow. It almost caught up with Lin Ye's front foot, but it caught up with its back foot, and slapped Lin Ye with a thick arm.

The power of this blow can be imagined, Lin Ye quickly avoided it.


The slap of the scavenging beast king slapped the corridor hut, directly slapping the hut to pieces, and the iron gate was also thrown aside by this blow.

"So much strength, the king beast is really not that simple."

Lin Ye squinted his eyes and stared at the scavenger-eating beast king. No matter what, the hut was full of bricks and concrete. Unexpectedly, the scavenger-eating beast king would destroy it with just one blow.
I don't know if it was hit right and wrong, and the corridor was sealed by the falling bricks. Now one of Lin Ye's escape routes was cut off by the carrion beast king.

(End of this chapter)

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