Chapter 55

This is an extremely unfavorable situation for Lin Ye. Apart from fighting, the only way out is the thick hemp rope.


The scavenger-eating beast king who couldn't take one hit didn't give up his attack, but he didn't charge anymore, and he seemed to see through the harshness of the battle field.The area of ​​the roof itself is not big, if you continue to collide, if you can't control it and fall down the stairs, it will have to finish.

The scavenger-eating beast king was a little dissatisfied with this, and let out an annoyed roar, and the rotting corpses all over his body also started to roar, like countless ghosts cheering the king.

Then, the scavenger-eating beast king prostrated himself on the ground, exposing the entire rotting corpse on his back.

"This is?"

Lin Ye frowned and found that the posture of the scavenging beast king was like a fortress, which gave him an ominous premonition.

The scavenger-eating beast king lay on the ground, let out a sharp breath, and suddenly his fat body swelled up again, and the carrion corpses in the tumors on his body were all excited, and they opened their teeth and claws at Lin Ye.

Lin Ye didn't take any action, just waited and watched, but he already had a hunting knife in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

Two seconds passed, and the tumors on the back of the Scavenging Beastmaster started to move one by one, trembling like a volcano about to erupt.

Soon, as expected, the first zombie was launched. It roared in the air, raised its arms, and pounced on Lin Ye. In addition, this rotten corpse disappeared in the air just like the rotten corpse that started the battle.

With the same routine, Lin Ye naturally wouldn't get hit twice, and it was within his expectation that the rotting corpse disappeared into the air.According to the gliding trajectory of the zombie after it was ejected, Lin Ye had already predicted where it would appear.

The hunting knife in Lin Ye's hand was raised horizontally, covered with the power of ice, and the hunting knife was instantly covered with a crystal halo.

"Cold Slash!"

Lin Ye tried to cover the hunting knife with the ice ability, but before, it was only to make the hunting knife have a piercing frost effect.

With Lin Ye's in-depth understanding of the ability of ice, he discovered that the frost not only has a certain freezing effect, but also when cut out, it will condense the air and produce a cold knife light, which is the cold knife. The attack range of the knife is enlarged, and the sharpness is even sharper.

In fact, this kind of slash was only thought of by Lin Ye. There are many slashes in later generations, the most common is the gravity slash, which cuts the air by brute force to form a gravity slash.There are also the piercing slash with the gas ability, and the fire slash with the fire ability, all of which are the same.

Lin Ye's ice slash is also a special skill of the ice attribute. These slashes will be strengthened with strength, and when they reach a certain level, it is no problem to kill others even a hundred meters away.

Of course, with Lin Ye's current strength, he couldn't do this. The distance he can extend with the Frost Slash is only one meter, but this is enough.

It is said that the ice is biting, which means that the cold air hurts the skin like a sharp knife, but that is just a description.

However, Lin Ye's Frost Slash has truly achieved this, and the slash shoots out a stream of crystal-clear cold air, flying upwards.


There was a cutting sound in the empty air, and then two severed corpses fell down.

It was the rotting corpse. After the rotting corpse was dealt with, a small scavenging beast jumped out of it. It barked twice, crawled quickly on all fours, and quickly returned to the scavenging beast king, burrowing into its tumor.

"It's no wonder that these rotting corpses can still move without their heads. They are actually manipulated by little scavengers."

Lin Ye's expression became more dignified. There were at least seven or eight carrion corpses on the body of the scavenging beast king, and they were all swaying wantonly, which meant that there were at least seven or eight small scavenger beasts inside. It's a bit troublesome, there are still eight of them at this time, not to mention killing the scavenging beast king, these eight small scavenging beasts are enough for him to have a headache for a while.

"I hope they don't come out at the same time."

Lin Ye prayed secretly, however, things backfired. What you don't want to happen often happens unexpectedly.

The scavenging beast king seemed to know what Lin Ye was thinking, so it wanted to confront Lin Ye. With a roar, eight rotting corpses sprayed out at the same time.

The body of the scavenging beast king also began to shrink after spraying out the carrion, and it didn't look so bloated.

"Damn it! Do Beastmasters use minions first to consume their opponents? What a despicable way."

Two fists are no match for four hands. It is very difficult for Lin Ye to kill so many rotting corpses. Behind him is the edge of the roof. The trajectory of these rotting corpses almost covers his body.

For today's plan, the only way is to replace defense with offense.

Lin Ye started to move, and directly jumped over the carrion corpse above his head, attacking the body of the carrion beast king.

Lin Ye had already noticed that the body of the scavenger-eating beast king was much smaller. While wondering, his body did not stop and hit the disgusting monster directly.

At a distance of ten meters, Lin Ye came directly to the side of the carrion beast king, ready to give it a knife.

But at this moment, an accident occurred, and two sarcoid tumors were cut open on the side of the Scavenging Beast King, and two rotten and ferocious zombies emerged from the inside, and at the same time stretched out their rotten hands to grab Lin Ye.

Lin Ye didn't expect this. Originally, he had to forcefully stop his attack on the carrion beast king, and jumped out to the side instead. However, he was dragged staggeringly, and a carrion corpse had already grabbed his arm.

The carrion corpse holding Lin Ye became excited, howled, and pulled Lin Ye's arm into the carrion beast king's body.

Lin Ye felt disgusted all over his body. Didn't this drag him into the cesspit?
However, Lin Ye didn't have time to think about this, because the scavenging beast king's big slap had already slapped him above his head, and the situation was very critical.

Without further ado, Lin Ye cut out the hunting knife immediately, and directly cut off the arm of the carrion corpse. He didn't even have time to shake off the arm that was still hanging, and rolled on the spot, barely avoiding the big slap of the carrion beast king. , the slap on the roof directly caused a wave of air, and pushed Lin Ye away.

Lin Ye kept on stepping, walked around to the other side of the scavenging beast king, mobilized the ice ability, and stabbed the scavenging beast king with three ice spears, preparing to directly pierce the scavenging beast king.

But things are not as simple as Lin Ye thought.

A large sarcoma appeared on the body of the scavenger-eating beast king again, this time the sarcoid was different from other sarcoids, it seemed that what was inside it was not a rotting corpse, but a green unknown substance.

The ice spear pierced the sarcoma, piercing it directly, and a stream of green liquid dripped down on the roof along the ice spear.

"It's done?"

Seeing more than half of the ice spear piercing into the body of the scavenger-eating beast king, Lin Ye did not show any joy.

Looking carefully, Lin Ye found that the several ice spears that had penetrated into the sarcoma were not inserted into the body of the scavenging beast king, but were instantly melted away when they encountered the green liquid in the sarcoma.The green liquid dripping on the roof also corroded the roof into a big pit, which was filled with black smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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