Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 471 Defeat one by one

Chapter 471 Defeat one by one
The corpse tyrant saw that his two feet were controlled, and struggled vigorously. Although he broke a few vines, soon more vines firmly controlled his feet again.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the marble door has clamped the body of a deadly corpse tyrant at this moment .

He was just a little reconciled. If he couldn't eat the few humans in front of him, he would be trapped to death by this marble door.

At this time, the marble door made a "squeak, squeak" sound because it clamped the body of the corpse tyrant.Then the closing speed is getting slower and slower!
Li Jie and the others were startled when they heard the "ziga ziga" sound, fearing that the marble door would not kill the murderous tyrant, and their plan would fail.

"This marble door won't pinch him to death, right?" Li Jie was a little worried, because the closing speed of the marble door is already the lowest, and the remaining arm of the corpse tyrant is firmly supporting the door. Where is the door.

"I'm also a little worried. I didn't expect that the power of this corpse tyrant can reach such a great strength. Even this marble door can be fixed," Gu Tian said.

Seeing this, Xuewu released the skill Burning Pain again, a small fireball the size of an egg, quickly rushed to the chest of the vicious tyrant who was firmly clamped by the marble door.

And this murderous tyrant with a broken arm who was firmly clamped by the marble door saw the small fireball the size of an egg flying towards his chest, his eyes were full of fear.

Because she knows that he is now firmly controlled by the marble door, unable to move at all, and although this small fireball the size of an egg cannot directly kill or injure herself, she can ignite herself , will be burned to death by the fire.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." this murderous corpse tyrant roared unwillingly once, if she knew that things would happen to this point, he would never rush over and be firmly controlled by this marble door.

At this time, the small fireball the size of an egg had already hit the chest of the corpse tyrant, but Xuewu still did not see the effect he wanted to see, which was to directly penetrate the chest of the corpse tyrant, leaving only Black blot the size of an egg.But where the black mark is, the fire is slowly burning up!

The corpse tyrant saw that his body was already on fire at this time, and knew that he was doomed, his eyes were full of despair, but even so, he still wanted to fight hard, using all his strength to push both sides to see and clamp him What about the marble doors, but the two marble doors weighing ten thousand catties did not move at all.

It may be that the corpse tyrant used too much force just now, and the strength to resist the marble door is obviously insufficient, and the speed at which the marble door closes has been accelerated.

Seeing the scene at this time, Li Jie and the others knew that this murderous corpse tyrant was doomed. Now that the marble door continued to close, could he put out the fire on his body!

Soon the clamped corpse of the corpse tyrant slowly deformed, and some foul-smelling black liquid began to flow out from the ground. These black liquids flowed from the body of the corpse tyrant deformed by the marble door clamp. .

"It's so disgusting." Xue Wu closed his eyes when she saw this scene, if she felt that An would vomit if she continued to watch it.

Slowly, Li Jie and the others also closed their eyes, because this scene was so disgusting!Only Heisha was able to withstand all these firmly.

The marble door was completely closed with a "bang", which meant that the murderous corpse tyrant caught in the marble door had been completely crushed to death.

Li Jie and the others slowly opened their eyes, saw the black liquid on the ground, and felt retching in their stomachs.

"Let's go, go and help the boss and the others," Heisha said.

Then Gu Tian turned on the marble again, and several people ran towards Lin Hua.

At this time, Lin Hua's supernatural body was already full of scars, and Lin Hua's body was not much better. He had been hit by the huge force of this powerful corpse tyrant several times against the wall.But she still retreated towards the marble door step by step.

At this time, Little Beibei saw that both Lin Huas were injured, and couldn't bear it very much. She wanted to rush to help Lin Hua several times, but Lin Hua shouted her back.Beibei knew that it would not be able to help Lin Hua in the past, and it might even tire Lin Hua. He could only rely on Lin Hua and the others to fight, seize the opportunity, and then close the door to get rid of this hateful corpse tyrant. Trapped.

At this time, the zombie slayer and ghost dancer had already arrived at the farthest door, and they still approached the marble door slowly in the same way, but this murderous tyrant was faster than what Li Jie and the others had dealt with just now. That murderous tyrant, hurry up.

The speed can be compared with the speed of the zombie slayer, and the ghost dance is now waiting for an opportunity on the switch floor outside the marble head door.

"Boom" The zombie slayer was knocked back and hit the marble once, but she rushed over the second time.

At this time, there was still a meter away from the marble door, and Ghost Dance knew that the corpse tyrant was fast, so he waited for the zombie slayer to close the door.Boom again, the extraordinary fourth-order dark king was knocked into the air!
The zombie slayer backed up bit by bit.

When the zombie slayer reached the marble door, he yelled "close the door." At this time, the long-awaited ghost dance stepped directly on the control floor that controlled the marble head door.

"Coaxing" the marble door slowly came up, and soon the zombie slayer retreated behind the door, Ghost Dance directly released the skill Dark Grip at the marble door's corpse tyrant, and then a 20 Domi's swampy terrain!

And the speed of this corpse tyrant dropped sharply. Similarly, she didn't want to see the human beings who had been fighting for so long disappear before his eyes. He quickly rushed towards the slowly closing marble door, wanting to pass because of his speed. In an instant he was about to pass through the marble door.

The zombie slayer knew that the corpse tyrant he was fighting against was fast, but he did not expect his speed to reach this level!
Without even thinking about it, she went straight to the door that was about to close now, and swung his sharp claws to attack the corpse tyrant, preventing him from passing through the marble door.

The tyrant knew that the zombie slayer's sharp claws could hurt him, so he used his hard arms to block back and forth, and soon there was less than one and a half people left at the marble door!The corpse tyrant wanted to retreat backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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