Chapter 472 Uneasy
Because the corpse tyrant knew that it would be impossible for him to pass if the zombie slayer in front blocked him.

Although I really want to eat some of that human being, but compared with my own life and death, life and death are more important.The zombie slayer saw that the corpse tyrant wanted to retreat, but what could she do!

And at this moment, Ghost Dance suddenly summoned more than a dozen dark warriors, blocking the corpse tyrant's retreat!Although the level of these dark warriors is relatively low, they are all of the first-order extraordinary strength, and they were killed by the corpse tyrant one by one.

But when he killed the fifth one, there was only one person left, and the two marble doors had already touched his body.If he couldn't get out at this time, he would be trapped by this huge marble door.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"At this time, Ghost Dance directly controlled the remaining three dark warriors and tightly hugged the murderous tyrant who wanted to retreat through the marble gate.

Seeing that his feet and waist were tightly hugged, the corpse tyrant couldn't help becoming even more angry, and directly used his hands to tear up the dark warrior that wrapped his waist. When he was about to attack that When the two dark warriors hugged his legs, the marble door had already firmly clamped her body.

He started to use her two hands to support the two marble doors separately, but although she was very fast, her strength was not as strong as the corpse tyrant that Li Jie and the others killed.

His strength can't stop the force of this marble door!Soon the corpse tyrant dispelled her thoughts, because no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't resist the closed marble door at all.

After roaring "Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", she directly used her two hands to directly penetrate the hearts of the two dark warriors who were holding her feet firmly under her feet.

Because what the corpse tyrant hates the most is these two dark warriors hugging her feet tightly. If it weren't for these two dark warriors hugging her feet tightly at the last moment, he would She will not be caught in the marble door that has been getting tighter this month. She knows that she can't escape. If she doesn't have enough strength to block the marble door, even if she wants to die, she must kill these two dark warriors who pushed her to death.

At this time, Gui Wu couldn't bear to see the corpse tyrant killing the two dark warriors who were holding her feet tightly. If he didn't do this, the corpse tyrant would escape, and they would All the efforts would be in vain, if this murderous corpse tyrant was allowed to go back and help the boss deal with Lin Hua.

Lin Hua would die if it didn't work out, so he had no choice but to do this.

Soon, the trapped corpse tyrant was crushed to death by the marble door, leaving behind black blood all over the place, and an extraordinary fifth-order heterogeneous core!

Zombie Slayer and Ghost Dance ran back without delay and went to help Lin Hua.

But Lin Hua's battle here was completely one-sided. Lin Hua and her supernatural body were beaten to death. In the end, Lin Hua's supernatural body was completely broken, and because Lin Hua's supernatural body was killed, All of Lin Hua's abilities in the supernatural body dissipated.Nothing returned to her body.

At this time, Lin Hua had already arrived at the Marble Gate.He hasn't asked Beibei to close the door yet, because Lin Hua found out during the battle with this corpse tyrant that this corpse tyrant is not that simple.

This corpse tyrant is very intelligent, so he is waiting, waiting until the corpse tyrant knocks himself back once, she is letting Beibei close the door, and then let Beibei close the door.Release the ice wall by yourself to block him instantly, so that the marble door can crush the corpse tyrant to death.

Boom, Lin Hua was knocked into the air, but at this moment, Lin Hua yelled "Close the door" and then used the ice shifting phantom to knock Lin Hua into the air again, and appeared in front of the corpse tyrant again.

And after hearing Lin Hua's words, Bei Bei, who was on the side, couldn't wait and jumped directly onto the floor of the organ.

"Coax" the door was about to close slowly, Lin Hua didn't dodge, and neither did the corpse tyrant, although she knew that the door was about to close, but he believed that with his strength, he could resist it, or It is possible to destroy this gate, so he is not afraid at all.

Lin Hua, who was on the opposite side, saw that the murderous corpse tyrant had no intention of avoiding him and felt very unsafe!Because this murderous tyrant, Yue, is calm, the more uneasy he is!

With a bang, Lin Hua was sent flying again, but this time Lin Hua did not use the Ice Shifting Phantom to go back to the marble door that was still two people away from closing, but used the Ice Shifting Phantom to appear directly in the middle of the marble door The position of the first ten meters.At this time, Li Jie and the others had already returned, and they were all watching the battle at Beibei's place.

Lin Hua didn't look at Li Jie and the others, but swung the Eight Strange Cold Sword in his hand and released his most powerful blow, the Frost Profound Slash, at the murderous corpse tyrant who was walking step by step towards the marble door.

The huge ice slashed towards the corpse tyrant, and the corpse tyrant stopped when he saw the huge ice sword that was slashing towards him.

Lin Hua felt even more uneasy when she saw the actions of this murderous tyrant.

"Crack" the huge ice giant sword hit the head of the corpse tyrant, and it was completely shattered. Several people watched the change of the corpse tyrant closely at this time, but the marble floor sank Some, and nothing happened to him.

"Is this a joke? How could her defense be so strong?" Li Jie shouted in surprise.

At this time, several people saw such a scene, they were completely hit by Lin Hua's full-strength Ice Profound Slash, and they didn't dodge at all, so nothing happened.Lin Hua was surprised, but because he knew her terrifying defensive power after fighting this powerful corpse tyrant, he didn't act like Li Jie and the others!
What we have to wait now is whether this marble door can crush the most powerful corpse tyrant to death.

Although I saw that Li Jie and the zombie slayer Wu Yu had returned safely, and knew that they had already killed those two corpse tyrants with their own ideas, would the same trick work against this one? , Lin Hua's heart was particularly uncertain, and her heart became more and more uneasy. Lin Hua thought about it for a long time and didn't know what was going on.

When the corpse tyrant saw the expression of Li Jie and the others, his shriveled face actually trembled a little, maybe it was a mockery of Li Jie and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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