Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 473 The last one

Chapter 473 The last one

The big stone gate had completely clamped the corpse tyrant's body at this time, but the marble gate did not continue to make the sound of slowly approaching, Xue Wu directly released it on the corpse tyrant, his skills burned in pain, the egg-sized little The fireball quickly rushed towards the corpse tyrant caught in the marble door.

Just when the small fireball the size of an egg was about to attack the corpse tyrant's body, the corpse tyrant slapped it back fiercely with his hand, and the small fireball shattered like an egg, and then the All the flames shattered by the small fireball were extinguished.

And the hand of the corpse tyrant who smashed the painful flame the size of an egg did not leave a trace, and it has not yet caught fire.

Xue Wu was completely shocked at this time, how powerful this corpse tyrant must be, he is not at the same level as the corpse tyrant who was burned just now!Smash the painful flame at once, and there is no fire after being hit!There is only one reasonable imagination that this murderous corpse tyrant is too powerful.

However, several people saw that the corpse tyrant was firmly clamped, so they were no longer worried!Since he was trapped, sooner or later the doors will all be closed, and then he will be trapped to death.

"Sister Xuewu didn't catch fire," Li Jie said, because he saw the burning pain just now, and it could ignite that murderous tyrant's, but why couldn't this one.

Xuewu knew the meaning of her words and said, "He is too powerful, he is not comparable to the one that was burned to death just now."

"Boss, why don't you take out some gasoline and burn her to death?" Li Jie said.

At this time, Lin Hua completely ignored what Li Jie and the others said, because he felt even more uneasy in his heart. Why was he uneasy? Now that this murderous corpse tyrant has been controlled by Shimen, why is he still uneasy.

Wait, now that the corpse tyrant has been controlled by Shimen, why is he looking at us so calmly at this moment, isn't it?Lin Hua didn't dare to think about it at all when she thought about it.

At this time, the corpse tyrant was looking at Lin Hua who was frowning tightly against him with great interest, and his shriveled face kept twitching, not like laughing, but more like laughing, maybe It must be that he has been a corpse tyrant for too long, he can't laugh at all, Lin Hua no longer thinks about it after seeing this.

"Run!" Lin Hua suddenly shouted loudly.

Then Lin Hua turned around and ran to the back. After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people were confused for a while. Isn't the boss crazy? This murderous corpse tyrant has been controlled, why let them run away?

But when they saw that Lin Hua's posture of turning around and about to run was not fake at all, they turned around and ran back without thinking.

At this time, the murderous corpse tyrant who was firmly controlled by the marble door saw Lin Hua and the others running away, so he couldn't help letting out a particularly long roar.Because he couldn't bear the fact that his prey just slipped away under his nose.

"Bang bang!" The corpse tyrant punched two large stone doors with two rounds, and the marble door was smashed into pieces.Then her controlled body ran out, chasing Lin Hua and the others directly. In fact, the corpse tyrant just now could come out like this, but he probably hasn't seen a human being for a long time!
Especially I like to see Li Jie and his shocked expressions, that's why he didn't go out directly just now.But when he saw Lin Hua and the others turned around and ran away, he couldn't bear it anymore. If he didn't chase after her, the humans in front of him might slip away in her hands.

Li Jie and the others, who had just run out not far away, heard the sound of the marble door being smashed just now, and understood why Lin Hua let them run just now. Lin Hua knew that the marble door could not control this murderous tyrant, so he let everyone run.

"Boss, what should we do now? Although this tyrant may not be able to catch up with us who are running, but she keeps chasing us like this, we are tired, and the speed drops and we will be chased in the end," Li Jie said.

"Yes, boss, shall we find a way to kill it?" Gu Tian said.

"How did you kill those two corpse tyrants just now?" Lin Hua asked Ghost Dance and the others while running.

Then Ghost Dance and the others said all the important things about their battle just now.

After hearing this, Lin Hua knew that the marble door could not defeat the most powerful corpse tyrant behind him, because his power was too strong, and he could crush the heavy and hard marble door, so This trick can't be used.

"Try burning it with fire," Xuewu said.

"The corpse tyrant we killed belonged to the one that was burnt a lot and was pinched to death," Li Jie said.

Lin Hua thought for a while, but now she couldn't run towards the underground entrance, because she wasn't sure if there were any zombies hiding in the door.And there was such a powerful corpse tyrant chasing after him.

"Then burn it with fire, and add the grenade to see just how powerful this incomparably powerful tyrant is," Lin Hua said, because at this moment, the few people really had no other choice, they couldn't run outside, And the murderous corpse tyrant behind him has been pursuing him relentlessly!

So this method can only be tried.There is only one way, and that is the way we go to the central tomb. I will use the ice-moving phantom to take Li Jie and Gu Tian to prepare first.

After speaking, Lin Hua directly released the skill Ice Bind, and then grabbed a person with one hand and rushed forward. Originally, Lin Hua's ice-moving phantom could not replace a person, but since he upgraded to the fifth level of extraordinary, he once used ice-moving The phantom actually took Xiao Beibei away.

Then she tried to treat others, but she didn't expect it to be okay, but she could only bring two people at most, and the power consumption was quite a lot.

Soon Lin Hua took Li Jie and Gu Tian and they disappeared from the sight of the corpse tyrant.

"Ho Ho Ho" the corpse tyrant became even more angry when he saw this situation, and accelerated his pace of pursuit, but no matter how fast he speeded up, he still had some distance from the running Ghost Dance and the others.However, he believed that the few people running in front would be exhausted when they reached the limit, and then everyone would be unable to run away and would be eaten by himself.

About ten minutes later, Lin Hua and the others came to the central tomb, and they saw that the marble door that controlled the corpse tyrant just now had been completely smashed.

"This corpse tyrant is too powerful. Even if I use this kind of door to break the shield and open it with all my skills, it is impossible to cause her such damage." Li Jie said, staring at the people crushed by the corpse tyrant.

"Boss, what are we doing here?" Gu Tian asked.

(End of this chapter)

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