Chapter 474 Burn it

Without saying a word, Lin Hua took out five boxes of grenades and hand grenades, and put them all in the shattered marble door. Then, he took out more than 30 barrels of gasoline and almost spilled the entire central tomb. Much was also scattered outside the broken marble head door.

Then the few of them waited for Xuewu and the others to come over.At this time, Lin Hua's heart was completely uncertain, and she didn't know if this would kill the corpse tyrant, because the corpse tyrant was really too powerful for that kind of defense.

His full-strength blow to the head at the fifth level of extraordinary power didn't pierce her defense. I really didn't know that these grenades could kill her.If this move can't eliminate this murderous corpse tyrant, they might really die here.

Because they couldn't beat the Corpse Tyrant face to face, even though there were many people on his side, they couldn't break the Corpse Tyrant's defense.It will cause no harm to him at all. If we talk about running, even if there are no zombies at the underground entrance, they will still be chased by this vicious corpse tyrant if they run out. to face him.They won't get out of here alive until they kill that murderous corpse tyrant.

"Boss, what if this method still can't kill him," Li Jie asked.

"I have no other choice for the time being," Lin Hua said.

"I believe that this murderous corpse tyrant will definitely be killed." Gu Tian said, although it was a comforting word, but Lin Hua and the others were very happy after hearing it.

"Maybe, if I can't kill her this time, I'm thinking of another way," Lin Hua said.

"That's right, people come up with the solution, so many of us still can't figure out a way to deal with a murderous tyrant," Li Jie said.

"That's right, that's right, three cobblers are worth one Zhuge Liang," Gu Tian said, and the three of them laughed loudly after Gu Tian finished speaking.

But whether they can kill the corpse tyrant this time, they will work hard, because if the corpse tyrant does not die, they will die.

Soon several people heard the sound of running, and the three of them got up at this time, because Lin Hua and the others knew that Xuewu and the others had come running over, so the murderous tyrant must not be very far away.

"Boss, are you ready?" Beibei said.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you to come," Lin Hua said when she saw the little monkey Beibei running in the front.

Then Lin Hua and the three of them also joined the fleeing queue.And the murderous tyrant chasing after them saw Lin Hua's appearance, couldn't help being strong, and twitched once, probably because he was very happy, the three humans who ran away came back again!
Several people slowly passed the minefield near the broken marble door!They were about [-] meters away from the corpse tyrant. When Lin Hua and the others passed through the minefield, the corpse tyrant had already arrived at the important tomb full of gasoline.

At this time, there is already more than ten centimeters of gasoline on the ground. Although the corpse tyrant asked about some special smells, it may be because of his predecessors. He has never seen gasoline, and thought that those things on the ground might be water. He didn't take it seriously, and continued to pursue Lin Hua and the others.

And when Lin Hua and the others passed the minefield about [-] meters away, they saw that the corpse tyrant was approaching the Marble Gate minefield.

"Xuewu" Lin Hua turned her head and said to Xuewu.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Xuewu released five rockets towards the gasoline not far behind.In an instant, the gasoline on the ground was ignited!Lin Hua directly released the skill ice wall on them to separate the fire area from them far away!
Then a few people ran towards the underground exit, because they didn't know whether the underground passage could withstand the blasting power of those grenades. If he didn't die at the hands of that murderous corpse tyrant, he would have died on these collapsing rubble.

The gasoline that had just been ignited rushed towards the central tomb like a big fire snake, and the murderous corpse tyrant saw that there was a big fire in front of him. Although he was unwilling to eat those few people, but The fire in front was too great, and he had no choice but to back away.

When the corpse tyrant hadn't taken many steps back, the big fire snake in front had already arrived in front of her, and the vicinity of the corpse tyrant was full of grenades, and there were five boxes!
Due to the high temperature of the flame, the grenade was detonated in an instant. The five boxes of grenades detonated at the same time with great power, and the underground passage was blown up in chaos!
But fortunately, the bottom line channel is very strong. After such a powerful blast, it just shook for a while and then returned to calm!

After Lin Hua and the others heard the sound of the explosion, they saw that the inside hadn't collapsed, so they stood up and looked behind.

Lin Hua and the others saw that the underground passage was very strong and did not collapse due to the explosion of the five boxes of grenades, so they did not leave, but watched the situation at the marble door from a distance.

But at this moment, there was already a sea of ​​flames at the Marble Gate. The so-called observation was just to see if the most powerful corpse tyrant continued to chase them. If not, the corpse tyrant might have been killed.

The corpse tyrant was not killed by the explosion of those grenades, but was thrown to the ground viciously. The gasoline on the ground was all over his body. At this time, his whole body was already in flames. I don't know where to run. After being blown away, I can't tell the direction. I can only go back and forth. I want to get out of the burning area quickly. If this continues, he will be burned to death.But no matter where he ran, there was a sea of ​​flames, and he didn't get out after running for a long time. There was more or less gasoline in those gasoline barrels. Lin Hua and the others did this on purpose, because there were gasoline barrels After the high temperature, there will be an explosion. In this way, the corpse tyrant who was already on fire was blown to the ground several times, and the gasoline on his body is also increasing, and the flames are burning more and more intensely.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" they heard the roar of the murderous corpse tyrant coming from the sea of ​​flames, what they heard was quite frightening, it can be described as horrific.

"It seems that the blasting power of these grenades didn't kill the Corpse Tyrant directly," Li Jie said when he heard the Corpse Tyrant's roar.

(End of this chapter)

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