Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 475 Epic heterocore

Chapter 475 Epic heterocore
"Although he was not killed by the explosion, but he hasn't come out for such a long time, he might be burned to death by the fire. A fierce corpse tyrant with a strong defense like them is especially afraid of fire. This fire will definitely burn him to death." The sky stared at the sea of ​​fire ahead and said

Lin Hua kept staring at the sea of ​​flames and didn't speak a word, and didn't know what he was thinking at this moment.

"Boss, what are you thinking? You don't talk at all?" Beibei found out that Lin Hua hadn't spoken for a long time, and asked Lin Hua.

Hearing Beibei's question, Lin Hua came back to his senses, "I didn't think about it, this Abyss of Eternal Night is really dangerous, it's just the outside, and I have encountered such a powerful monster, and I don't know what's inside. , what kind of monsters will you encounter?”

Lin Hua was fascinated just now because he was thinking that a few of them almost died here today. Although it was quite dangerous before, they didn't feel that they were on the verge of death at all, but meeting these three murderous tyrants today really made Lin Hua Hua realized what it meant to be on the verge of death, especially her attack did not pose any danger to the most powerful corpse tyrant at all. In the final analysis, all this was caused by her lack of strength, I must seize the time to improve my strength, otherwise, they really don't know if they will have such good luck next time.

"Bang bang!" From time to time, there would be the sound of some oil drums exploding in the sea of ​​flames, but the corpse tyrant stopped making any sound after roaring for a long time just now, probably because he was burned to death.But Lin Hua and the others didn't go in to have a look. Instead, they were waiting for the fire to burn out.

"Boss, I have an idea. I plan to give the alien core we hunted to one person first, that is you, and raise the level up. Then we can face these zombies or monsters more calmly." Xue Wu Said to Lin Hua.

"I feel that what sister Xuewu said is not wrong. The boss is now the strongest among us. After your strength improves, you can quickly kill zombies. If you give it to us, everyone's level can also be greatly improved. Hurry up." After hearing Xue Wu's words, Gui Wu felt that Xue Wu was right, and then said to Lin Hua.

After that, Li Jie and Zombie Slayer also expressed their opinions one after another.After hearing what they said, Lin Hua knew that what happened today was a big blow to them, but he gave himself all the different cores and raised his level. Although it is said that he can face stronger monsters, the strength of the few of them If there is no improvement, the strength of this small team will not increase too much. This is not an era of single-handedly, but an era of teams.

"There is no need to do this for the time being. It is very difficult to meet this type of corpse tyrant again. Now it is not a matter of raising a person's level, but everyone's level is raised together. Now I ask whether it is a group to make fire. Do you understand, let me get rid of such thoughts from now on?" Lin Hua directly vetoed their ideas.

In this way, the fire burned for almost an hour before the gasoline was burned out, because the inside was all marble, and everything except the gasoline and the three coffins was combustible, so the fire did not burn for too long.

Lin Hua and the others saw that the fire was already quite small, and it was getting smaller and smaller. A few of them were going to see if the murderous corpse tyrant had been completely burned to death, and to collect those who were killed by the three murderous tyrants. The alien core of the extraordinary level zombie killed by the corpse tyrant.

"Boss, it's been such a long time, the corpse tyrant should be burned to death," said Li Jie who was approaching the marble door.

"With such a big fire and burning for such a long time, the corpse tyrant should be burned to death." Lin Hua said, because her anxiety was gone, which meant that the most powerful corpse tyrant had been killed. up.

Then a few people came to the central tomb. At this time, the coffins in the central tomb and the corpses of the zombies everywhere had been burned away, leaving only the yellowed marble walls, and the corpse of the tyrant could not be seen at all. shadow!

"Clean up the heterogeneous core, everyone be careful in case that murderous tyrant doesn't die and come to sneak attack" Lin Hua said to the girls, and after they finished talking, they started to pick up the ones on the ground and burned the only one that was born. heteronuclear.

"What is that thing that has a faint golden light?" Beibei pointed to the little golden ball inside the pile of ashes and said, and then Beibei quickly took out the little ball!
"Maybe it's the alien core of the corpse tyrant, all epic-level alien cores are like this," Lin Hua said when he saw the golden ball in Beibei's hand.

"You can keep this for eating, it should be enough for you to advance to a second level," Lin Hua said to Beibei.

And Beibei couldn't be happier after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Boss, all the alien cores are of the extraordinary level, a total of 260 eight, one of the epic alien cores," Li Jie said after collecting the alien cores.

Lin Hua divided all the different cores. Gu Tian, ​​Li Jie, and Bei Bei had more different cores, because they are currently at a lower level, so we need to raise their levels first.

That night, Lin Hua and the others did not go out of the underground passage, but rested in it!Since today's alien cores are more acquired, Gutian and Li Jie have successfully reached the fourth level of extraordinary strength, and Beibei has also rushed to the third level of extraordinary. The level of the rest has not increased, but the physical abilities are all It has increased a lot.

But Gu Tian learned a new skill as his level increased, that is, he could summon a larger mutant tiger eagle whose strength was only at the level of Amethyst, but it could take people flying. For the time being, due to the level, it could only be Summon one.

"Boss, after we go out tomorrow, should we continue to go deep or go outside here to hunt for heterocores?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua, because Lin Hua once said that after their level was raised, they continued to go inward. However, due to what happened today, I suddenly met the tyrant of the corpse, so I asked Lin Hua.

"Take it outside for a few more days, and don't rush it for a while. The monsters inside the Abyss of Eternal Night are very powerful, and they are not easy to hunt and kill," Lin Hua said. I have a special feeling, that is the feeling of powerlessness, that is the gap in strength. If I continue to move towards the interior of the Abyss of Eternal Night with my current strength, I really don't know if I can deal with such a powerful monster.

Several people also knew why Lin Hua suddenly changed, and they stopped talking about this topic!

In the early morning of the next day, a few people ate some food and began to walk towards the underground entrance, but fortunately, there were no zombies blocking the underground entrance at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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