Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 481 The Ice Dragon of the Ice Mystery

Chapter 481 The Ice Dragon of the Ice Mystery

Lin Hua thought for a while, the ice dragon just now could smash the iceberg, but why can't the ice dragon he created!
Lin Hua sat cross-legged directly on top of the ice dragon, controlling the ice dragon to hit the iceberg.

There was a clear "pop", and Lin Hua, who was sitting on the ice dragon, moved a little, but did not fall.And the iceberg that hit just now fell a lot of ice crumbs.And the ice dragon didn't have the slightest damage.

"Pa, papa" Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon again and again, hitting the iceberg three times in a row, when Lin Hua hit the iceberg for the fourth time. With a bang, the iceberg was smashed directly by Lin Hua, and the tall iceberg that was originally in front of Lin Hua's eyes was smashed by the ice dragon in an instant.

At this moment, Lin Hua was very happy. It seemed that the ice dragon he had created had almost the same power as the ice dragon that disappeared just now.This skill doesn't have a name yet.

What should it be called? At this time, countless names flashed in Lin Hua's mind, but in the end Lin Hua decided on a name, that is, the Ice Dragon of the Ice Mystery.

"You will be called Binglong from now on." Lin Hua patted Binglong's head.And this ice dragon seemed to have its own intelligence, let out a dragon roar, and then spit out a few cold currents from the ice dragon's mouth.

Seeing that the ice dragon can stand out from the cold, Lin Hua made a bold guess that the ice dragon he created might be able to release skills.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua no longer controls the ice dragon, but lets the ice dragon play by itself.

However, Lin Hua was a little disappointed. This ice dragon only released cold currents, and the distance was not very far, only about [-] meters away.But Lin Hua was no longer disappointed. Although this ice dragon didn't have many skills, he could deal with many high-level monsters with his strength.

Then Lin Hua stopped studying the ice dragon and began to study her own skills. The biggest change was the clone of the skill Ice Mystery. At this time, Lin Hua could create two supernatural beings, Lin Hua.That is to say, Lin Hua's combat effectiveness has once again been greatly improved, but after releasing two supernatural powers, the supernatural energy consumption of physical fitness is huge.

However, as the level increased, Lin Hua's physical abilities also increased a lot.Now with three Lin Huas, the ability can last for about [-] points.

These two abilities are still the same as before, and they cannot release the skills of Ice Mystery Clone and Ice Mystery of Rebirth, but this time, they have added a skill that is Ice Dragon of Ice Mystery.

Lin Hua knew that only after she had acquired new skills could she come to this space full of ice attribute abilities.Lin Hua once tried to come to this space full of ice attribute abilities, but failed several times!

So Lin Hua planned to use up all of her abilities here before going out.Otherwise, I don't know how long it will be before it comes here again.

At this time, Lin Hua had been here for more than five hours.

But Li Jie and the others saw that Lin Hua hadn't woken up for a long time, and they became anxious, because Lin Hua's breakthrough was only two hours at most, but this time, five hours passed and he still hadn't woken up. Come here so several people are more worried.

In the enclosed space full of ice-attribute abilities, Lin Hua released the last skill, Frost Mystery Slash.Slowly exit this closed space.

"Boss, you're awake!" Bei Bei was the first to shout after seeing Lin Hua awake.

"Boss, you actually spent six hours this time."

"Boss, have you made a breakthrough? How do you feel?"

"Boss, break through to Epic, do you have any new skills?"

Lin Hua knew that it took her a long time this time, so she thought that the rest of the people had already rested.

But just as Lin Hua opened her eyes, she knew that her thoughts just now were wrong. They didn't take a rest, they were all waiting for her to see if her breakthrough was successful.

Lin Hua told everyone what happened just now, but no one let Lin Hua release her skills for everyone to see, because Lin Hua said that she left that space after she exhausted all her abilities.

"Here, we don't have to be too scared if we go inside the Abyss of Eternal Night, the boss is already at the epic level now," Li Jie said.

"Yeah, boss, wait for your abilities to recover, get the ice dragon out and let him take me to the Flying Club to have fun," Beibei said.

"Bei Bei, didn't I let Tiger Eagle take you to the sky?" Gu Tian said, because Bei Bei insisted on going to the sky to have a look for the last two days, so Gu Tian had to take Bei Bei to fly around the sky.

"The tiger eagle is too small, and the big ice dragon is so big, how domineering it flies." Beibei said, patting his small chest, as if it was the ice dragon he summoned.

And several people were amused by Beibei's actions and laughed.

"By the way, the boss had a mutated dog just now. After approaching us, it quickly retreated, as if it was going back to report a letter," Xuewu said.

"You were breaking through just now, so we didn't chase after you," Heisha said.

At this time, Lin Hua had a particularly bad feeling after hearing the words of several people, probably because the environment here was too weird, there were mutant dogs everywhere, and there were no monsters.What happened to Ghost Vine was the same.

"Half the people tonight, one shift," Lin Hua said to several people.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people also felt that their current situation should be very dangerous.

At this time, in a huge cave hundreds of miles away from Lin Hua and the others, there was a huge mutant dog with three heads, but the huge dog had a snake's tail on its body.Of the three heads, only the one in the middle has eyes, and the rest of the heads have no eyes, but the mouth is so big that Yixi can see the sharp teeth in the bloody mouth.

His two pairs of eyes are red, even redder than Xian Zong, and his eyes are full of killing and cruelty. This is the most ferocious three-headed hell dog in the legend.Legend has it that she is a monster from hell, especially bloodthirsty, likes to eat people, and is especially cruel, draining the blood of human beings first, and then eating people, he is the three-headed hell dog Kerr from hell Boros.

At this time, she was listening to the report of a mutant dog that had just returned. This mutant dog was the same mutant dog that had just run back from Lin Hua and the others.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" when the hell three-headed dog heard the mutant dog's report, the head in the middle roared like a beast.

"Brother, this time there are seven humans and one monkey, how do we divide the three?" said the head on the left.

(End of this chapter)

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