Chapter 482 Cerberus
"Yeah, brother, we haven't eaten human beings for almost a year. You ate six people yourself in the last chapter, and the two of us only got nine. You must give us two more this time." said the dog head.

At this time, the head of the dog that just roared in the middle thought for a while and said, "This time I will eat three people and one monkey, how about two or four of you?"

"Okay, who told you to be the big brother?" said the head on the right.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others didn't know that the three heads of the three-headed hellhound had separated several of them.

The three-headed hellhound is actually a body, but it has three heads. The food that their heads eat is finally digested by the body.The fire attack on the left of his three heads, the ice attack on the right, and the one in the middle without any attack is just the attack that controls the two heads.

"Boss, should we go there now, or wait for them to come?" asked the head on the left side of the Hell Three-Headed Dog.

"Wait for them, if they change direction on the way, it will be difficult to escape. I plan that the three of us will go there now," said the head in the middle.

"Okay, I agree with the big brother's method" said the head on the right side of the three-headed dog.

"Brother, should we inform the higher-ups this time, after all, we can't beat him anymore," said the head on the right.

"Hehe, what's the matter if we can't beat it, when we break through to the second level of the epic, it will be his death day," said the head in the middle of the hell three-headed dog.

"Yeah, Karl, the old zombie, has ruled. How long has it been in the Abyss of Eternal Night? It's time to change people," said the head on the left.

"We won't report him this time," said the middle head.

At this time, in a palace in the deepest part of the Abyss of Eternal Night, there sat a human being wearing a golden suit that a king would wear and a yellow crown on his head.He is the ruler of the Abyss of Eternal Night. Death God Karl is the name he gave himself. In fact, he is a zombie, and he is the most powerful zombie in the [-]th district. He is the one who attacked the city in the [-]th district. Single-handedly planned.He is the strong man who turned the zombie king into a zombie. To be honest, he is the king in the eighteen districts.

And on both sides below him stood more than 40 zombies. These zombies were all very high-level, most of them were of the fifth level of extraordinary strength, and some were of the first level of epic.At this moment, they were listening to a report from the bottom zombie.

"Wang, according to the information report back, there are now two groups of people walking inside the Abyss of Eternal Night. There are more than 30 people in one group. They are within the area of ​​Ka Na, but La Na has been killed, and the other group has only seven people plus A monkey, he is in the Hell Three-Headed Dog, Cerberus area," a zombie of the fifth rank of extraordinary reported.

"Cerberus, didn't you send someone to notify you?" Death God Karl asked the extraordinary fifth-order zombie.

"My lord, it should be the three heads of hell. Cerberus is planning to take those people for himself, so he didn't pay back," said the extraordinary fifth-order zombie.

"Hehe, it seems that the three-headed bastard is about to break through, otherwise he wouldn't dare to do it, and they don't think about it, even if they are at the same level as me, he might beat me!" Death God Karl shouted loudly road.

"My king is invincible!" The zombies standing below knelt down and said after hearing Karl's words.

And Karl, the god of death above, saw the group of zombies kneeling down one after another. He especially liked this feeling, and he liked the feeling of ruling everything.

"By the way, Ka Na is already at the fifth level of extraordinary strength, how could he die?" Death God Karl said.

"In the team of more than 30 people, there was a man with a knife on his back who killed Ka Na," said the extraordinary fifth-level zombie.

Ka Na is a large snake-shaped zombie monster. After Long Aotian and the others separated from Lin Hua, they needed to go to Ka Na, a snake-shaped zombie monster. After a fierce battle, Long Aotian killed Ka Na, and then he ate it. Ka Na's heterocore then broke through to the strength of the epic level.

"It's interesting, there are actually people in our eighteenth district who have broken through to the extraordinary fifth level of strength, that's interesting," Death God Karl said.

"My lord, there is another news that the city lord of Xueyun City has also come to the Abyss of Eternal Night, but it is still not sure whether it is these two teams or not," said the extraordinary fifth-order zombie.

"Haha, it's getting more and more interesting. It's really interesting to be tired. Isn't it too whimsical to come and kill me at the extraordinary level?" Death God Karl said.

At this time, Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, led more than a dozen mutated dogs behind him, heading towards Lin Hua and the others, and the speed was particularly fast.

"Boss, I feel very quiet tonight," said Li Jie, who was standing guard.

"Well, being quiet makes me feel particularly dangerous, not a good feeling." Lin Hua looked at Xueyue at this time and said

"Why don't I feel this way? I'm quiet and I want to sleep," said Bei Bei, who was lying in Lin Hua's arms, and yawned after speaking.

Since Lin Hua said that half of the people work in one shift, so Lin Hua, Li Jie, Gutian, and Bei Bei are four in one shift.

"You are also at the third level of extraordinary power now, so you can't sleep," Gu Tian said when he saw Bei Bei wanting to sleep.

"Brother Gutian, please, I just yawned, so I didn't sleep," Beibei said.

"Boss, something is approaching us, and his aura is very strong, similar to yours" Beibei suddenly shouted

After Lin Hua heard Beibei's words, she immediately stood up and her aura was similar to her own. Isn't that the strength of the first level of Epic? It seems that this Eternal Night Abyss is really getting more and more dangerous. An epic monster.

Xuewu and the others were also called up.

"What's the matter, boss?" Wu Yu, the zombie slayer who just woke up, said.

"A monster is coming, and it's very powerful, its level is at least similar to that of the boss," Beibei said to the zombie slayer.

After hearing Beibei's words, Xuewu and the others did not feel sleepy for a few moments, because Beibei's words had already told them that the monster that came was very powerful and had reached the level of an epic.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the head on the left side of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus let out a long roar.

"Stop barking, the third one, and scare those humans away again," said the middle head of the three-headed dog Cerberus.

After Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, heard that Lin Hua and the others were scared away, the roar stopped abruptly, appearing to be very obedient.

At this time, Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, was running towards Lin Hua and the others quickly.

"Boss, what was the sound just now? It doesn't sound like a zombie, but it sounds like a dog barking," Beibei said.

(End of this chapter)

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