Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 483 One or Two

Chapter 483 Three or One

"Well, it should be the roar of the dog, because all the zombie dogs we met around here are mutant zombie dogs," Lin Hua said.

"They obviously came running after us, they couldn't run away," Lin Hua continued to say to several people.

"Boss, I feel it. It's not one powerful breath, it seems to be three, but the three breaths seem to be one." At this time, Cerberus, the hell three-headed dog, is getting closer and closer to Lin Hua and the others. Beibei's feeling Said more and more clearly.

"Three epic monsters, aren't they going to destroy us?" Li Jie said loudly after hearing Beibei's words.

"I'm not sure either. It's either three or one. This monster is very strange." Beibei frowned and said.

"It doesn't matter how many, because they are coming towards us. There is no way to avoid them. We can only face them. Either they will die or we will die." Lin Hua said slowly, without the slightest fear, because even fear Whether it is one or three epic level monsters to face, they must be defeated, otherwise, they will die.

But Li Jie and the others were not afraid after hearing Lin Hua's words. Lin Hua was right, either they died or we died.

"Here we come," Beibei pointed to Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog running towards them crazily.

Lin Hua and the others were staring closely at the three-headed hell dog Cerberus running over!

"What is this, a mutant dog with three heads?" Li Jie said when he saw the three-headed dog Cerberus.

"Yeah, why does the mutant dog have three heads, and it actually grows a snake's tail?" Ghost Dance said, staring at the tail of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus.

"It's no wonder that Beibei said that there are three breaths and one breath," Lin Hua said.

"Brother, those human beings seem to be waiting for us to go over and eat them," said the head on the left side of the three-headed hellhound

"The person holding the epee at the front is also at the epic level, so be careful not to underestimate the enemy later," said the middle head of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus.

"Don't worry, the boss who holds the epee will give it to me when he is tired," said the fire-attributed head on the left side of Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog.

Lin Hua and the others had never seen Cerberus, the three-headed dog, so they didn't know each other. Lin Hua stared at the three-headed dog closely. The one on the left of the head has the ice attribute ability, the one on the right has the fire attribute ability, and the one in the middle has no ability, but Lin Hua feels that the head in the middle is the scariest, because the heads on both sides have no eyes, and only the middle one has eyes. This head has eyes.

It seems that the head in the middle controls the two heads, but Lin Hua is particularly curious about the three-headed dog Cerberus, because the ice attribute and fire attribute abilities are two completely opposite attribute abilities, and The three heads use the same body, so how does the middle head control the two attribute abilities in the body!
Soon the hell three-headed dog Cerberus stopped running at a distance of more than ten meters from Lin Hua and the others, and behind the hell three-headed dog came more than a dozen mutant dogs of extraordinary level.

"Is this three or one?" Beibei looked at Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, and said.

Lin Hua didn't answer Bei Bei, because now Lin Hua couldn't tell how much it was.But Lin Hua felt a special danger!
The monster in front of him was extremely powerful.

"Ah, I remembered, she is the three-headed hell dog Cerberus," Ghost Dance said loudly.

"Haha, someone actually knows us." Ghost Wu said just as he landed on the left head of the three-headed dog Cerberus.

"What is the three-headed dog Cerberus, Miss Ghost Dance?" Beibei asked after hearing Ghost Dance.

"I heard that Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell, came from the endless abyss deep in hell. He has three heads, but one body, and he has one tail," Ghost Dance said.

"It's easy to deal with, do you know his weakness?" Li Jie asked.

"I don't know. I just saw it in ancient books. I didn't expect this kind of creature to really exist." Gui Wu said slowly. Gui Wu did see the three-headed dog Cerberus in the book. For Ross, there is only a superficial introduction, and the details are gone.

Lin Hua listened to Ghost Dance and their conversation, but he didn't speak, but just stared at Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, because he was too powerful, and he was afraid of being attacked suddenly.

"Boss, let's do it. I said I'll deal with the one holding the sword in front of me." After the three-headed hell dog Cerberus finished speaking, he released a huge flame directly at Lin Hua and the others.And the group of extraordinary-level mutated dogs behind saw Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, making a move, and rushed towards Lin Hua and the others!

And Lin Hua had been on guard against them for a long time, and directly released a huge wall of ice, blocking the huge flames that shot over.Then Lin Hua directly released the skill Ice Mysterious Slash at the three-headed dog Cerberus.

Everything happened in the midst of lightning and flint. With a bang, the huge ice giant sword that was slashing at Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell, was blocked. At this time, Cerberus, the three-headed dog of hell, A huge ice shield appeared on the body, completely resisting Lin Hua's skills.

"The second one is doing beautifully," said the head in the middle of the three-headed dog Cerberus, because just now when Lin Hua's ice giant sword was about to attack Cerberus, the three-headed dog Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, spit out a stream of cold from his mouth directly from the head of the ice attribute power on the right side, and then formed an ice shield, resisting Lin Hua's great ice sword.

At this time, the bloodthirsty mutated dogs in the back had rushed over, Lin Hua directly released the skill "Ice Dragon of Ice Mystery", and in front of the group of ice dragons, a dog about the size of the three-headed dog Cerberus appeared in front of the group of ice dragons. Big, more than ten meters ice dragon.

And the group of mutant dogs that rushed over did not continue to rush over, but stopped, staring at the ice dragon that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Wow, boss, this ice dragon is so mighty!" Beibei shouted loudly when she saw the ice dragon released by Lin Hua.

Li Jie and the others were also very surprised when they saw this ice dragon. They didn't expect this ice dragon to be so big, and they knew that this ice dragon was full of power just by looking at this ice dragon.

"Brother, the human in front of me doesn't seem so simple. That ice dragon gives me a sense of danger," said the second child on the right side of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus.

(End of this chapter)

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