Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 484 Information

Chapter 484 Information
"Well, since we are here, there is no turning back, and the strength of these people in front of us is not weak. After we eat them, we will be promoted by three levels. When the time comes, kill Karl, and then the Abyss of Eternal Night will not be too weak." It's ours, said the boss in the middle of the three-headed dog Cerberus.

At this moment, Lin Hua and the others had heard their conversation clearly, but they didn't know who Carl was.

"Are you in a hurry to do it?" After hearing their conversation, Lin Hua didn't understand many questions, so she directly said to Cerberus, the three-headed dog facing him.
"Old man, is this kid afraid of us and wants to surrender?" said the second child on the left side of the three-headed dog Cerberus.

"Idiot, if he wants to surrender, why summon the ice dragon?" said the second head on the right side of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus.

"Don't worry, what do you want to say?" The three-headed dog Cerberus ignored the conversation between the two heads.

Lin Hua didn't expect that the three-headed hell dog Cerberus on the opposite side would answer her own words, and then asked the question in her heart.

"Is Karl a zombie, and the most powerful zombie in the Abyss of Eternal Night?" Lin Hua asked directly.

"Yes, but even though he is the strongest now, after we eat all of you, I will reach the second level of Epic, and then this Abyss of Eternal Night will belong to our third brother." The three-headed dog Cerberus left said the head.

Lin Hua couldn't help being surprised when she heard that, because now they can say that they are not far from the deepest part of the Abyss of Eternal Night. The most powerful zombie is the second level of Epic, so the current self is not his opponent.

"Third, don't talk nonsense, it's not the time yet, if Karl finds out, it will be over," said the middle head of the three-headed dog Cerberus.

"What are you afraid of, boss, isn't it a matter of time?" said the third child on the left head of the three-headed dog Cerberus
"Third brother, brother is right, it's not the time yet, we can talk about it after we break through," said the second child on the right side of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus.

"Aren't these three heads sick? I've been completely confused." Li Jie said in a low voice, only a few people could hear

"By the way, it should be very close to the interior of the Abyss of Eternal Night now," Lin Hua continued.

"Well, it's not far from the deepest part of the Abyss of Eternal Night, but you have no chance to reach the deepest part of the Abyss of Eternal Night," said the boss in the middle of the three-headed dog Cerberus.

"Since you feel that you can kill us today, you might as well tell us a few more questions, and it won't waste much time." Lin Hua asked Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog.

"Brother, what are you doing with their ink, just eat it, don't waste your time," said the second child on the right side of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus.

"Second brother, what you said is wrong. That human has obviously crawled on us and is about to die. What's wrong with asking a few questions, right, brother?" said the third child on the left head of the three-headed hell dog Cerberus.

"The third one is right, and it's been a few minutes. Anyway, they can't escape. Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, said in the middle head.

And Lin Hua couldn't help but be delighted to hear the conversation of the three-headed hell dog Cerberus, who is a few weak heads.

I wonder if this hell three-headed dog Cerberus is obviously mentally handicapped!

"Is that zombie named Karl really the most powerful zombie in the Abyss of Eternal Night?" Lin Hua asked.

"Well, for the time being, but in the near future we will be the strongest," said the middle head of the three-headed dog Cerberus.

"Brother, you are wrong, not in the near future, but after tonight, we will be the strongest," said the third child on the left head of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus.

At this time, Li Jie and the others heard the head on the left side of the three-headed dog Cerberus and couldn't help laughing!

Lin Hua was also trying to hold back her laughter at this time, because he still wanted to ask for some more news!

And the hell three-headed dog Cerberus on the opposite side heard Li Jie and the others laughing and knew it was a joke, so he got angry at that time.

"Brother, you dare to laugh at us after eating them," said the third child on the left head of Cerberus, the hell three-headed dog, angrily.

And the remaining two heads rushed towards Lin Hua and the others before they could speak. At this time, they became very angry because of Li Jie's ridicule. His eyes were full of killing intent at this moment.

It seems that you can't wait to eat them directly.Seeing that they had already attacked, Lin Hua knew that it was impossible for him to extract any useful information from them.

He directly controlled the ice dragon and slammed into the three-headed hell dog Cerberus!At this time, Lin Hua didn't know whether the ice dragon could withstand the attack of the hell three-headed dog.

With a "bang", Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, was hit by the ice dragon and took a few steps back.

And the ice dragon was also knocked back a few steps, which shows that the power of the ice dragon can counter the power of the three-headed dog Cerberus.

"Wow, this ice dragon is so powerful, even this monster can resist it," Li Jie said casually.

"Yeah, the ice dragon is really powerful, isn't it also at the epic level?" Xue Wu said curiously.

And the three heads of the three-headed dog Cerberus, who was hit by the ice dragon, roared at the same time.

Because they didn't smash the ice dragon, they were very angry at this time.

And the dozen or so extraordinary-level mutant dogs behind the three-headed dog Cerberus rushed towards Lin Hua and the others after hearing the roar of the three-headed dog Cerberus.

Lin Hua took a look and found that the levels of these mutant dogs were not low. The four mutant dogs were of the fifth level of extraordinary, and the rest were of fourth or third level of extraordinary.

Lin Hua directly released the skill "Frost Mystery Slash" at the mutant dog of the fifth rank of Transcendent who was rushing to the front.

With a "bang", the huge ice giant sword directly killed this extraordinary fifth-order mutant dog, and the mutant dog didn't even make a sound.

Li Jie and the others also took out their weapons and rushed over.

The hell three-headed dog Cerberus saw that Lin Hua directly killed a mutated dog of the fifth rank, and became enraged. He rushed towards the ice dragon even more crazily, and opened his bloody mouth.

The head on the left released a huge flame at the ice dragon, but before it could attack the ice dragon, it was extinguished by the cold current from the ice dragon's mouth.

"Bang bang" Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, and the ice dragon are attacking each other frantically!

At this time, while Lin Hua was controlling the battle of the ice dragon, he was fighting with a mutant dog of the fifth rank.

(End of this chapter)

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