Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 485 1 Divided into 3

Chapter 485 Divided into three

The zombie slayer directly fought against the remaining two extraordinary fifth-level mutant dogs. Although there was some pressure, he could barely maintain it.If it is two ordinary extraordinary fifth-level zombies, it is nothing to Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, but these are two crazy mutant dogs. They are too different from zombies. Generally, zombies with higher levels will avoid attacks. , and these mutant dogs never dodge, just attack directly, head-to-head.

And the rest of the group of mutations were held back by Li Jie and the others. Beibei had already grown in size and his eyes were red. Lin Hua knew that he should activate his skills, and the mutant dogs fighting Beibei were crazy. , but he couldn't attack Beibei at all, because Beibei jumped on the mutant dog right now, and was about to use his sharp claws to stab the head of the mutant dog under his body.

Li Jie directly dealt with two extraordinary fourth-order mutant dogs.Gu Tian dealt with three mutant dogs, and the Dark King dealt with one.Xuewu's burning pain is particularly effective for mutant dogs, because those mutant dogs don't hide at all, seeing that two of their companions have died on the small fireball the size of an egg.Still keep attacking.

At this time, Lin Hua released the skill Ice Bind, and then an ice surface appeared near Lin Hua and this extraordinary fifth-level mutant dog.Then Lin Hua found a momentary gap, and directly used the ice-moving phantom skill to sneak attack on this extraordinary fifth-level mutant dog.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" after the fifth-order extraordinary dog ​​uttered its final roar, and died in Lin Hua's hands.

And the hell three-headed dog Cerberus, who was fighting the ice dragon, saw that several mutated dogs had died. He felt distressed and couldn't help but become even more angry.

"Brother, the beast on the opposite side has been pestering us all the time. If this continues, those below will all be dead," said the head on the right side of the three-headed dog Cerberus

"Yeah, big brother, why don't we split ourselves up and stay alone to deal with this beast, and the rest to deal with those people," said the third head on the left and right side of the three-headed hell dog Cerberus.

"Okay, then I'll stay and deal with this beast, which group of humans are you going to get rid of?" said the boss in the middle of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus.
"Bang" when the ice dragon and the three-headed dog Cerberus collided again, only to see that the body of the larger three-headed dog Cerberus began to slowly separate, divided into three part.

Although Lin Hua was fighting another extraordinary fifth-level mutant dog at this time, she was always watching the battle between the ice dragon and the hell three-headed dog Cerberus.

When he discovered that the hell three-headed dog Cerberus suddenly became three, he knew it was not good, so he directly released the clone of the skill Ice Mystery.

In an instant, two supernatural beings, Lin Hua, appeared beside Lin Hua. Lin Hua directly controlled the two supernatural beings, releasing the Ice Binding and the Black Ice Body Protector.

At this time, the three hell dogs Cerberus have been completely separated, and their size has become much smaller at this time.Not the middle one but the biggest.The three-headed hell dog Cerberus that was split out was just a little bigger than the normal mutant dog.

The left head and the right head of the three-headed hell dog Cerberus rushed towards the people on both sides, but neither of them succeeded in sneak attacking.

Because two supernatural beings, Lin Hua, appeared in an instant and blocked their way.

The third child of Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog on the left of "Looking for Death", directly released a flame attack on Lin Hua's supernatural body, and Lin Hua's supernatural body also released an ice wall to block it.

, the right head of the three-headed dog Cerberus was also blocked by Lin Hua's supernatural body. At this time, the two of them had already fought together.

At this time, the middle head of the hell three-headed dog Cerberus saw that the left and right heads were blocked after being separated, and couldn't help being even more angry.

It began to hit the ice dragon crazily.Lin Hua suddenly discovered that the head strength of the three-headed dog Cerberus Central had suddenly improved a lot!I knocked the ice dragon back several times, but he didn't move at all!

Why is this? After the three of them separated, their strength should have weakened. How could they suddenly become much stronger!

At this time, the left and right heads of the two hellish three-headed dogs Cerberus who are fighting with Lin Hua's supernatural body can't fight against the two supernatural bodies at all. Although they are both epic first-order strengths, compared to Lin Hua The strength of the two supernatural bodies is much weaker.

Lin Hua probably understood what was going on when she saw this. It should be that the boss among the three-headed dog Cerberus is the most powerful. The one with lower strength pulled up a little bit, and his own strength and ability decreased a bit. He was at his strongest when the three of them were separated.

The middle head of the current three-headed dog Cerberus should have reached the peak state of the first-order epic, and the ice dragon can hardly bear it at this time.

It is absolutely impossible to go on like this, Lin Hua couldn't help becoming anxious at this time, how would the three-headed dog Cerberus deal with the ice dragon when it was crushed.

"Awwhhhhhh" At this time, the left head of Cerberus, the three-headed dog with the lowest strength, was stabbed in the body by Lin Hua's supernatural body.

Lin Hua saw this and knew that there is a way now. Put these three together, then the strength of the three-headed dog Cerberusen will definitely decrease, and it will be easy to kill at that time, otherwise the most powerful hell dog is now The middle head of the three-headed dog Cerberus is simply not something to deal with.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua quickly eliminated the extraordinary fourth-order mutant dog who was fighting with him at this time, and then used the ice-moving phantom to go behind the third head of the three-headed dog Cerberus on the left side of the hell dog, and directly attacked , Baqi Hanjian pierced his abdomen.

"Oh, shameless human being, you actually sneaked up on me, I want to kill you!" Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, became even more frantic after being stabbed in the left head by Lin Hua's body. Just eat Lin Hua raw.

And the head of the three-headed dog Cerberus who was fighting the ice dragon, found that the three-headed dog Cerberus was occupying the head at this time, and two Lin Hua beat him, knowing that he would not be an opponent of!

Because he was afraid that the third child would be injured, he knocked back the ice dragon at once, and rushed towards Lin Hua and Lin Hua's supernatural body with his huge body.

Lin Hua knew that he had achieved his goal. It seemed that the three-headed dog Cerberus was afraid that his own head would be killed and came to fit him.If Lin Hua guessed correctly, without the right head, then Cerberus, the three-headed hell dog, should be the least powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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