Chapter 504 Chase

In an instant, three huge icy giant swords in the sky slashed towards Karl, the god of death, and when Karl saw Lin Hua's three icy giant swords slashing towards him, he snorted coldly and directly hid the magic weapon hidden in his staff. The sword was pulled out, it was a slender sword, and it was easy to feel that the sword was particularly brittle looking at the thinness of the sword.

Karl, the god of death, swung the slender sword directly, and stabbed at the three huge ice swords that were cutting towards him in the sky.

"Bang bang bang" the three great ice swords that were slashing towards Karl, the god of death, were shattered almost at the same time!Immediately afterwards, Karl, the god of death, quickly swung his slender sword and stabbed at me.

Karl, the god of death, was a little faster than the fastest Long Aotian that Lin Hua saw. Lin Hua directly released the skill Ice Bind, and then used the skill of Ice Shifting Phantom to run towards the direction of the south gate.

Because the strength of this god of death Karl is too strong, he is a mage with dark attributes, and he is also a powerful fighter.

Especially at that moment just now, she shattered the attack of the three ice giant swords. What a powerful force and speed it took, it was done almost instantly.

"You want to run away just because you angered me?" At this time, the voice of Karl, the god of death, sounded from behind Lin Hua.

Although the speed of the old zombie Karl, the god of death, is very fast, Lin Hua deliberately slowed down the speed of Ice Shifting Phantom. If Lin Hua wanted to get rid of her, he would have already done so. When disappearing and appearing, they deliberately stopped for a while, so that the distance between Lin Hua and Karl, the god of death, would not be so far away.

And Long Aotian and the others are outside the south gate at this time, because they heard the voice when Lin Hua attacked the city just now, and they knew that it was Lin Hua who came to attack the city of the corpse king, and they planned to wait for Lin Hua to fight against Karl, the god of death. When you die, you come here to pick up a ready-made one.

But Long Aotian didn't expect that Lin Hua would use the same method to deal with him this time.

"Leader, the person who came back to report just now said that Lin Hua rushed to the center of the corpse king city on the ice dragon at this time," said Liu Cai, the deputy leader of the Tianlong League.

"Okay, let's go again after the two of them have lost each other. This time, we will definitely not let Lin Hua run away again." At this time, Long Aotian's eyes were already full of killing intent when he said Lin Hua .

Long Aotian himself felt that Lin Hua had always been his opponent, so he always wanted to get rid of Lin Hua.As for Lin Hua, although he knew that Long Aotian was powerful, he never took Long Aotian seriously.

"Leader, the gang member who came back to report just now said that Lin Hua was the only one, and no one else was found," another deputy leader said.

"Leader, do you think everyone in Lin Hua has died, and then Lin Hua went crazy and went to seek revenge on Karl, the god of death?" Deputy leader Liu Cai said.

Long Aotian heard the words of the two of them and carefully analyzed their words. With Lin Hua's personality, if her companions were all dead, Lin Hua would definitely do this, but if it was not the case, then There is a possibility that Lin Hua must have some purpose of hers, thinking of this, Long Aotian couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Besides Lin Hua, have you found anyone else near Zombie City?" Long Aotian asked your two deputy leaders coldly.

"Leader, did you just discover Lin Hua just now?" Deputy leader Liu Cai said.

At this time, Long Aotian felt more and more uneasy, because she felt that Lin Hua was not an impulsive person at all, and she must be doing this for my purpose.

"Lin Hua, don't you know how to run, do you have the guts to fight this king?" Seeing that Lin Hua didn't fight him at all but kept running away, Death shouted loudly at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua was simply ignoring him, because Lin Hua knew that the more she ignored him, the more this god of death Karl wanted to kill him, so he would keep chasing after him. How could he ignore her now, let the god of death Karl find out the clues, when the time comes If he stopped chasing him, then his plan would fail.

At this time, Xuewu and the others were very anxious, because Lin Hua had been gone for a long time, and at first they could hear the sound of fighting in the city, but soon there was no sound of fighting, so they couldn't help but worry about Lin Hua. Get up, because they know that although Lin Hua has reached the second level of epic strength.

But they all know that the old zombie in the city, Karl, the god of death, has already reached the second level of the epic, otherwise the three-headed dog Cerberus, who is also the second level of the epic, would not have been seriously injured by Karl the god of death. Second half life.

"Sister Xuewu, the boss won't be hurt," Beibei said while she was in Xuewu's arms, blinking her eyes.

"Boss should be fine, because he never does anything he is not sure about." Xuewu thought for a while after hearing Beibei's words.

"Yeah, everyone, don't worry too much about the boss. Everything the boss said can be done, so don't worry." Gui Wu looked at the worried expressions on everyone's faces at this time, and then said everyone said.

However, the rest of the people were still very worried about Lin Hua after hearing what Xue Wu and Gui Wu said, because what Lin Hua had to face this time was Karl, the most powerful existence in the [-]th District. How could they not worry too!

At this time, Karl, the god of death, kept chasing Lin Hua behind Lin Hua. At the beginning, Karl, the god of death, decided not to chase him when he saw that he could not catch up with Lin Hua, but every time he wanted to give up, Seeing Lin Hua's mocking face towards her, he wished to kill Lin Hua.

"Be careful everyone, I feel two powerful auras coming towards us." Long Aotian said to the rest of the Tianlongmeng.

At this time, Long Aotian felt a deep sense of unease, because among the two powerful auras, one he was particularly familiar with was Lin Hua's aura!If I didn't guess wrong, another powerful aura should be Karl, the king of death in the corpse king city.

What are they going to do now that they are coming towards themselves? Could it be that Lin Hua wants to lure Death God Karl over, and wants me and Death God Karl to fight to the death first!
Long Aotian is the leader of Tianlongmeng. Although she has a very small heart, she has a very good mind.Thinking of these things, he yelled "back" to the members of the Tianlongmeng behind him.

Then Long Aotian retreated directly to the back, and the gang members of the Tianlong League obviously did not react after hearing Long Aotian's words, but when they saw Long Aotian retreating to the back, they all followed Long Aotian Aotian backed away.

(End of this chapter)

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