Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 505 Dog bites dog

Chapter 505 Dog bites dog

At this time, Lin Hua felt that Long Aotian's breath was receding towards the back, and couldn't help being shocked. This Long Aotian must have discovered himself, and then Lin Hua accelerated, but although the speed was accelerated, Lin Hua did not Increase the speed to the fastest, because he is afraid that he will get rid of Karl, the god of death, otherwise what he is doing now will be in vain.

Karl, the god of death, saw that Lin Hua's speed was increasing again, and the distance between him and himself was getting farther and farther. city"

Now Karl has nothing but anger. He is not reconciled if she doesn't chase Lin Hua now, and her current anger cannot be eliminated if she doesn't kill Lin Hua.

At this time, although Long Aotian and the others felt that Lin Hua and Karl the God of Death were rushing towards them, and the distance was getting closer and closer, they would catch up in a short time.

Long Aotian thought for a while and decided not to run away, and directly led the Tianlongmeng gang to wait for Lin Hua's arrival, because Long Aotian believed that Lin Hua would not cooperate with Death God Karl to kill him.

Lin Hua must have provoked Karl, the god of death, to lure him here on purpose, and let Karl, the god of death, come over to deal with him. When the time comes, he will explain the matter clearly, and he believes that Karl, the god of death, will not fight with him first.

Because Long Aotian was no longer running, soon Lin Hua and Death God Karl came to Long Aotian and the others.

At this time, Karl, the god of death, saw Long Aotian and the others and shouted loudly at Lin Hua, "Lin Hua, I didn't expect you to be so insidious. You brought me here because you want the two of you to work together to deal with this king. Are you really I feel that this king is so easy to deal with."

Lin Hua didn't pay any attention to Karl, the god of death. When Lin Hua saw that Long Aotian was not prepared to fight at all, he must have wanted to signal that Karl, the god of death, had no intention of fighting.

Lin Hua couldn't help but sneered and shouted loudly, "Leader Dragon, get rid of this old zombie first, I've consumed too much power, I'll reply some later and come to help you"

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she directly used the fastest speed of the Ice Phantom, raised the Ice Phantom to the extreme, and then disappeared very quickly.

And when Long Aotian was very angry after hearing Lin Hua's words, the already crazy Death God Karl behind Lin Hua's words would insist that he and Lin Hua were in the same group.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Karl, the god of death, thought for a while, and then saw Lin Hua disappearing quickly, and then decided that Long Aotian was with Lin Hua, and without saying a word, he immediately pulled out her weapon. The slender sword rushed towards Long Aotian.

At this moment, Long Aotian saw that the old zombie Death God Karl was about to attack him and couldn't help being shocked, "Reaper, I am not Lin Hua's accomplice, if he was his accomplice, how could he escape?"

Long Aotian wants to persuade the god of death Karl through his own persuasion.However, her wishful thinking was wrong. If the death god Karl heard Long Aotian's words under normal circumstances, he might think about it, but now the death god Karl has been completely enraged by Lin Hua, and he can't wait to eat Lin Hua immediately. birch.But seeing that Lin Hua had completely disappeared, how could he let Long Aotian and the others go!
In the end, Long Aotian saw that Karl, the god of death, didn't listen to him at all. Instead, he wanted to kill himself, and he didn't explain anything anymore. He directly fought with the god of death, and the god of death was followed by more than a hundred zombies. Long Aotian's scalp is already numb, and Karl, the god of death, is not something he can deal with.

Now there are so many sharp and tall zombies, this is the rhythm of being completely wiped out. At this time, Long Aotian has hated Lin Hua to death, because everything now is bestowed by Lin Hua, Long Aotian He secretly swore that if he didn't die today, then he would definitely not let Lin Hua go.

But after Lin Hua saw Long Aotian fighting with Death God Karl from a distance, he went back to Li Jie and the others. Lin Hua couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw that Long Aotian could resist Death God Karl. This Long Aotian's strength He knew that Long Aotian's strength was relatively strong, but what Lin Hua didn't expect was that Long Aotian's strength would be so strong that he was only a little behind Karl, the god of death.

At this time, Li Jie and the others were very worried about Lin Hua, but when they saw that Lin Hua had returned safely, they were no longer worried about Lin Hua. Lin Hua told Li Jie and the others what happened to him just now.

"It's really relieved this time, and Long Aotian deserves it. Who made him deal with us like this last time?" Li Jie said after hearing that Lin Hua led Death God Karl to Long Aotian, they fought.

"Yeah, who made Long Aotian belong to a villain first, this time he deserves it" Gu Tian then said.

"However, Long Aotian's strength is as strong as I thought, and he can still have the power to fight against Karl, the god of death," Gu Guiwu said.
At this time, after hearing Gui Wu's words, Lin Hua also admired the strength of Long Aotian, which should not be much different from his own. Because of the few hell three-headed dog Cerberus, he broke through to the second-level strength of the epic. And Long Aotian was not pulled down by himself, he also reached the second level of Epic, and it is not known whether he can seriously injure or kill Karl, the god of death.

"Yeah, Long Aotian's strength is improving really fast. The boss was promoted to the second level of the epic and he broke through to the second level of the epic after Karl, the god of death, seriously injured the three-headed dog Cerberus." Li Jie Said.

And Wang Xiaowu, who was listening to Lin Hua and their conversation, suddenly said, "Long Aotian should have let him eat all the different cores obtained by everyone, that's why his strength has improved so quickly. of"

"Yeah, Long Aotian didn't do this once or twice, this time her level has only been a few days, and she must be promoted by one level," said a former member of the Sky Alliance.

After Lin Hua and the others heard Wang Xiaowu said that Long Aotian ate all the other people's heterogeneous cores by himself, they were all covered in black lines. They didn't expect to be such a person!This made them know Long Aotian's personality better, and it can be said that Long Aotian is an out-and-out villain.

"Long Aotian does all kinds of things, and I don't know what you guys think. He still led the Tianlong League for such a long time before," Li Jie said. Lin Hua and the others also couldn't understand these former Tianlong League gang members. They have also heard about some things that Long Aotian has done together these days, and they really don't understand why these gangsters can endure until a few days ago.

After hearing what Li Jie said, those members of the Heavenly Dragon League couldn't help sighing, and then stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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