Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 508 Information of the World

Chapter 508 Information of the World

Because he has seen the king of the fifteenth district, although the difference is only two districts, but the king is much stronger than him, this is only the difference between the two districts, and he heard that the first five districts The strength of the king has reached a very terrifying level.

Lin Hua didn't have any refutation when she heard Karl's words, because what Karl said was the truth.

But even though Karl was telling the truth, Lin Hua would not give up his Xueyun City, no matter how powerful the enemy wanted to break through Xueyun City, they would step on Lin Hua's body.

"I know that my current strength may not be as good as yours, but I believe that after killing you this time, there will be enough time for me to improve my strength, and then I believe that my strength can meet the next zombie siege." Lin Hua said confidently.

Seeing Lin Hua who is so confident, Karl, the god of death, wondered why Lin Hua was so confident.But he doesn't think about these things anymore, because it will have nothing to do with him soon!Then he said.

"Although I died this time, there will be no large-scale zombie attack in the [-]th District for the time being, but after a year, the [-]th and [-]th Districts closest to here will be unified. At that time, what do you think? can you face it?"

Lin Hua didn't have the slightest fear after hearing his words, because he believed that as long as he gave himself enough time, he could improve his strength. No matter which area the zombies were from, as long as they dared to infect Xueyun City, Lin Hua would not agree with him.

"I want to learn more about zombies from you, or information about various regions of the world," Lin Hua said to Karl, the god of death.

Because the information Lin Hua got from the other zombies must not be as accurate as the confidence from Karl, the god of death, because she is the ruler of this area.

Death Karl thought for a long time after hearing Lin Hua's words, as if he was making a decision, but in the end he decided to tell Lin Hua, because she was about to leave this world, and the so-called zombie world would have nothing to do with her.

In fact, Karl, the god of death, really wanted to be a person, otherwise she would not be different from other zombies, no matter what she did, she would try to make herself more like a person.

He also doesn't want the world to be ruled by zombies and all human beings to be extinct.Maybe this confident human being in front of me can really do something to prevent the extinction of human beings, kill all powerful zombies, and protect human beings.

"Whatever you want to ask, I will tell you what I know," Death God Karl said slowly.

But none of Lin Hua and the others thought that Karl, the god of death, would actually behave like this.

"How often are the zombies attacking the city? Information about the districts ahead," Lin Hua said word by word.

"Zombie siege mainly depends on the number of zombies in this area. The time can't be too sure. It happens about once every half a year. I am the king of the eighteenth district. After I die, it will take a year at the earliest to have a new king or something else. The king of the district attacked, because the zombie kings of other districts need to unify their districts before they can attack those ununified districts," Death God Karl said.

Several people felt a little more joy after hearing the confirmation of Karl, the God of Death, because they still have to wait at least one year before facing the next zombie attack. In this year, they can build Xueyun City into a better It is not easy to be broken.

"The corpse emperor, what does the corpse god mean?" Lin Hua asked slowly.

"The zombie kings in the latter districts can be called kings, and the kings in the first five districts are called corpse emperors because of their strength, and the corpse god can be said to be the most powerful existence in the world. If you don't want to If this world is ruled by zombies, then God must be defeated, only in this way can human beings be qualified to survive in this world," Death God Karl said with a sigh.

Because Karl, the god of death, knew that this was basically impossible for Lin Hua. Not to mention the corpse gods, the corpse gods in the first five districts were simply not something he could deal with.

After hearing the words of Karl, the God of Death, Lin Hua finally understood the accurate information of this world.

The most powerful existence in this world is the corpse emperor in the first five districts, and the legendary corpse god.As long as they defeat them, the human beings will not be attacked by zombies. At this time, Lin Hua's eyes are full of fighting spirit.

Although he heard Karl, the god of death, say that their strength is too strong, Lin Hua is not afraid of their terrifying strength at all, but Lin Hua has finally found his way forward, and the ultimate direction is to eliminate the legendary corpse god That's it.

In the past, Lin Hua was just passively living or passively protecting others, without a clear goal at all, but today Lin Hua knew from the words of Karl, the god of death, that as long as he defeated the most powerful corpse god in the legend, he would eventually At that time, the human race in this world will not become extinct.

Karl, the god of death, was even more curious after seeing the raging fighting spirit in Lin Hua's eyes at this time, why he didn't hit him when he told her so many powerful beings, and made him more and more fighting spirit.

"By the way, let me tell you some bad news, that is, the first five districts have been unified, and there are no human beings alive, all of them are zombies, and when they are completely unified, they will help other districts to unify. In ten years time, this world will be completely destroyed by zombies," Karl said slowly.

Everyone, including Lin Hua, was shocked when they heard the words of Karl, the god of death. It was a terrible thing that the first five districts had completely become a world of zombies, and they were attacking other districts. In ten years, the whole world will be unified.

Could this world really be reduced to a world where only zombies exist, and humans are not allowed to survive at all? These thoughts are among everyone except Lin Hua.

Lin Hua knew that God gave him this chance of rebirth to change the world and prevent human beings from becoming extinct.

"Ten years should be enough for me. As long as I'm here, the world won't become a world of zombies," Lin Hua said confidently.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Karl, the god of death, didn't speak for a long time, then suddenly looked at Lin Hua and laughed, then slowly drew out his rapier, and said to Lin Hua, "There is a girl with dark attributes over there. I hope she can continue to use my weapon"

After Karl the God of Death finished speaking, he directly pierced his head with a rapier, and then fell directly to the ground.

Everyone didn't react, because who would have thought that the most powerful zombie in the [-]th district of Karl, the god of death, chose to commit suicide instead of struggling desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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