Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 509 The End of the Adventure

Chapter 509 The End of the Adventure
The death god Karl said before his death that he wanted Guiwu to use his weapon. In fact, if he didn't say anything, his dark staff with a rapier hidden in it would be given to Guiwu.

Seeing that Karl, the god of death, was completely dead, Lin Hua went over and pulled out the rapier that pierced the head, and used his eight strange cold sword to take out the different core of Karl, the god of death.

Then he gave the staff to Ghost Dance.After taking over this dark-attribute staff, Gui Wu especially likes it, because he is a dark-attribute supernatural being, and he has never had his own weapon, and the staff of Karl, the Death God, also has attribute bonuses. The main thing is that it is a dual-purpose weapon, and it can also be used for melee combat. Lin Hua has personally seen the power of the rapier for melee combat!
It just directly smashed the three ice giant swords.

"Boss, now that Death God Karl is dead, shall we continue to chase Long Aotian?" Li Jie said suddenly

At this time, everyone remembered that there was another Long Aotian who hadn't been killed. If Li Jie hadn't reminded him in time, none of them would have remembered Long Aotian.

However, the bloodstains of Lin Hua and the others in chasing Long Aotian were broken, and Long Aotian was more careful, knowing that the bloodstains would reveal his whereabouts, so he stopped the bleeding from his wound before leaving.

Long Aotian is currently hiding in a cave. He intends to heal his wounds before going out to seek revenge on Lin Hua, because his Tianlong League was wiped out because of this adventure of the Heavenly Space Gate, and the entire Sky League only Leaving him alone, Long Aotian is alone.

But after Lin Hua and the others saw that there was no trace of Long Aotian, they stopped chasing Long Aotian, because they didn't know where to go after her.

Then they collected the heterogeneous cores left by the zombies, and then rested in the corpse king city.

After dinner in the evening, everyone began to study the forces that had never been in the Abyss of Eternal Night, and planned to use a few days to kill all the zombies in the Abyss of Eternal Night.

Lin Hua and the others stayed in the Abyss of Eternal Night for another six days, and wiped out all the forces in the Abyss of Eternal Night according to the map!

At this time, they began to study the problem of going out.

"I didn't expect that this time our adventure of the Heavenly Space Gate ended like this," Li Jie said.

"Yeah, I've been here for almost three months and I don't know what's going on outside now," Xue Wu said.

"This time, the task is finally completed and Karl, the god of death, is eliminated. It will take at least half a year for the zombies to attack the city. Just thinking about it makes me excited," Gu Tian shouted loudly.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others didn't know that the space gate they entered had been surrounded by the forces of the Ice Demon. The Ice Demon did not enter the Abyss of Eternal Night because he planned to wait for the people who came out of the Abyss of Eternal Night. Kill all the people and take the treasure.

The Ice Demon knew among the people who came out that Lin Hua and the others were also in this empty gate.The Ice Demon knew that Lin Hua was also a user with ice attribute abilities, so he had long wanted to kill Lin Hua in order to extract Lin Hua's abilities.

The Ice Demon's power is the third power in Baidi City, because it was too late when he got the information about the empty gate outside the sky. thought up.

Lin Hua and the others have been on their way non-stop these days, wanting to get out of the Heavenly Empty Gate as soon as possible. Since Lin Hua’s ice dragon is extremely fast, the time has been shortened a lot. At this time, Lin Hua and the others are already [-] meters away from the exit of the Heavenly Empty Gate. Less than a day away.However, they would occasionally encounter some monsters or zombies on the way back, but the level was not too high, and they couldn't compare with the strength of those monsters in the Abyss of Eternal Night.

When they were resting at night, Lin Hua and the others were chatting, "Boss, you know when you go back, Jin Mu and the others will be surprised to see our strength is so high," Li Jie said excitedly.

Although they will also hunt zombies outside to obtain different cores to improve their level, how can there be so many powerful zombies outside, so Li Jie believes that his strength must be higher than that of Jinmu and the others who did not come to participate in this space gate this time .

"I think what Li Jie said is right, no matter how much they improve outside, they won't catch up with us," Gu Tian said.

Lin Hua looked at them. At this time, Lin Hua's level was already at the second level of Epic. Although he ate Karl's alien core, as the level increased, a lot of abilities were required to upgrade, so Lin Hua did not rise to Epic level 20, but now their strength is not low, one epic level [-], seven epic level [-], and the remaining [-] people are of extraordinary level.

Lin Hua and the others still don't know that the forces of the ice demons outside have surrounded this empty gate!
In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua and the others woke up and ate food. Lin Hua continued to control the ice dragon and walked towards the gate of the outer sky gate they came from.

It was noon when Lin Hua and the others arrived at the exit. Lin Hua looked back at the empty gate before leaving.

At this time, Li Jie suddenly remembered Long Aotian who hadn't been killed yet and said, "Boss, should we wait at the door for a few days and kill Long Aotian before we go out?"

"Yes, leader, with Long Aotian's personality, he will definitely retaliate against the Ice and Snow League. It's better to get rid of Long Aotian's troubles and go out. Otherwise, if he is left behind, there will be endless troubles." A former Tianlong The members of the League said.

After hearing what they said, Lin Hua thought about it, and it would be a trouble if he didn't kill Long Aotian, and his strength is still so strong!But now Long Aotian is already injured, if her injury is not good, it is impossible to come out, this is a very long period of time, plus the journey from Yongye Abyss to here is fast, and it takes a few months alone. Waiting here can only be said to be a waste of time, so Lin Hua thought about it and decided not to waste time here.

Then Lin Hua said, "Long Aotian won't be able to come out in a short time, so if we wait here, it can only be said to be a waste of time, so it's better to go back as soon as possible."

"I agree with the boss, because Long Aotian is injured now, it will take some time to heal his injuries, and his speed is impossible to be faster than Binglong, it will take at least a month." Xue Wu thought for a while and said.

"That's right, what the lord said is right. With his character, Long Aotian would never be able to come out if his injuries are not good, and it is impossible for him to show up if we wait here," Wang Xiaowu said. .

Everyone was silent after hearing this, because Wang Xiaowu can be said to know Long Aotian best, so Wang Xiaowu's analysis is very correct.

(End of this chapter)

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