Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 513 Space Cracks

Chapter 513 Space Cracks
Lin Hua and the others who came back from the east gate did not see the huge space crack outside the south gate at all.

When Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon and arrived at the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League, Lin Hua found that the current Xueyun City was several times larger than before they left, but found that everyone in the city was particularly panicked. , especially when I saw the ice dragon flying into Snow Cloud City.

"Boss, something must have happened, or else the people in the city wouldn't be so scared," Li Jie said.

"Well, let's go in first," Lin Hua said to the people behind.

The headquarters of the Ice and Snow League has more than doubled in size at this time, and the guards at the gate stared at Lin Hua and them vigilantly when they saw the ice dragon falling from the sky, but they were very happy when they found out that it was Lin Hua.

A guard said directly to him, "Leader, you are back, otherwise something big will happen soon."

After hearing the guard's words, Lin Hua knew that something serious must have happened, otherwise the guard wouldn't be able to say that.

"Call all the senior management over for a meeting." Lin Hua said to the guard and walked directly to the meeting hall of the Ice and Snow League!

"Leader, only Elder Nie Quanqi is left at the headquarters in Xueyun City's upper echelons, and the others are not there," the guard continued.

"Then call Nie Quanqi," Li Jie said loudly.

At this time, Lin Hua had a special ominous omen that something serious must happen, otherwise all the high-level people in the city would not be able to leave Xueyun City, leaving only Nie Quanqi alone.

As for Lin Hua and the others, all the way to the meeting hall of the Ice and Snow League headquarters, the guards were very happy when they saw Lin Hua came back.Because when Lin Hua came back, the problem of the crack in the space outside the city could be solved.

Lin Hua and his group of more than 30 people came directly to the conference hall to wait for Nie Quanqi's arrival.

"Boss, it seems that something serious has happened this time, and it wouldn't have happened if it didn't." Gu Tian said worriedly.

"Well, I'll know what happened soon." Lin Hua said slowly, then stopped talking, closed her eyes, and tried hard to think about what would happen.

When everyone saw that Lin Hua was silent and closed their eyes, they knew where Lin Hua was thinking, so they stopped talking!
After more than ten minutes, Nie Quanqi ran in quickly and said directly, "Boss, you are back."

Seeing Nie Quanqi's nervous look, Lin Hua knew that what happened this time was definitely not a trivial matter.

"What is the most important thing?" Lin Hua asked Nie Quanqi directly.

"The thing is like this, in the middle of the night yesterday, a huge space crack suddenly appeared outside the south city of Xueyun City, and then some zombies wearing ancient armor and holding ancient weapons often ran out of it. The level is much stronger than ordinary zombies, and they all have some intelligence. The higher the level, the harder it is to kill. The gold-level ancient zombies that came out from the very beginning have now reached the amethyst-level ancient zombies." Nie Quanqi said directly to Lin Hua and the others.

"What's more, now Jinmu, Zhang Ren and most of them are stationed near the space crack outside the south gate, killing the ancient zombies that ran out in time, because they suddenly appeared in the middle of last night Yes, so those ancient zombies that came out first rushed into the city, causing panic, but those ancient zombies that rushed into the city have already been killed," Nie Quanqi continued.

Lin Hua and the others were very surprised when they heard Nie Quanqi's words, because it was really like what Nie Quanqi said, if some more powerful zombies escaped from the space crack, it would not be easy to deal with them.

At this time, Lin Hua was thinking hard about Nie Quanqi's words. This kind of thing had never happened in his last ten years. Why did it suddenly appear in this life?

Lin Hua thought for a while, stood up and said, "Where is the location?"

"About 3000 meters in front of the South Gate," Nie Quanqi said.

After Lin Hua listened to Nie Quanqi's words, she walked out of the conference hall, summoned the ice dragon, and everyone climbed on the ice dragon.Then Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon to fly towards the crack in the space. Nie Quanqi did not follow Lin Hua and the others, because Lin Hua ordered him to continue guarding the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League.

Just as Lin Hua and the others walked out of the south city gate, they saw the huge space crack in front of them. It was dark inside, giving people a particularly mysterious and terrifying feeling.

Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon and landed where the dog king Zhang Ren was stationed.

At the beginning, Dog King Zhang Ren and the others were still very vigilant when they saw the ice dragon flying out of the city, ready to fight at any time, but when the ice dragon slowly descended and they found that Lin Hua and the others were on top of the ice dragon, those of them The sorrow and vigilance on his face disappeared, and were replaced by joy and joy.

Because they know that Lin Hua is back, then this space crack can definitely be resolved.

"The lord is back!" Jin Mu shouted loudly.

At this time, everyone was watching Lin Hua and the others who got off the ice dragon, because Lin Hua was like a savior to them, no matter what it was, as long as Lin Hua was there, they could solve it.

"Brother Zhang, I have a general understanding of things. What is the level of the ancient zombies that appear now, how strong are they, and the number?" Lin Hua asked directly to the dog king Zhang Ren.

"Just now we have killed the ancient zombies that rushed out of the No.16 wave. The highest strength is the strength of the second level of Amethyst, but their strength should be the strength and speed that can only be possessed by the fourth level of Amethyst, and They already have high intelligence and are not easy to kill. There are about 70 of them in the most wave,” said Zhang Ren, the dog king.

"Are there any other things besides the ancient zombies?" Lin Hua continued to ask.

"No, but the news just came back that there is the same space crack outside Baidi City," said Dog King Zhang Ren

After hearing Zhang Ren's words, Lin Hua was silent for a long time. Baidi City also had such space cracks, so there must be more than these two space cracks, and there may be more space cracks.

"Boss, look at the monsters coming out again." At this time, Xiao Zhan pointed at the space crack and shouted loudly.

Lin Hua and the others stared at the crack in the space, and there was a sudden vibration, and then more than 60 ancient zombies holding bronze swords, spears, and maces slowly walked out of the dark space crack. Most of the strength is at the level of platinum, but a few levels are at the level of amethyst.

And when those ancient zombies came out, the supernatural beings of the Ice and Snow League besieged these ancient zombies one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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