Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 514 Ancient Zombie

Chapter 514 Ancient Zombie
Lin Hua didn't go over to help, because he wanted to see the differences between these ancient zombies that came out of this crack in space.

"Bang bang bang" a series of weapon collisions made a sound.The armor of those ancient zombies is particularly strong in defense. Human supernatural beings need at least the strength of amethyst or higher to chop the armor, and it is these ancient zombies who know how to avoid the attacks of supernatural beings.

What Nie Quanqi said was indeed correct. At this time, Lin Hua was getting more and more worried. The level of these zombies was not what Lin Hua was worried about, but that these ancient zombies actually had intelligence, and if their strength was around platinum, they had intelligence. up!

Under normal circumstances, ordinary zombies can only possess intelligence to avoid attacks if they have reached the extraordinary level. If such ancient zombies attack human cities, they should be particularly easy to break through.

Although those ancient zombies who ran out of the space crack just now showed great strength and intelligence, but the strength and level of those Ice and Snow League power users who attacked them were higher than the ancient zombies, but The number of supernatural beings is also large, almost three or four supernatural beings kill an ancient zombie.

"By the way, boss, those ancient zombies have different cores from ordinary zombies. The different cores of ancient zombies of the same level contain more than double the abilities contained in the different cores of ordinary zombies." Jin Mu said to Lin Hua
Lin Hua thought for a while, the world inside that space crack must have more powerful ancient zombies, the number of these ancient zombies appearing now is small and their level is low, so they can be dealt with for the time being, but the number of ancient zombies that have emerged over time has increased in strength If it becomes stronger, then it will be difficult to control.

"Has anyone ever entered this crack in space?" Lin Hua asked the dog king Zhang Ren.

Because at this time, Lin Hua had an idea that instead of waiting for those ancient zombies to rush out like this, it would be better for them to go in and kill all the ancient zombies inside.

"I didn't look for it, because some ancient zombies often come out of it, so I didn't send anyone in to have a look, because I don't know what will happen inside," said Dog King Zhang Ren.

"Leader, you don't want to go into this space crack, do you?" Jin Mu asked.

"I don't have this plan yet, but if the level of the ancient zombies coming out of this crack in the space increases and the number increases, what will we do if we can't control it?" Lin Hua said slowly.

"But leader, no one knows what's inside. It's like gambling with one's own life," Jin Mu said again.

"Boss is right. Although we can control it now, we won't be able to control it at that time. There is an army of zombies coming out of this space crack. Then we can resist them. These ancient zombies are not ordinary zombies at all. "Xuewu said.

Because Xuewu firmly supports every decision made by Lin Hua!
"I also feel that we should try it. If we are afraid of everything, we can only wait for death," Li Jie said.

"Everything is decided by the leader," Jin Mu said.

"Let's take a look at the situation of this space rift for now, maybe the highest zombie that comes out of this space rift is the level of Amethyst," Gu Tian said, staring at the space rift.

"By the way, you guys go to rest first, you were busy all day yesterday, and we are watching here now." Lin Hua said to Dog King Zhang Ren and the others.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, they all returned to the tent to rest, because they believed that those ancient zombies would not run out if Lin Hua was there.

At this time, only Lin Hua and the others were left in the top management of the Ice and Snow League, and the rest had already gone back to rest in the tent, because Lin Hua knew that they probably hadn't rested since midnight last night, and should have been staring at them all the time. caught.

"Boss, what's going on now?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua directly when he saw that they had all gone to rest.

"We can't confirm the information of this space crack yet, so we can only wait and see what happens to define it." Lin Hua said, staring at the space crack that has not moved in the slightest.

At this time, the hearts of several people are particularly heavy, because the space crack in front of them is not good news for them, it can be said to be bad news!Because although the level of the ancient zombie fighters that came out here was low, their strength and speed beyond their level range made Lin Hua and the others worried.

"Boss, the ancient zombie warrior is coming out again," Beibei said suddenly, staring at the crack in the space.

The space rift trembled violently, but this time only one ancient zombie came out of the space rift. The armor he wore was completely different from the armor of the previous waves of ancient zombie warriors, because those ancient zombies The armor worn by the warriors is all bronze armor, which is already mottled with rust, but the armor worn by this ancient zombie is actually silver armor without the slightest trace of rust. He is holding a spear in his hand, about seven feet long about.

Lin Hua looked at the ancient zombie who had just come out holding a spear and felt a little strange, because the shriveled body of this ancient zombie slowly swelled up at this time. It was still a dry and thin body just now, but now it has changed. It was so strong that it almost broke the silver armor he was wearing. The level of this ancient zombie had already reached the fifth level of Amethyst.

And after seeing the changes in the body of the ancient zombie warrior holding a spear at this time, those supernatural beings of the Ice and Snow League took their weapons and prepared to attack.

"Aoaoao" The ancient zombie warrior looked around, and the Ice and Snow League's supernatural being let out a roar, then waved her long spear and attacked.

"Bang bang bang" Although there was only one ancient zombie warrior with a long spear in his hand, he didn't show any sign of being at a disadvantage in the face of more than a dozen amethyst-level supernatural beings. Instead, he calmly resisted these supernatural powers. Attack of the capable.

"Boss, it seems that this ancient zombie warrior is good at kung fu." Gu Tian saw at a glance that this ancient zombie warrior knew kung fu.

"Well, this is the strength of the fifth level of Amethyst. I really can't imagine how to deal with those ancient zombie fighters with higher levels." Lin Hua sighed.

Although the ancient zombie warrior knew kung fu, he was able to resist the attacks of those supernatural beings at first, but as time went by, he became a little bit overwhelmed, and was finally besieged to death by these supernatural beings from the Ice and Snow League.

(End of this chapter)

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