Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 516 Personnel List

Chapter 516 Personnel List
"So it's like this, it's higher level than me, I can't see through his strength, I thought she didn't have supernatural powers," Jin Mu said, patting his forehead.

And the rest of the people didn't expect that the little monkey on Lin Hua's shoulder was already at the first level of epic strength, so what kind of terrifying level would Lin Hua's strength reach.

"By the way, Jinmu called all the high-level executives to come to my tent for a meeting to discuss the issue of the space crack." Lin Hua said to Jinmu and walked into the tent.

Not long after Lin Hua returned to the tent, all the high-level members of the Ice and Snow League came to Lin Hua's tent.

Lin Hua saw that the people who were supposed to come had already arrived and said directly, "Now this space rift is almost out of control, I have decided to go into this space rift and see what's going on."

"What, Boss, have you really decided to go in?" Li Jie asked excitedly, because Li Jie is a very combative person, and he has been seeing other people fighting for the past two days, which has already suffocated him , There must be a lot of battles waiting for it to go to that space crack this time, that's why she is so excited.

"I don't know where the rift in the leader's space leads to. Why don't you think about it?" Jin Mu thought for a while after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"That's right, boss, you just came back and you're going to take another adventure, and you don't know if there will be zombies attacking the city yet," Zhang Wandao said worriedly.

Lin Hua and the others haven't told them what happened in the Abyss of Yongyongye yet, because the space crack happened right after they came back, so they didn't have time to tell them.

"There will be no more zombies attacking the city in this year, because I have killed Carl, the strongest zombie in the [-]th district, so I can calm down for at least a year," Lin Hua said slowly.

And after hearing that Lin Hua had killed Karl, the most powerful zombie in this district, they all worshiped Lin Hua even more. Lin Hua said that there would be no more zombies attacking the city this year, so It must be true, they don't need to worry about zombies attacking the city during this year.

"So after I go to this crack in space, I will definitely come out within a year, and you all have to improve your strength as soon as possible to deal with the zombie attack in a year's time," Lin Hua said to the people behind her.

"Boss, since you have already decided to enter the crack in the space, I won't say anything. I know you are doing it for the good of us all, but how many people do you plan to bring this time?" Jin Mu asked Lin Hua.

"Yeah, I'll go with whatever I say this time," the dog king Zhang Ren said directly, because he didn't want to be in charge of things in Xueyun City anymore, he's not the kind of person who likes to be in charge.

Lin Hua was also very helpless at this time, because he couldn't take away too many people, because after they left, they still needed some powerful people to control the field, so as not to be taken advantage of by some forces, and the gains would outweigh the losses. up.

Lin Hua thought for a while and said, "I don't plan to bring too many people, and Xueyun City needs powerful people to guard the city."

"Boss, I want to go with you," Li Jie said aggrievedly.

"Boss said that powerful people can control the city, you are not good enough," Gu Tian said provocatively after hearing Li Jie's words.

"I'm already at the first level of Epic, isn't my strength too strong?" Li Jieqi said cooing.

Lin Hua already had a list of candidates for entering the space rift this time in her heart.

"Okay, I'll take Li Jie, Gui Wu, Xue Wu, Dog King Zhang Ren, Gu Tian, ​​Brother Yu, He Sha and the rest of us, and Xueyun City will be handed over to you, Jin Mu" Lin Hua said to Jin Mu .

Jin Mu nodded after hearing Lin Hua's words. In fact, he really wanted to take risks with Lin Hua, but the dog king Zhang Ren had already told him to go, so he had to stay and manage Xueyun City. Jin Mu is a People who pay special attention to the big picture.

"Boss, when are you going to leave? I'll prepare some supplies for you." Brother Yu said after hearing that he was not included in the personnel list.

"Let's go tomorrow morning, Brother Yu, put more gasoline and bombs in my space ring this time." After Lin Hua finished speaking, he threw the space ring to Brother Yu.

Brother Yu took the ring and went out immediately, and went back to Xueyun City to prepare supplies for Lin Hua.

At around five o'clock in the morning, Brother Yu had already prepared all the supplies, and handed over the space ring full of supplies to Lin Hua.

In the early morning, after eliminating the wave of ancient zombie warriors that just ran out, Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon and flew directly into the space crack.

When Lin Hua and the others flew into the space rift, they had a feeling of traveling through time and space, which was completely different from the feeling of entering the outer space gate every time, but this feeling lasted for about an hour before they really came to the space rift. Inside this world.

The world inside the space rift is almost the same as the outside world. They landed on an ancient battlefield with bones everywhere, but no ancient zombie warriors were found.

"Boss, have we traveled through time? Why does this world feel like it has fallen into ancient times?" Li Jie said when he saw the bones on the ground wearing ancient armor.

"That's right, this should be the ancient battlefield left after the great war, otherwise there would be no way there would be so many corpses," Xuewu said, pointing to the nearby bones.

Lin Hua looked at the bones all over the place, and she was also particularly shocked, because she didn't expect that she would pass through the crack in the space to come here. Although it looks almost the same as the outside world, Lin Hua can feel that there is nothing inside. Much more dangerous than the outside.

"Aoaoaoao" At this time, there were bursts of roars from ancient zombie warriors not far in front of Lin Hua and the others.

Lin Hua looked at about a dozen ancient zombie warriors in bronze armor in front of them.

Lin Hua directly released the skill Rain of Swords. Although these ancient zombie warriors were all wearing bronze armor, they simply couldn't resist the attack of Lin Hua's icy giant sword.

"Papapa" all fell down one after another!Lin Hua and the others quickly went over and took out the different cores of more than a dozen ancient zombie warriors!

The world inside this crack in the dragon space is very large, Lin Hua and the others did not continue to explore it, because they wanted to clear away all the ancient zombie warriors nearby before going.

In this way, Lin Hua and the others stayed at the entrance of this space crack for more than ten days. During these ten days, they killed many ancient zombie fighters. However, Lin Hua and the others discovered that as time went by, which ancient zombie fighters The number of zombies is getting smaller and smaller, and in the end there is no trace of the ancient zombie warriors at all.

(End of this chapter)

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