Chapter 517 Crossing
So Lin Hua and the others stopped waiting for the ancient zombie warriors in this space crack, but walked towards the inside of this strange world.

After letting a few people walk out of the ancient battlefield, they came to a forest and suddenly heard a human voice, "Who is it, stop?" A strange voice called Lin Hua and the others to a halt.

When Lin Hua and the others heard the voice of a human being, they were particularly shocked, because they did not expect that there would be a human being here.

Lin Hua and the others looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a few humans wearing ancient armor coming out from behind a big tree, and the person who spoke just now was actually an amethyst second-level supernatural user At this time, they were all staring at Lin Hua and the others vigilantly.

When Lin Hua and the others saw that they were really human beings, they had already reacted from the shock.

"Hello, we are not zombies, we are human beings." Li Jie said directly to those men in armor after seeing their vigilant eyes.

"Why are you wearing such strange clothes? Are you mutated zombies?" the Amethyst second-level power user asked Lin Hua and the others while holding a bronze sword in his hand.
Lin Hua and the others looked at the clothes they were wearing, and then those of the others, and suddenly realized that they might have traveled to the world of ancient zombies.

"Look at us like zombies. If zombies would have attacked you a long time ago, how could we talk to you?" Li Jie kept explaining to those ancient people in armor.

Gradually, these ancient supernatural beings believed that we were not zombies, and learned from them that this world, just like ours, was suddenly invaded by the zombie virus a year ago and turned into us one by one. The end of the world is the same.

These people are from the nearby village. Because of their abilities, they are responsible for protecting the safety of the village and killing those ancient zombie warriors nearby. This Amethyst second-level ability user is called Chen Ping.

After gaining Chen Ping's trust, Chen Ping brought Lin Hua and the others to their village. Because the clothes Lin Hua and the others wore were different from theirs, the people in the village were particularly wary of them.

When Lin Hua and the others saw that these village names were particularly wary of them, they didn't plan to stay in this village anymore, but Chen Ping was very hospitable, and brought Lin Hua and the others to his home, and then found some Clothes for Lin Hua and the others.

In the evening, the village chief came to Chen Ping's house to check on Lin Hua and the others after he knew that there were outsiders in Chen Ping's house.

The village head is a very kind old man, and he chatted with Lin Hua and the others very well. Lin Hua also got a lot of information about the world from this old man.

In this way, Lin Hua and the others lived in this village for several days, and gradually integrated into the world.

"By the way, Lin Hua, what are your plans for coming here?" Chen Ping asked Lin Hua after dinner.

"I don't have any plans yet, but aren't you worried about your safety now?" Lin Hua asked Chen Ping, because although Chen Ping and the others can temporarily remove the nearby zombies, if they encounter large-scale zombies, then they Everyone in the village will be wiped out!

"We had planned to go to Titan City. Titan City is the largest city nearby, but the distance is relatively far, and most of the people in the village are ordinary people, so it is more troublesome." Chen Ping said hesitantly.

Because Chen Ping's ability is the second-level strength of Amethyst, so he can't see the strength of Lin Hua and the others at all, thinking that they are also ordinary people.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, Lin Hua felt that the people in this village treated them very well, so she decided to help them!
"How far is it from Titan City?" Lin Hua asked Chen Ping.

"It's about three days' journey, but there are many zombies on this journey, so it's very dangerous. I know my own strength, so I haven't planned to go to Titan City," Chen Ping said.

The dog king Zhang Ren especially appreciated this Chen Ping, because although Chen Ping's rank was not high, she did not go to Titan City to protect the village name in the city.

"Aoaoao" Lin Hua and the others were chatting when they suddenly heard the roar of zombies.

After hearing the roar of the zombies, Chen Ping asked Lin Hua and the others to stay in the house, and then it went out by itself holding the bronze sword.

"Boss, should we go out and help?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua after seeing Chen Ping go out.

"Go out and have a look, they won't be able to deal with it, and they are going to help," Lin Hua said and walked outside.

At this time, eight ancient zombie warriors rushed into the village, all of which were platinum-level. At this time, Chen Ping and his group of supernatural beings were fighting with which ancient zombie warriors.

And more than 200 people in the village have come out to watch their battle, because Chen Ping and the others killed those ancient zombie fighters, they can still live, if Chen Ping and the others can't, then they will become zombies The food in the mouth is gone.

Chen Ping was at the second level of Amethyst, and he was dealing with a zombie at the first level of Amethyst, so there was no pressure, and the remaining zombies were not at a very high level, so they were quickly cleaned up!
"Ho Ho Ho Ho" At this time, the roar of zombies came again outside the village.

At this time, the face of the village name in the village was instantly filled with fear, because the roar of the zombies just now was definitely not in number, and Chen Ping and the others must not be able to deal with it.

Soon a group of ancient zombies came in front of Chen Ping and the others. At this time, Chen Ping and his group of supernatural beings were all ashen, because the number of zombies in front of them was too much compared to them. , no less than 100.

But Chen Ping and the others didn't run away because of fear, they still stood in front of some villagers!

And which group of ancient zombie warriors saw the excitement in the eyes of Chen Ping and the villagers behind Chen Ping.

At this moment, Lin Hua knew that Chen Ping and the others could not deal with this group of zombies, so he went directly to Chen Ping and the others.

"Lin Hua, run away first, we won't be able to delay this group of zombies for much time," Chen Ping said after seeing Lin Hua and the others coming.

"It's all trivial," Li Jie said to the panicked Chen Ping.

Lin Hua didn't say a word, and directly released the skill "Sword Rain" to the group of ancient zombie warriors in front of him!In an instant, a rain of ice and swords fell over the group of ancient zombie warriors.

"Bang bang bang bang" a series of sounds of ice swords hitting the armor of ancient zombie warriors, almost all of these ancient zombie warriors died!
(End of this chapter)

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