518 Escort

And Bei Bei, who was on Lin Hua's shoulder, saw that there were still a few ancient zombie warriors who were not dead, so he jumped off Lin Hua's shoulder to kill the remaining zombies that were not dead.

At this time, the eyes of all the villagers were shocked, because they felt that Lin Hua and the others were ordinary people, especially Chen Ping and the others. Hua and the others are ordinary people, but after seeing Lin Hua's methods at this time, they knew that it was not that Lin Hua had no abilities but was much stronger than them!
"Lin Hua, thank you for saving all of us," Chen Ping said to Lin Hua after he realized it, and Chen Ping's eyes were full of gratitude.

Because Chen Ping knew that if it wasn't for Lin Hua, then all of them might have died at the hands of these zombies today.

"Why are you being polite, didn't you guys help us too?" Lin Hua said to Chen Ping.

Because the villagers knew that Lin Hua and the others had special abilities, and that they were all extremely powerful, they became more and more polite to Lin Hua.

That night, Lin Hua and Chen Ping went directly to the village chief's house, because Lin Hua planned to leave, but they just wanted to visit that Titan City, and they happened to escort the people in this village to Titan City.

"The village chief, we are going to leave. If you want to go to Titan City, we can escort you there," Lin Hua said directly to the village chief.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the kind old village head directly knelt down to Lin Hua to express his gratitude to Lin Hua and the others!

Lin Hua saw the old village chief knelt down for herself, helped her up, and said to the old village chief, "We have bothered you for so long, this is nothing."

At this time, the old village chief and Chen Ping were very grateful to Lin Hua and the others. Without Lin Hua, they might not have left the village until they were eaten by zombies, because they knew that with their strength, they would not have left the village at all. It is impossible to reach Titan City.

The old village head notified all the villagers of the news overnight, and asked everyone to prepare and set off on time the next morning.

In the early morning of the next day, all the villagers were ready. Lin Hua and Chen Ping were in front, and Gu Tian, ​​Li Jie, and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, were behind!In this way, it is advancing towards Titan City.

Because of the protection of Lin Hua and the others, the road is particularly safe. The ancient zombie fighters who attacked them were all killed by Lin Hua and the others. Chen Ping and the others.

In the afternoon of the third day, Lin Hua and the others had already arrived near Titan City. For unnecessary trouble, Lin Hua and the others parted with Chen Ping and the others!Because it is now near Titan City, the ancient zombie warriors near the outside of the city have been cleaned up by the supernatural beings in the city.

Lin Hua and the others were not in a hurry to enter the city. They chose to rest in a place far outside the city and planned to enter the city again during the daytime tomorrow.

The next morning, Lin Hua and the others got up, ate some food, and then headed towards Titan City!
The scale of this Titan City is particularly large, much larger than Xueyun City.

After Lin Hua and the others entered Titan City, they found that the city was very prosperous. Because Lin Hua and the others were not familiar with Titan City, they found an inn in the city to rest. .

"Have you heard that there will be several kinds of treasures in this afternoon's auction, and many people have gone, even the four major families in the city." A person with eating abilities said to several people next to him
"I also heard that there will be a flying artifact in this auction," another supernatural person said.

"Boss, should we go to the auction?" Li Jie said to Lin Hua after hearing what those supernatural beings said.

"Yes, boss, let's see if there is anything good." Xuewu said to Lin Hua.

"Well, go and have a look at that flying artifact, and buy it if the price is reasonable." Lin Hua said to several people

Then Lin Hua and the others finished their meal, asked the waiter in the inn about the location of the auction house, and then headed towards that auction house.

In fact, this auction house was very easy to find, because many people with supernatural powers were heading towards the auction house. Lin Hua followed those people and successfully found the largest auction house in the city.

This auction house is very big. After Lin Hua and the others entered the auction house, they directly gave the waiter a platinum heterocore, and then the waiter took Lin Hua and the others to the box on the second floor.

In this box, you can clearly see the middle table in the middle. At this time, there is a very beautiful beauty standing on the table. He should be the host of this auction.

Lin Hua looked at the boxes on the third floor, but they were all empty, and then asked the waiter behind him, "Who are those boxes upstairs for?"

"The boxes on the third floor are the seats of the four major families," the waiter bent down and said to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua thought about it, the four major families in this city should be quite powerful, otherwise the best position in this auction house would not be reserved for the so-called four major families.

After Lin Hua gave the waiter a platinum heterocore, she asked the waiter about the power situation in Titan City and the four major families.

There are five major factions in Titan City, the City Lord's Mansion that rules Titan City, and the four major families. According to their strength, they are the Aoki Family, then the Li Family, the Huang Family, and finally the Murong Family. Zuo is the four major families!
These four big families are extremely powerful, and the City Lord's Mansion prohibits killing people in the city, but they turn a blind eye to the four big families.

When the waiter introduced the power of Titan City to Lin Hua, the empty box upstairs was already full of people.

"Hi, everyone, welcome to today's auction, and now I announce the official start of the auction," the beautiful host on the central stage shouted loudly.

As soon as the beautiful host finished speaking, there was warm applause.

"Boss, it seems that today's auction is very hot, there are so many people," Li Jie said, looking at the people downstairs.

"Well, I didn't expect the auction here to be much bigger than Xueyun City." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she stopped talking and looked at the table in front of her.

"Now the first item in the auction today is a treasured sword. This sword is named Longyin, Xiao Tierumu, and the auction price is as low as an amethyst heterocore," said the beautiful woman on the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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