Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 530 Wheel Battle

Chapter 530 Wheel Battle

Then Lin Hua shouted loudly, "Senior Murong, this is my own business, I hope you don't interfere"

Lin Hua knew that if Murong Wuhui did something, then things would get worse. At that time, their Murong family would also be implicated. This was not what Lin Hua wanted to see.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Wuhui was shocked immediately. He didn't expect that Lin Hua could still think about their Murong family at this time, but she made a decision based on Lin Hua's words just now, and her daughter just didn't choose the right one. People, even if they are desperate, they must keep Lin Hua.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie stepped forward and said to Murong Wuhui, "Senior Murong, since our boss has said it, we don't want to implicate your Murong family. He can handle these things."

Murong Wuhui looked at Li Jie who was talking, and then at Lin Hua who was fighting at this time. She didn't know whether to help or not. If Lin Hua died, Murong Xian would definitely blame him. His whole life.But helping Lin Hua may not necessarily keep him, and Lin Hua simply doesn't want him to help.

"Father, don't worry about what Lin Hua said, he just doesn't want to hurt our family." Murong Xian knelt down and cried.

At this time, Xue Wu and Gui Wu came over and directly helped Murong Xian who was kneeling up, and then Xue Wu said to Murong Xian, "Don't worry, the boss will be fine, he has his intentions in not letting Senior Murong help, let alone There are still a few of us, so you can rest assured."

"That's right, the few of us are not decorations, so don't worry," Li Jie said with a smile.

Murong Xian was still very worried when he heard what they said, but seeing that none of them were worried about Lin Hua, he couldn't understand it.

Because they were all yelling at each other, and they usually have such a good relationship, I don't know whether to believe them or not.

"Sister Xian'er, don't worry, the boss will be fine, even if a few of them get on together," said Bei Bei who was on Li Jiejian at this time.

"That's right, sister, didn't you see that Lin Hua hasn't used up all his strength right now, he should have been saving all the time to deal with those who are ready to help," Murong Long said to Murong Xian.

But Murong Xian was still worried. Lin Hua then said to Murong Wuhui, "Father, if Lin Hua can't beat him, you must go and help him."

"Daughter, don't worry, even if it takes my old life to save Lin Hua," Murong Wuhui said directly.

Only then did Murong Xian let go of his worries.

"City lord, don't you plan to go over and help?" said the deputy city lord of the epic section.

Huo Guang, the city lord, looked at Lin Hua and Cyanwood Mountain who were fighting and said, "This Lin Hua hasn't used his full strength yet, so don't worry."

"If Murong Wuhui goes to help the city lord, what should we do? Could it be that the Murong family has been wiped out?" the city lord continued to ask.

"It depends on the strength of this Lin Hua," Huo Guang, the city lord, said.

At this time, the Cyanwood Mountain could be said to be suppressed and beaten by Lin Hua, it was just passive defense all the time, he didn't rush to kill the Cyanwood Mountain, because she wanted to wait and see if anyone would come to help.

At this time, Cyanwood Mountain yelled "I'm going to die if you don't come here to help me" because Cyanwood Mountain knew that it would embarrass their Cyanwood Clan's face by saying that, but she could feel that this Lin Hua didn't use all his strength at all, and I can't stand it anymore, if I continue like this, I will die in Lin Hua's hands sooner or later.

Huang Batian and Li Rui rushed over after hearing what Cyanwood Mountain said.

Huang Batian used a heavy hammer, while Li Rui used a silver gun. Lin Hua was always vigilant about the surrounding environment, so Lin Hua already knew when they first made a move.

At this moment, Murong Wuhui was also staring closely at the two people rushing towards him, ready to make a move at any time.

"Father, prepare to save Lin Hua, the two of them have already passed." When Murong Xian saw Huang Batian and Li Rui attacking Lin Hua, he didn't feel anxious, and said to Murong Wuhui.

"Senior Murong, I hope you don't meddle in my affairs." Lin Hua knew that when Murongxian saw Huang Batian and Li Rui attacking him, he wanted his father to come and help him, so he said again and again.

"Yeah, Senior Murong, don't go over there to help." At this moment, Li Jie and Gu Tian walked directly to the two sides of Murong Wuhui. They thought that if Murong Wuhui wanted to go over to help, the two of them would directly stop him. .

How could Murong Wuhui fail to understand the intentions of the two of them, but he was not angry because he knew Li Jie and the others' good intentions, and then said to Li Jie and the others, "Do you really believe in Lin Hua?"

"Well, because he is our boss," Li Jie said lightly.

At this time, Huang Batian's sledgehammer and Li Rui's spear had reached a position less than half a meter away from Lin Hua.

"Ah, Lin Hua, be careful!" Murong Xian saw that two people were about to attack Lin Hua's body, so he screamed loudly!
And Murong Wuhui also tightly held the big knife in his hand.

"City lord, it seems that Lin Hua's strength is not very good, he is about to die," said a deputy city lord of the first rank of Epic.

"I don't think this Lin Hua will die so easily," the city lord Huo Guang said. At this moment, he felt a little disappointed, because he was about to attack Lin Hua's body, and at such a short distance, Lin Hua couldn't bear it. Hua couldn't dodge at all, waiting for Lin Hua was a dead end.

At this moment, Cyanwood Mountain couldn't help being happy when he saw the two people attacking from behind Lin Hua. It seemed that Lin Hua was going to die soon.

"Don't be too happy too soon." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she disappeared in the circle surrounded by three people!

Seeing Lin Hua's sudden disappearance, Cyanwood Mountain, Huang Batian, and Li Rui immediately retracted their weapons. Fortunately, the three of them reacted very quickly and retracted their weapons in time without causing any harm to the three of them. mutual harm.

And Lin Hua appeared not far from the city lord Huo Guang for the second time.

When everyone outside the arena thought that Lin Hua would definitely die, no one expected that Lin Hua would suddenly dodge it with such a single hand!
They were all shocked, especially Murong Wuhui, because just now he felt that if he was Lin Hua, he would surely die.

And Murongxian was very happy when he saw Lin Hua disappearing directly, because at that moment just now he really thought that Lin Hua would be killed, but fortunately Lin Hua escaped in the end.

Huo Guang, the city lord, looked at Lin Hua who was not far away, and there was a hint of admiration in his eyes. This Lin Hua is really powerful, even he was about to die because of Lin Hua just now!

(End of this chapter)

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