Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 531 Personal grudge

Chapter 531 Personal grudge

At this time, Lin Hua said directly to Huo Guang, the city lord, "If you don't make a move, it will be too late."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Huo Guang couldn't help frowning and said, "Are you really going to kill the three of them?"

"Whoever makes a move, I will kill him." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she immediately released the clone of the skill Ice Dragon and Ice Mystery.Simultaneously control the three of them to charge towards Cyanwood Mountain.

"Bang bang bang" Ice Dragon and the two supernatural bodies of Lin Hua fought against Cyanwood Mountain and the others.

The audience was shocked once, because Lin Hua's strength is too strong, one against three.And there was Lin Hua standing there.

Although Huo Guang, the city lord, was surprised by Lin Hua's summoning of the ice dragon and the two supernatural beings just now, Huo Guang was not an ordinary person after all, so he immediately reacted.Then he looked at Lin Hua's body and said, "The zombie attack is imminent. I don't want to kill too many people. If you agree to help deal with this zombie attack, Cyanwood Mountain can die."

This is already Huo Guang's biggest bottom line, because she can see that this Lin Hua should be about the same strength as him, at least much stronger than Cyanwood Mountain and the others, so he plans to ask Lin Hua to help deal with this zombie attack. !
Lin Hua's body was lost in thought at this time, should he help the zombies attack the city this time, because if he is not busy, Huo Guang in front of him will be difficult to deal with, and if he joins the battle, things will become particularly difficult.

Huo Guang was staring at Lin Hua's body closely at this time, waiting for Lin Hua's decision, because he was not sure that he could kill Lin Hua.

Lin Hua looked at the people fighting at this time and thought for a long time, then said to Huo Guang, the city lord, "Okay, but I'm just helping out when the time comes, you have no right to manage me and my friends, we won't join the city lord's mansion"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Huo Guang replied without any hesitation, "Yes, but it's still the same sentence that Cyanwood Mountain can die, but the other two Patriarchs cannot."

Because Huo Guang knew that with Lin Hua's strength, it was impossible for him to be his subordinate, so he never thought about letting Lin Hua join the City Lord's Mansion.

Although Lin Hua has joined, he still has to keep the remaining two families. If Lin Hua is really required to directly destroy the three major families except the Murong family, then this Titan City is not easy to control by the City Lord's Mansion. .

After meeting Huo Guang and agreeing, Lin Hua directly used the ice shifting phantom to disappear beside Huo Guang, and went directly to the back of the Cyanwood Mountain where he was fighting the ice dragon, staring at the Cyanwood Mountain coldly.

At this time, Cyanwood Mountain already sensed some bad omens, because until now the city lord Huo Guang had no intention of making a move, and he had talked with Lin Hua for so long.

Now that Lin Hua came over, it seemed that she was about to kill herself, so she couldn't help being even more angry.

The situation of Huang Batian and Li Rui is not much better. Although they are facing Lin Hua's supernatural body, Lin Hua's two supernatural bodies are also powerful, and there is no loss in the battle against them. Signs of a downwind.

But when they found out that Lin Hua was coming, it wasn't against them, so they were all relieved!If Lin Hua suddenly attacked them at this time, they would definitely be seriously injured.

And the supernatural beings who watched the battle watched the battle between them one after another. The strength shown by Lin Hua is really too strong. He is not at a disadvantage against the patriarchs of the three major families by himself!
"I didn't expect that Lin Hua's strength was so strong that he didn't need my help at all." Murong Wuhui said looking at Lin Hua's body.
"Well, when I first met Lin Hua, I knew that he was powerful. I don't want him to be so strong," Murong Long continued.

Seeing the changes in the battle situation, Murong Xian was no longer worried about Lin Hua, but she was still a little nervous.

"I'm right, these few people can't deal with our boss at all," Li Jie said slowly after hearing what Murong and his son said.

"However, I don't know what Lin Hua and the city lord Huo Guang said just now. The city lord didn't make a move. If he did, maybe the situation of the battle would change again," Murong Wuhui continued.

Because everyone in Titan City knew that Huo Guang's strength was also bottomless. If she did something, Lin Hua wouldn't be able to face it calmly.

"Our boss didn't move just now, but he was staring at the city lord Huo Guang all the time. It seems that some agreement was reached, so the boss moved," Gu Tian analyzed.

"That's right, the boss just said that the city lord Huo Guang is very powerful, but he is [-]% sure that he can kill him." Li Jie said after hearing what they said.

"What, Lin Hua said that he is [-]% sure to kill the city lord?" Murong Wuhui asked in surprise.

"What Li Jie said is true, Lin Hua did say it just now, I was the one who asked Lin Hua." Murong Xian said after seeing his father's surprised expression.

"I didn't expect that, no wonder Lin Hua reminded me twice not to help me, because he can handle all these things," Murong Wuhui Nannan said.

"The two Patriarchs, please step back, this is a personal grievance between Lin Hua and the Qingmu patriarch." Huo Guang said when he saw Lin Hua go to the back of the Cyanwood Mountain.

Because at this time Huo Guang was worried that if the two Patriarchs continued to fight, it would not be what he wanted to see if they were seriously injured by Lin Hua. Although Lin Hua said he would not kill them, he did not say that he would not hurt them.

Huang Batian and Li Rui are both patriarchs of a big family. How could they not understand Huo Guang's meaning? Originally, they struggled to fight against Lin Hua's supernatural body. After hearing Huo Guang's words, they immediately stopped.

"Okay, since the city lord said something about personal grievances, we will not interfere." Huang Batian looked at Li Rui, who also stopped, and then said to the city lord Huo Guang.

After Lin Hua heard Huo Guang's words, she also controlled the two supernatural beings and stopped attacking them.

Huo Guang, the city lord, nodded to the two patriarchs, and then Huang Batian and Li Rui went straight back to their family's supernatural beings.

Because after seeing Huo Guang's performance, they knew that Lin Hua had reached some agreement with him, and the Cyanwood Mountain seemed to be in danger.

After Cyanwood Mountain heard Huo Guang's words, his heart turned cold. He knew that he would definitely die today. Huo Guang's words were very obvious. She and Lin Hua belonged to personal grievances!
After seeing Huang Batian and Li Rui retreating, the city lord Huo Guang didn't worry anymore and left with the two deputy city lords.

After seeing Huo Guang leaving, Huang Batian and Li Rui took their men away without the slightest hesitation.

All three big forces left all of a sudden, stunned all the supernatural beings who watched the excitement. They didn't expect things to turn out like this. Originally, they thought that the city lord Huo Guang saw that the patriarchs of the three big families were not Lin Hua's. Opponents may try to help, but they didn't help, but just let them retreat, and then they all left.

(End of this chapter)

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