Chapter 532
Doesn't this mean that it is very obvious that the Aoki family will be wiped out today.

"It seems that after today there are only three major families left in the city." Murong Wuhui said after seeing the city lords Huo Guang and Huang Batian leaving.

After Lin Hua saw that Huo Guang and the others were gone, she took back the ice dragon, and released the skill "Ice Mystery Slash" directly on the Cyanwood Mountain with the main body and the two supernatural beings.

Cyanwood Mountain will definitely die until today, but after seeing the ice dragon was suddenly recalled by Lin Hua, he thought that Lin Hua didn't plan to attack him anymore, and was just about to speak.

But before he could say anything, he saw the huge icy giant sword cutting down from three directions, Cyanwood Mountain couldn't help but his heart trembled, and he planned to hide behind, but it was already too late, he hadn't taken a step yet , the first ice giant sword had already reached the top of his head.

"Bang bang bang" the three ice giant swords slashed fiercely on Cyanwood Mountain's body, making a violent sound.

Then the three ice giant swords shattered, leaving a seven or eight meter deep hole on the ground, and Cyanwood Mountain's body was cut into fine pieces by the ice giant sword, the poor Cyanwood Mountain didn't say a word just died.

"Ah, big brother, Lin Hua, I'm going to kill you." When Qing Mukui saw that the body of Qingmu Mountain was completely chopped up by Lin Hua, he couldn't help shouting loudly, and rushed towards Lin Hua directly.

And when Beibei on Li Jie's body saw Aokikui rushing towards Lin Hua, he directly and quickly rushed towards Aokikui.

Lin Hua didn't even look at Qing Mukui, and directly withdrew the two supernatural bodies, and then slowly walked towards Murong Wuhui's place!Because he had just rushed over when he saw Beibei.

The angry Qing Mukui became even more angry when he saw that Lin Hua didn't pay attention to him at all, and left directly. He now wanted to kill Lin Hua to avenge his brother, so he didn't care about Bei Bei who rushed over.

With a crisp sound of "啪", the whole audience fell silent, Cyanwood Mountain's head was directly pierced by Beibei's sharp claws.

No one thought that Aoki would cry that a first-level master of the epic would die in the hands of a cute little monkey so easily, but they were no longer surprised, because there were too many surprises on Lin Hua today that surprised them thing.

And those supernatural beings of the Aoki family saw the death of Aoki Mountain and Aoki Kui, threw their weapons on the ground one after another, and knelt down, because they saw Lin Hua's bloody methods, they were special to Lin Hua fear.

Lin Hua walked slowly in front of Murong Wuhui and said to Murong Wuhui, "Senior Murong, now that Qingmu Mountain and Qingmu Kui are dead, the power of the Qingmu family should be managed by the Murong family."

Lin Hua did this mainly because he didn't want to form his own power here, and he also saw Murong Wuhui's plan to help you just now, so Lin Hua planned to let the Murong family directly take over the Qingmu family's power.

"Lin Hua, this is a bit inappropriate." Murong Wuhui said, because if the Murong family directly took over the power of the Qingmu family, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction from other forces. The Qingmu family is a big fat, and many people are staring at it , not to mention there is a city lord's mansion.

Lin Hua seemed to see the worry in Murong Wuhui's heart, and said to Murong Wuhui, "Senior Murong, you don't have to worry about the forces in the city. I promised Huo Guang to help deal with this zombie attack. I think Huo Guang I will also turn a blind eye and close one eye, and the other forces should not make any moves."

"However, if you give the power of the Qingmu family to our Murong family, this gift is too precious." Murong Wuhui said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Take it as a gift for Xian'er," Lin Hua said, looking at Murong Xian who had been looking at her.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Wuhui's eyes faltered, because the item Lin Hua gave was too expensive, he didn't know whether she would accept this expensive gift or not.

"Lin Hua, you have already given me Iron Feather Dragon Wings, which are already very precious, so I think you should accept this Qingmu family yourself." Murong Xian said to Lin Hua!

Murongxian also knew that this gift from Linhu was too precious, because the Qingmu family was the head of the four major families, much stronger than the other three families, so of course the Qingmu family was quite powerful!So she didn't intend to accept it either.

Lin Hua frowned after hearing what they said. He really didn't want to accept the influence of the Qingmu family, but after hearing what they said, he didn't know what to do for a while, so he felt awkward at the time.

Seeing Lin Hua's embarrassment at this moment, Li Jie said directly to Murong Wuhui, "You must accept this gift from Senior Murong, and treat it as a gift from my boss to propose marriage."

"Yes, Senior Murong, just accept it," Gu Tian also said.

"Ah, who said you're going to marry her?" After hearing what they said, Murongxian lowered her head shyly and whispered.

Lin Hua was a little surprised when she heard Li Jie's words. She didn't expect Li Jie to say that, but then Lin Hua came to her senses and said directly to Murong Wuhui, "Senior Murong, what Li Jie said is not wrong, just treat it as It's a betrothal gift, although I haven't known Murong Xian for too long, but please believe in my feelings for her, this time I successfully resisted the attack of the zombies, so I plan to come to propose marriage."

"Ah..." Murongxian hid behind Murong Wuhui immediately after hearing Lin Hua's words, and became even more shy, because she also liked Lin Hua very much in her heart. Just now Li Jie and the others said the bride price for proposing marriage, he I was very happy, but I was even happier after hearing Lin Hua's confirmation again.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Wuhui said directly to Murong Long, "Long Er, you are responsible for taking over the power of the Aoki family. Lin Hua, let's talk about it when we go back."

After hearing what Murong Wuhui said, Lin Hua knew that Murong Wuhui already agreed with Lin Hua's marriage proposal.

Then Lin Hua said to Li Jie behind him, "Li Jie, you and Gu Tian, ​​Beibei stay and help,"

"Don't worry, Boss, whoever dares to come and make trouble will have their lives saved," Li Jie said, patting his chest.

Just like that, Lin Hua and the others headed back to Murong Mansion!

When they arrived at Murong Mansion, Lin Hua and the others directly followed Murong Wuhui to the hall, and Murong Xian knew that they were talking about the marriage proposal, so he ran back to his room with some embarrassment.

"Lin Hua, your identity is mysterious. I started planning to let Xian'er get in touch with you less, but I have noticed your performance today and Xian'er's feelings for you. If I disagree, Xian'er will blame me for the rest of my life." Yes, I am just such a daughter, and I also want to make her happy, so I agree to your marriage with Xian'er," Murong Wuhui said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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