Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 533 Getting Married

Chapter 533 Getting Married
"However, I don't know if this time the zombie attack will be successfully resisted, so I want you two to get married as soon as possible, and then leave Titan City," Murong Wuhui said with a pained look on his face.

Because he was also very reluctant to part with Murongxian, but Lin Hua's strength and affection for Murongxian made her feel that Lin Hua was a person worthy of entrustment. The news he received from the zombie attack said , The scale of the zombie siege this time is particularly large, and this is the first time the zombie siege, he has no idea in his mind, he doesn't know whether the Titan city can withstand the zombie siege, so he made such a decision .

Lin Hua was very shocked when she heard Murong Wuhui's words, she never thought that Murong Wuhui would let her and Murongxian get married as soon as possible and then leave.

Lin Hua thought for a while and said to Murong Wuhui, "Senior Murong, since I promised Huo Guang to help deal with this zombie attack, I won't leave. I, Lin Hua, am not a person who breaks promises. Don't worry, as long as you have If I'm in the zombies, I won't break through Titan City"

"That's right, Senior Murong, it's actually not very scary for zombies to attack the city. As long as Lin Hua is there, Titan City will not be breached," said Dog King Zhang Ren.

"I received news that the scale of the zombie siege is particularly large, and Titan City has never experienced a zombie siege at all. I don't know if it can resist it. I can't risk Xian'er's life. I am just such a daughter. "Murong Wugui said painfully.

Lin Hua looked at Murong Wuhui and found that her eyes were particularly determined, and she nodded after knowing that it was impossible to change Murong Wuhui's mind.

Then Murong Wuhui started to prepare for Lin Hua and Murong Xian'er's finished products, and set the time to be three days later, although the time was a bit rushed, but the Murong family is powerful, everything was prepared smoothly.

Three days later in the early morning, the Murong Mansion was extremely lively. Because of the huge power of the Murong family and Lin Hua's powerful strength, all the forces in Titan City came to Murong Mansion to participate in the wedding.

"Boss didn't expect this Murong Wuhui to be very powerful. The time is so short, everything is well prepared." Li Jie said to Lin Hua who was wearing a red groom's attire.

"Yeah," Lin Hua said slowly, because Lin Hua was getting married for the first time at this time, so she was very nervous.

But Gu Tian and the others could see Lin Hua's nervousness, and then Gu Tian said to Lin Hua, "Boss didn't expect that you would not be nervous when you meet a powerful enemy, but you will be so nervous when you get married."

"Yeah, I don't know why I'm so nervous today," Lin Hua said to them.

Li Jie, Gu Tian, ​​and Wu Yu are the best man, He Sha, Xue Wu, and Gui Wu are the bridesmaids. Because Lin Hua has no parents, the dog king Zhang Ren, who is the eldest brother, acts as Lin Hua's elder.

"Lin Hua, are you ready? Everyone in the hall is here, only you and the bride are left," said Murong Long who was in the question.

"Come here!" Li Jie shouted directly.

Then Lin Hua and the others went out and walked directly towards the hall.

Murong Xian and the bridesmaid Xue Wu also came out and walked towards the hall.

At this time, the dog king Zhang Ren and Murong Wuhui were sitting on the top seats, the city lord Huo Guang, Huang Batian, Li Rui and some leaders of other forces were sitting on the two sides waiting for the new couple to arrive.

"One Worship"

"Second Worship Hall"

"Happy Couple"

At this time, Murong Wuhui saw Lin Hua and Murong Xian's face turned happy after seeing Lin Hua and Murong Xian's worship.

Everyone drank a lot of wine, because it has been a long time since the last days have seen such a thing as getting married, so everyone is very happy.

After the wedding, everyone left one after another, Murong Wuhui directly called Lin Hua and Murong Xian to her room.

"Lin Huaxian'er, you are married now, I want you to leave tonight." Murong Wuhui said slowly, it could be seen in his eyes that there was deep reluctance.

"Father, I won't leave, I want to stay with you, I know the zombie attack is coming soon" Murong Xian cried after hearing Murong Wuhui's words.

Lin Hua didn't respond at all, because he already knew what Murong Wuhui was thinking. Last night, she and Murong Wuhui went to the City Lord's Mansion to explain Huo Guang, and agreed to Lin Hua's departure.

Because Lin Hua didn't belong to Titan City in the first place, and because Huo Guang didn't want to fight Lin Hua, because she was afraid of Lin Hua's strength, so he only agreed.

Murong Wuhui knew that Murongxian would do this, so he directly took out her big knife and put it on his own neck. If Murongxian disagreed, he would commit suicide directly.

Then he said to Murong Xian, "This time the zombie siege is not so easy to deal with. You go to other cities to hide for a while, and come back when it's over."

"Father, I won't leave, I want to stay with you" Murong Xian cried and said.

"Do you really want to see me die in front of you?" Murong Wuhui said while holding the sword tightly.

After Murong Xian saw Murong Wuhui's actions at this time, he knew that if he didn't agree, Murong Wuhui would really die in front of him and finally nodded.

Seeing that Murong Xian'er agreed, Murong Wuhui put down her sword, hugged Murong Xian'er tightly, and then sent Lin Hua and the others away, all the way to the outside of the city.

And all the forces in Titan City knew of Lin Hua's departure immediately. Although Huo Guang, the city owner, was a little unwilling, she didn't have much to do.

After Lin Hua and the others left Titan City, they continued to walk towards the interior of this world.

And Titan City is already highly prepared for battle at this time, because the zombie army will reach Titan City in a few days.

Murong Xian who left Titan City has been depressed all the time, and he also speaks very little, which is completely different from before!

"Boss, are we really leaving like this?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua.

"Yes, Boss, this time I heard many people say that the scale is not small and the strength of the zombies is not too low. I don't think Titan City can be defended," Gu Tian said to Lin Hua.

And Murongxian couldn't help but burst into tears after hearing what the two of them said!He knew that maybe if he left this time, he might never see her father and his brother again in this life.

Seeing the changes in Murongxian in the past few days, Lin Hua felt very uncomfortable!But Lin Hua still didn't speak.

"Boss, let's go back and help them," said Bei Bei who was hiding in Li Jie's arms.

But after Murong Xian left Titan City, he never said that he wanted Lin Hua to go back to help.

Lin Hua looked at where Murong Xian was still sitting and crying, while Xue Wu and the others were comforting her, which made Lin Hua feel even more uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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