Chapter 534
It wasn't that Lin Hua didn't want to help them, but she had heard the news about the zombie attack this time. It wasn't about the scale of Xueyun City, but an even bigger scale.

He was afraid that if he helped in the past, it might not be possible to stop the zombie attack this time.

Lin Hua thought for a long time and then suddenly said to a few people, "You guys go back to Xueyun City first, I'll go back later"

Because Lin Hua felt very uncomfortable seeing Murongxian become like this, so he decided to go back to help, no matter what, he didn't want Murongxian to be like this all the time, he wanted to call that lively and cheerful Murongxian.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others knew Lin Hua's thoughts, and then they all fell silent.

"Lin Hua, I'll go back with you to help." Dog King Zhang Ren was the first to say after seeing everyone's silence.

"This time it's my own business, so you go back first," Lin Hua continued, because he didn't want to drag several other people into this zombie attack and risk himself.

"Boss, we have faced so many things together, don't you think we are all people who are afraid of death?" Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

"Stop talking, I've already made up my mind, you guys go back first, Murong Xian and I will go back together," Lin Hua said to several people.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Xian raised her head and looked at Lin Hua without saying a word. Her eyes were a little red and swollen because she cried a lot these days.

"Boss, don't talk about letting us go back, I have a way," Li Jie said.

"What way?" Lin Hua asked Li Jie.

"Some supernatural beings were transferred from Xueyun City to help them. I think the time should be timely," Li Jie continued.

"No, I can't be so selfish and risk other people's lives," Lin Hua said directly.

"Boss, let's do it this way, let's go back to Titan City together now, I think with our participation, we should be able to withstand this funeral siege," Xue Wu said.

"Yeah, boss, I think Li Jie's idea just now is correct. Let's bring people over to help resist the zombie attack. If we resist and take Titan City directly, how do you feel?" Dog King Zhang Ren said.

"That's right, the boss Titan City is not small, and it's not very far from Xueyun City," Gui Wu continued.
After hearing what they said, Lin Hua thought about it and said "OK" to several people.

Several people were very happy after hearing Lin Hua's words, especially Murong Xian, because he knew that Lin Hua planned to help Titan City resist the attack of zombies.

Then Lin Hua directly summoned the ice dragon and headed towards the space rift they came in. It took them three days to reach the exit of the space rift.

And just when Lin Hua and the others reached the exit of the space crack, the army of zombies had already begun to gather in Titan City. This time, the army of zombies was very large.

"City Master, more and more zombies are gathering near Titan City," said Huang Batian, the Patriarch of the Huang Family.

"Yeah, I can't think that the zombies should attack the city tomorrow," Murong Wuhui said.

"Notice that all four city gates are now closed. The East Gate City Lord's Mansion is in charge, the Ximen Murong Family is in charge, the North Gate Li Family is in charge, and the South Gate Huang Family is in charge," said City Lord Huo Guang.

After the discussion, everyone began to mobilize the supernatural beings to go to various city gates.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others had already exited the space rift and came to the outside of Xueyun City, because after Lin Hua and the others entered the space rift, they killed all the nearby zombies, so the space rift was basically closed. The ancient zombies came out, so only more than 200 supernatural beings were stationed here, and the rest returned to Xueyun City.

"The lord is out!" The supernatural being stationed in the space crack shouted loudly after seeing Lin Hua and the others come out!
Lin Hua directly controlled the ice dragon to walk towards Xueyun City.

"Why do they call you the leader?" Murong Xian asked Lin Hua. After Lin Hua promised to help, Murong Xian's mood has improved a lot, and he has returned to the lively and cheerful Murong Xian before.

"The boss rules this Xueyun City just like Huo Guang, but there is only one Ice and Snow Alliance in Xueyun City, so we are called the boss leader." Before Lin Hua could speak, Li Jie said directly.

"Ah, I didn't expect you to be the city lord." Murong Xian said in surprise after hearing Li Jie's words.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Lin Hua saw Murong Xian pamperingly touching Murong Xian's head and said.

"What's so surprising about this? Our Ice and Snow Alliance is the only force in Xueyun City, not as many forces as Titan City," Gu Tian continued.

"By the way, Xian'er, what would you think if I unified Titan City and occupied it?" Lin Hua asked Murong Xian.

"I don't care what you want to do, anyway, I'll just follow you," Murong Xian said with a smile.

At this time, several people had arrived at the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League, and Lin Hua and the others got off the ice dragon.

"Call all the cadres over, half an hour after the meeting in the hall," Li Jie said to the guards.

Then Lin Hua and the others went directly to the hall of Xueyun City, and after about half an hour, all the people came to the meeting hall.

Lin Hua, let's talk about Titan City with them now, and then wait for their opinions.

"I agree with the boss. If we help Titan City defend this time, the distance will not be very far. If we directly move all the people in Titan City here, the power of Xueyun City will increase greatly," Jin Mu said.

"However, the ancient zombies are not so easy to deal with when attacking the city, because the strength of those ancient zombie fighters is not comparable to the current zombies, Li Yilang said.

"No matter from any point of view, we should go to help Titan City this time," Dog King Zhang Ren said directly.

After hearing Zhang Ren's words, everyone was silent, waiting for Lin Hua's decision!
"I'm planning to set off tomorrow morning. According to the time, Titan City should be surrounded by zombies, so we can't waste too much time," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Okay, how many people is the boss planning to bring?" Jin Mu said to Lin Hua, because after Lin Hua left, Xueyun City was in charge of Jin Mu, so he knew the strength of Xueyun City best.

"How many Platinum superhumans are there?" Lin Hua asked slowly.

"There are about 200 people with platinum abilities, about [-] people with Amethyst abilities, and more than [-] people with extraordinary abilities," Jinmu said slowly.

After Lin Hua heard Jin Mu's words, she was a little shocked. She didn't expect that the strength of Xueyun City is so strong now. Lin Hua's memory of the last ten years is that the strength of Baidi City that was attacked by the army of zombies should be Not much stronger than the current Snow Cloud City!
(End of this chapter)

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