Chapter 535
However, Lin Hua immediately reacted and said, "[-] Platinum superhumans, [-] Amethysts, and [-] Transcendents, gather at the gate of the South City at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning."

"Yes" Jin Mu finished speaking and walked out of the conference hall to gather people.

The rest of the people also retreated one after another after seeing that there was nothing wrong.

At this time, only Lin Hua and Murong Xian were left in the conference hall.

"You looked so handsome just now, I like you so much." Murong Xian stared at Lin Hua closely and said.

Seeing Murong Xian at this time, Lin Hua said, "Do you know why you feel familiar when you meet me for the first time?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Xian felt very strange. He didn't know why Lin Hua asked such a question suddenly, and then said, "I don't know, do you know?"

"Because we were together for ten years in the previous life," Lin Hua said to Murong Xian.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murongxian couldn't believe it, "Just lie to me, I'm yours now, and still use this kind of routine."

Seeing that Murongxian didn't believe it, Lin Hua told Murongxian about him and Murongxian's previous life, and they didn't rest until midnight after preaching.

Lin Hua and the others got up early the next morning, and went straight to the South City Gate after dinner. At this time, more than 6 people with supernatural powers had already gathered outside the South City Gate.

"Nie Quanqi, Brother Yu, the two of you are in charge of Xueyun City this time," Lin Hua said to the two of them.

"Boss, don't worry, I wish you a triumphant return." Brother Yu said to Lin Hua.

Then Lin Hua and the others went into the space crack one after another!

At this time, Titan City has been firmly surrounded by the zombie army, because the walls of their ancient city are very high, so as long as they resist the gate and not be breached, they can resist the zombie attack.

When Huo Guang saw the army of zombies outside the city, she didn't know what to do, because the number of the army of zombies was too large, at least 50, and their strength was not low. There was not enough fighting power in Titan City. With 3 people, those ordinary people can only die if they go out.

"If the lord's zombie army attacks the city like this, I don't think it will take long for the city gate to be breached," said a deputy city lord of the first level of epic.

Because the city wall is too high and very strong, those zombies just kept attacking the city gate. The supernatural beings on the city wall just used bows and crossbows to attack the zombies rushing to the city gate. Although they could temporarily resist it, But the number of those zombies is too much, and the bow and arrow consume too much, and sooner or later they will run out.

"It can only be guarded like this, let's see if the bows and arrows and the zombie army are exhausted first," Huo Guang said slowly.

After Lin Hua and the others entered the space crack, they marched quickly, because he knew that there were five days away from Titan City, and he didn't know if Titan City could last for four days, so Lin Hua was particularly anxious.

"Boss, I don't know what's going on with Titan City now. According to Huo Guang's news, the zombies have been attacking the city for four days now," Li Jie said when Lin Hua and the others came to the space rift on the third day.

"Well, the day we came in should be the second day after the zombies attacked the city. According to the current speed, I think we should be able to reach Titan City tomorrow morning," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Boss, why don't we go and take a look at the current situation?" Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

"Yeah, Boss, we don't know the situation of the zombie army now, so it would be inappropriate to go directly like this," Jin Mu said.

"Okay, then Xuewu Guiwu, Li Jie, Gutian, Heisha, Brother Yu, and Xianer will go first, and Jinmu and Zhang Ren will be in charge of the army," Lin Hua said to Jinmu and the others.

Then Lin Hua directly released the ice dragon and several people climbed directly on top of the ice dragon and set off towards Titan City.

At this time, the zombie army has reached the final stage of attacking the city. Now the zombies rushing to the city gate have reached the platinum level, and they are still not easy to kill. Now the city gate guards are under special pressure.

"City Lord, I think the city gate will not be able to defend sooner or later, and the bows and arrows are almost used up," the deputy city lord of Titan City said to Huo Guang.

At this time, Huo Guang hadn't rested for four days. He hadn't rested since the zombies attacked the city, so Huo Guang was very tired now, but he persisted.

"Notify the three other Patriarchs of the other three city gates that they will gather here within an hour with their elite supernatural beings, and then go out of the city to fight a decisive battle with the army of zombies," Huo Guang said to the Deputy City Master behind him.

A guard at the back heard it and passed the message directly.

An hour later, the patriarchs of the three major families gathered at the east gate of Titan City with the elite of their families.

"I don't know how my sister is doing now." Murong Long said to Murong Wuhui.

"You still have the face to talk about your sister, what is that Lin Hua, the zombies attacked the city and ran away immediately," Huang Batian, the head of the Huang family, said to Murong Long.

"Yes, at first I thought that Lin Hua was a great person, but I didn't expect that he was just a coward." Li Rui, the head of the Li family, sarcastically said to Murong Wuhui.

"Old man, do you want to die?" Murong Long cursed directly at Huang Batian.

Because since Lin Hua and the others left, the Murong family has been ridiculed by other forces behind their backs. Murong Long has been enduring it all the time, but today he heard them talking about Lin Hua directly, so he couldn't stand it. Murong Long knew Lin Hua's His father forced him to leave.

"Hehe, just because you are not enough" Huang Batian satirized Murong Long, and then looked at Murong Wuhui.

"Then I should be enough." Murong Wuhui immediately took out a big knife and wanted to do it, because she couldn't stand their sarcasm towards Lin Hua either!
"Shut up, everyone. You were called here to discuss countermeasures, not for you to quarrel." Huo Guang said directly to them.

"Hmph, Murong Wuhui, you will die at my hands sooner or later." Huang Batian said viciously to Murong Wuhui.

After hearing Huang Batian's words, Murong Wuhui looked at Huo Guang and stopped talking.

Huo Guang went on to say, "I plan to rush out and confront the zombie army directly. It's not an option to waste it like this. Now let the elites who will go out eat first, and then go directly to the king of the zombie army."

Half an hour later, the east gate of Titan City opened slowly!
"Hoho!" The zombie king roared when the east gate of Titan City opened, and then the army of zombies retreated in an orderly manner.

Huo Guang and the others rushed out after seeing the army of zombies retreating slowly!There are more than 2 people in the City Lord's Mansion plus the elite elite of the three major families, and the number of zombies on the opposite side is simply uncountable.

(End of this chapter)

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