Chapter 536 Mutation
After many supernatural beings came out, their legs trembled when they saw the endless army of zombies in front of them.

"Haha, I didn't expect the city lord to come out to fight." At this time, a thick voice came out from the zombie army.

Then a burly zombie walked out with a silver spear in his hand. This is the Zombie King, the ruler of the zombie army. First-order zombies and more than 20 epic first-order zombies.

Huo Guang also felt a lot of pressure when he saw the zombie king with a spear in his hand, because he felt a strong sense of danger from the zombie king.

But Huo Guang is not afraid anymore, because he can only deal with this zombie king.

Huang Batian and the others couldn't help being a little scared when they saw the zombie king and the epic zombies behind the zombie king, because the number of zombies at the epic level was several times more than them.

"Since we have come out, we have to face it no matter what. If we don't kill the zombie king, we won't return to the city." After Huo Guang finished speaking, he walked step by step towards the zombie king in the zombie army.

And the zombie king didn't order Huo Guang and the others who were attacked by those zombies, but quietly watched Huo Guang who was walking towards him step by step.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others were flying towards Titan City at full speed, and now they were less than an hour away from Titan City.

"You are Huo Guang, the lord of Titan City, your current strength is no match for me," the zombie king said to Huo Guang who was opposite.

"You won't know the result until you fight." After Huo Guang finished speaking, he swung his long sword and attacked the zombie king.

"Bang bang bang" a series of attacks sounded, the zombie king and Huo Guang fought together, but Huo Guang was not the opponent of the zombie king at all, and he was seriously injured not long after the battle.

The patriarchs of the three families are particularly worried about Huo Guang, because if Huo Guang loses, no one of them can deal with this zombie king.

At this time, Huang Batian walked to Li Rui's side and whispered to Li Rui, "If Huo Guang is killed, we will directly retreat to Titan City, and let that old Murong Wuhui fight with them."

After hearing Huang Batian's words, Li Rui looked at Huang Batian and Huo Guang, who was already covered with scars, and nodded.

"Bang..." The Zombie King's spear directly pierced Huo Guang's left chest, and then Huo Guang fell directly to the ground. At this time, he was directly hit by the Zombie King's gun and had no strength to fight.

The zombie king let out a roar when he saw that Huo Guang had lost the power to fight, and then all the zombies began to attack Huo Guang and the others.

When Murong Wuhui saw the scene at this time, he swung his big knife and rushed to Huo Guang's surroundings to resist the rushing zombies.

"The supernatural beings from the Huang family and the Li family have retreated to Titan City," Huang Batian shouted loudly.

Afterwards, Huang Batian and Li Rui retreated towards the Titan City behind them.

"Huang Batian, you old bastard, I'm going to kill you" Murong Long yelled at Huang Batian and then used his fan to attack Huang Batian.

With a "bang", Murong Long was directly hit on the chest by Huang Batian's hammer, and was seriously injured directly, vomiting blood non-stop.Murong Long is the strength of the first level of Epic, and Huang Batian is the strength of the second level of Epic. How could Murong Long resist Huang Batian's hammer.

Huang Batian saw the army of zombies attacking and retreated directly towards Titan City.

When the supernatural beings of Murong's family saw that Murong Long was injured, they directly protected Murong Long.

"Huang Batian, if I go back alive, it will be your death." Murong Wuhui shouted loudly after seeing Murong Long being seriously injured by Huang Batian.

"Old thing, you can't go back alive." Huang Batian's voice came from a distance.

The army of zombies quickly surrounded Murong Wuhui and the others, and most of the members of the Royal Li family had almost reached the gate of the city because they had already retreated.

Murong Wuhui asked the supernatural beings of the Murong family to protect the injured Huo Guang and Murong Long in the middle, and retreated backward.

But soon Murong Wuhui saw it, Huang Batian and the others immediately closed the city gate after they returned to Titan City.

"Murong City Lord, you should go back first, I have no strength to fight anymore," Huo Guang said after seeing Huang Batian and the others returning to the city.

"I, Murong Wuhui, am not someone who is afraid of death, if you want to go back, let's go back together" Murong Wuhui shouted loudly.

Originally, Murong Wuhui and the others were not far from Titan City, and soon they were near the city gate, but the gate of Titan City was still closed, no matter how Murong Wuhui yelled, Huang Batian would not open the gate.

After Huang Batian and the others returned to Titan City, they directly controlled the city gate, because since they had retreated, they couldn't let Murong Wuhui and Huo Guang come back alive, otherwise they would not be able to recover.

"Murong Wuhui, you just wait outside to die, if you open the city gate now, everyone will be killed." Huang Batian shouted at Murong Wuhui.

"Patriarch Huang, aren't you afraid that Lin Hua will come back to avenge the Murong family?" Li Rui said to Huang Batian.

"Lin Hua is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, so she is nothing to be afraid of. I believe that he will never dare to come back in his life. Even if he returns to Titan City, we will rule him, and he will not be able to do much." Huang Batian Said.

Murong Wuhui was particularly angry when he saw that the city gate was controlled and did not open it. He could only lead the city lord's mansion and the Murong family's supernatural beings to fight, but as time went by, more and more people were injured.

The zombie king opposite seemed to be in no hurry to kill Murong Wuhui and the others, so he didn't go directly to kill Murong Wuhui and the others.

"Father, just leave us alone, you can't enter the city gate, you go find your brother-in-law and come back to avenge us" Murong Long shouted loudly at Murong Wuhui.

At this moment, Murong Wuhui was fighting with two epic second-tier zombies, he was beaten and retreated steadily, and his body was stabbed to death several times by the zombie's bronze sword.

Although Murong Wuhui was injured, he did not have the slightest fear.

"I didn't expect there to be so many zombies." Li Jie on the ice dragon said, looking at the army of zombies on the ground. At this time, they were almost arriving at Titan City.

"Boss, look at the people below." Beibei standing on Lin Hua's shoulder pointed to Murong Wuhui and the others who were surrounded by the zombie army on the ground.

"That's my father" Murong Xian said when he saw Murong Wuhui who was still fighting with scars on the ground.

"It's really Senior Murong, and there are also Huo Guang and Murong Long, but they are all seriously injured." Lin Hua said after seeing the situation below, and then controlled the ice dragon to descend quickly.

"Father, it's Lin Hua, that's Lin Hua's ice dragon" Murong Long said to Murong Wuhui who was fighting.

"Xuewu summoned the fire phoenix," Lin Hua shouted directly at Xuewu.

(End of this chapter)

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