Chapter 538
Murong Wuhui nodded directly. Murong Xian knew that he would not lie to himself after hearing Murong Wuhui's words, and then directly used his flying artifact Iron Feather Dragon Wings to fly towards Lin Hua who was controlling the ice dragon to attack the zombies.

At this time, Lin Hua and Xue Wu were controlling the ice dragon and fire phoenix to attack the zombies rushing towards them. When Murong Xian flew over, Lin Hu felt that something must be wrong, otherwise she It will not fly over at this time.

"What's wrong with Xian'er?" Lin Hua asked Murong Xian who was flying over.

"Huang Batian seriously injured my brother, and Li Rui controlled the gate of the city, we won't let you in if you don't open the gate," Murong Xian said anxiously.

After hearing Murong Xian's words, Lin Hua looked at Huang Batian and Li Rui on the city wall at this time, with a strong killing intent in his eyes!Only then did I realize that Murong Wuhui and the others fought to the death outside the city because the city gate was controlled. If he didn't come, Murong Wuhui and Huo Guang would all die here.

"Go back first and tell them where to approach the city gate," Lin Hua said to Murong Xian, and directly controlled the ice dragon to fly towards the city gate.

Because Lin Hua knew that there were too many people below, if there were only Murong Wuhui and the others, they could escape with the ice dragon, but with so many people and many wounded, they could only retreat back into the city.

"Lin Hua is here, let's go." Li Rui said to Huang Batian when he saw Lin Hua on the ice dragon flying towards the city gate. Go down the city gate.

"Okay." After Huang Batian finished speaking, he followed Li Rui closely.

Lin Hua saw that Huang Batian and Li Rui were about to run away, but he didn't plan to waste time dealing with them now, because more people would die if they didn't open the city gate now.

"It's Lin Hua!" Seeing Lin Hua flying over from the city wall, he shouted loudly.

"Open the city gate," Lin Hua said coldly to the remaining supernatural beings on the city wall.

"Okay, it's not that we don't open the city gate, it's Huang Batian and the others who don't let them open the city gate, and he also killed several people who wanted to open the city gate to save the city lord," said a supernatural being on the city wall.

Lin Hua ignored him, and continued to control the ice dragon to rush forward, because he still needed to stop the zombie army, lest the zombie army rush into Titan City when the city gate opened, and even more people would die.

"Open the city gate" the supernatural beings on the city wall shouted loudly when they saw that Murong Wuhui and the others had retreated to the position of the city gate
The city gate slowly opened with a "boom", and the supernatural beings fighting outside the city were very happy to hear the sound of the city gate opening, because at least they would not die outside the city.

"Hoho..." The zombie king roared the moment he saw the city gate open. After hearing the zombie king's roar, the zombies attacked these supernatural beings even more frantically.

With a "bang" sound, the epic second-order zombie who fought with Beibei was directly crushed by Beibei's claws, and hit the ground heavily, and then Beibei ran to Li Jie to help Li Jie.

Although Beibei is only at the first level of Epic, since he opened his third eye, his strength can increase dramatically in a short period of time, so he can easily kill the zombie at the second level of Epic.

With Li Jie's skills fully activated, he temporarily tied with another epic zombie of the second rank, but after Bei Bei joined, the situation of the battle changed quickly. It's so easy, that zombie can only be passive defensive!Getting killed is a matter of time.

Because of the opening of the city gate, many supernatural beings and wounded returned to the city one after another, and the zombies attacked even more frantically after seeing more and more people retreating into the city.

However, since Lin Hua and Xuewu resisted most of the zombies in the front, it was easy for the supernatural beings in the back to deal with them.

Those supernatural beings who were not injured returned to the city and went directly to the city wall to continue attacking the zombies with bows, arrows and crossbows.

Lin Hua looked around and saw that there were less than 500 people with supernatural powers left outside, and they should all be able to return to Titan City soon.Then he yelled to Li Jie and the others below, "You guys also follow back, Ghost Dance will release the skills directly after a while"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Gui Wu knew what Lin Hua meant.He directly raised his dark attribute staff and released the skill Corrosion Acid Rain on the zombies in front!

Then black liquid fell from the sky in a large area ahead, and the rushing zombies suddenly let out howls.

Although these ancient zombie warriors are all wearing bronze armor, the ghost dance skills are extremely corrosive, and the black liquid can easily corrode the armor of the ancient zombie warriors!Then slowly corrode their bodies.

Xue Wu also directly released the skill rain of fire, and the zombies in front who did not die under the ghost dance skill directly rained fire.The front immediately turned into a sea of ​​red flames, basically all of them died under the skills of Xue Wu and Ghost Dance.

A vacuum zone appeared directly within this range, but soon new zombies rushed over.

Lin Hua directly released Absolute Freeze to those rushing zombies.

Those rushing zombies were immediately frozen by Lin Hua, and after a crisp sound of "crack, bang, bang", these frozen ice sculptures were directly turned into pieces, but there were still some who did not die and rushed to the fire.

Lin Hua saw that only Li Jie and the others were left outside the city, and then directly shouted at Li Jie, "You all go in too."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others were all in Rundao City.

With a bang, the city gate was closed tightly again.

At this moment, Lin Hua also let out a long sigh after seeing that everyone had retreated into the city.

"Wang, I didn't expect that human being to be so powerful." The epic second-order zombie beside the zombie king pointed at Lin Hua.

"Well, but sooner or later I will die by my hands." The zombie king stared at Lin Hua and said.

When Murong Wuhui and the others returned to the city, they all returned directly to the city wall, watching Lin Hua on the ice dragon and Xue Wu on the fire phoenix.

"I didn't expect Lin Hua's strength to be so strong. It seems that he should be able to deal with that zombie king." Huo Guang stared at Lin Hua and said.

Seeing that he had stabilized after returning to the city, Lin Hua flew back to Titan City with Xuewu.

At this time, Huang Batian and Li Rui were already in the secret passage of Li Rui's family, running towards the outside of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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