Chapter 539 Chase

After Lin Hua and Xuewu entered the city, they went straight up to the city gate. At this time, except for the two families of Huang Batian and Li Rui, almost all the forces were here.

"Lin Hua didn't expect that you would come back to help," Huo Guang, the city lord, said weakly.

"Well, it's just that I came back a little late," Lin Hua said slowly.

"By the way, Senior Murong, where are Xian'er and Li Jie?" Lin Hua asked Murong Wuhui because he couldn't see Li Jie and them.

"I didn't see Xian'er after entering the city," Murong Wuhui said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Who do you know about Murong Xian, where did Li Jie and the others go?" Lin Hua shouted loudly after hearing Murong Wuhui's answer.

At this time, Lin Hua blamed himself very much, because the zombie siege was so chaotic, he was afraid that Murong Xian would be in danger, because Murong Xian was not as strong as Li Jie and the others, Murong Xian's strength was only the second level of extraordinary.

"I saw Ms. Murongxian and the others just now," said a voice from below the city after hearing Lin Hua's call.

Then the supernatural person ran up quickly, and then said, "I was the last wave to come in just now. When I entered the city, I saw Miss Murong sitting on the ground behind the city gate crying, and then Li Jie and the others came back." After I got back, I saw Miss Murong crying and passed away. I don’t know what they said, so a few people walked inside."

Lin Hua thought for a while, Murong Xian and Li Jie and the others should have nothing to do, but then it occurred to him that Murong Xian told him that Huang Batian had seriously injured Murong Long and prevented everyone from entering the city, knowing that Li Jie and the others They should have gone to find Huang Batian and the others.

Then Lin Hua said to Murong Wuhui, "I think Li Jie and the others took Xian'er to find Huang Batian and the others. I'll go and have a look first."

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she directly released the skills of Ice Bind and Ice Shifting Phantom and went up to Huang Batian's mansion, because Murongxian said that it was Murong Long who was seriously injured by Huang Batian, Lin Hua thought that Murongxian and the others must have gone to Huang Batian.

Although Li Jie and the others followed, Lin Hua was still a little worried. After all, Huang Batian and Li Rui are both at the second level of epic strength, so it is easy to deal with it alone, but because of today's incident, Huang Batian and Li Rui should They were together, so Lin Hua was afraid of any accident so he accelerated his speed.

When Lin Hua was about to arrive at Huangfu, she saw Li Jie and the others in front of her.

Lin Hua directly used several ice shifting phantoms to rush in front of several people!
"Ah, Lin Hua, you're here, don't blame Li Jie and the others, they all came because they want to avenge me." Murong Xian begged when he saw Lin Hua appearing in front of them.

"Boss was my attention. I didn't wait for you because I was afraid that Huang Batian and the others would run away, so I came here directly." Li Jie said after hearing Murongxian's words.

"Yes, boss, Huang Batian felt guilty when he saw us coming back, so he will definitely run away." Gu Tian followed up.

Because they all knew that it was not good to run over to find Huang Batian without saying a word just now.

But when they saw Murongxian sitting at the city gate crying, they couldn't bear it, so they didn't hold back the impulse.

Lin Hua looked at Li Jie and the others, and then at Murongxian whose eyes were a little red and swollen at this time, and didn't have the heart to blame them too much, and then said, "Next time you encounter something like this, you must wait for me to come back."

"Yeah..." Murong Xian quickly nodded in agreement when he saw that Lin Hua was not angry.

"Boss will find out in the future, I was indeed a little impulsive today." Li Jie said a little embarrassed when he saw that Lin Hua didn't say anything.

In fact, they all knew that Lin Hua asked them to wait for her to come back because he was afraid they would say something, so they were not angry at all.

Then a few people walked towards Huang's mansion, and some supernatural beings from the Huang family hurried out outside the gate of Huang's mansion!But when they saw Lin Hua and the others, there was deep fear in their eyes. They knew that what Huang Batian did today offended Lin Hua, and they had seen Lin Hua destroy the Qingmu family before, so they are now returning The Huang family packed up their things and prepared to run away with the Li family.

"Where is Huang Batian?" Lin Hua asked those people coldly.

"I don't know, I don't know," a member of the Huang family said, but he didn't dare to look up at Lin Hua because she was afraid that Lin Hua would find out that she was lying.

Lin Hua and the others knew they were lying at a glance, and then Lin Hua continued, "Two ways are far away, one is to tell me where Huang Batian is, and the other is to find it yourself in your head, and then kill you."

"Lord Lin Hua, please spare me, Huang Batian and Li Rui are planning to escape from the city in the secret passage of the Li family." Frightened by Lin Hua, the supernatural being who lied just now told Huang Batian and the others who were trying to escape. The matter was told to Lin Hua.

After hearing this, Lin Hua directly said to several people, "I'll go after it myself, you guys go back first."

"You have to be careful," Murong Xian said with concern.

"Boss, I'll go with you." Beibei jumped onto Lin Hua's shoulder and said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Boss, let's go back first." After Li Jie finished speaking, several people walked towards the east gate.They all knew that if Huang Batian ran away, Lin Hua could only chase after him, because his speed was fast. If they all chased after him, the speed would slow down. Originally, Huang Batian and the others had already been running for a long time, but it was even worse. Not easy to be caught up.

After Lin Hua and the others left, they immediately released their skills to move the ice phantom and headed towards Li Rui's house non-stop. They learned the location of the secret passage by intimidating the Li family's supernatural beings, and then Lin Hua followed the secret passage to chase Huang Batian and the others. up.

And Huang Batian and Li Rui, with their family's supernatural powers, also quickly walked towards the front of the secret passage, because they were also afraid that Lin Hua would chase them along the secret passage, and they would not be afraid if they left the secret passage , the secret path is far away from Titan City, and Lin Hua doesn't know where they want to go.

At this time, Huang Batian and the others had been walking in the secret passage for almost an hour. According to Li Rui's understanding of the secret passage, they knew that they should be approaching the exit of the secret passage, so they quickened their pace again.

"Li Rui, are you sure this secret path can run out of the range of the zombie army?" Huang Batian asked Li Rui!Although they walked in the secret passage for a long time and walked a long distance, it had seen how many zombies it had, so it was afraid that it would not run out.

"Huang Batian, you can rest assured and follow along," Li Rui said coldly.

Now Li Rui is also very regretful, if Huang Batian hadn't seduced him to retreat back to Titan City, now he wouldn't have left the power of Titan City and escaped along the secret road, so of course he has nothing good to say about Huang Batian .

(End of this chapter)

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