Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 543 Murong Long pretending to be in pain

Chapter 543 Murong Long pretending to be in pain
After the few people heard Lin Hua's order, Xuewu directly summoned the Fire Phoenix, and then they flew away in the distance.

The zombie king behind the zombie army saw the fire phoenix flying by, and smiled faintly, "I didn't expect that I thought it was here to help, and ran away before the fight started."

"Corpse king, is it possible that this person went out to report the news?" said a zombie of the second level of the epic.

The Zombie King was silent for a long time after hearing what the epic second-tier zombie said, "It will take at least ten days for the nearby cities to send troops over. After they arrive, Titan City has already been captured by us, so there is no need to worry."

"However, the notice will go on to increase the offensive, so that they will all fall into the fatigue stage as soon as possible, in case there are too many dreams at night," the zombie king continued.

The second-tier epic zombie howled for a long time after hearing the zombie king's words. After her howling, all the ancient zombies accelerated their offensive.

After Lin Hua and the others heard the roar of the zombies just now, they realized that the zombie attack under the city had become much stronger.

"Proceed with the order, and stick to it with all your strength until tomorrow, and stick to it until tomorrow," Lin Hua said coldly after seeing the offensive below.

Later, the deputy city lord, who received Lin Hua's order, directly sent someone to deliver the news. For a while, the supernatural guards on the city stepped up their attack on the zombies below.

Half an hour later, the deputy city lord who came back to check the number of people came back, and said directly to Lin Hua, "There are more than 3000 people with platinum abilities in the city, 200 people with amethyst abilities, and 100 people with extraordinary abilities. "

"Why are there so few people? There aren't as many people with supernatural powers left behind by Lin Hua and his alliance." Murong Xian whispered to the injured Murong Long after hearing this.

"So Lin Hua is many times more powerful than Titan City?" Murong Long asked Murong Xian.

"It should be. Although I only stayed in Xueyun City for one day and didn't wander around, I found that the population in their city is more than here. It's just that the city is not as big as Titan City, so it seems densely populated." Murong Xian Said to his brother.

Although the two of them had a very low voice, they might not be able to hear them from a distance away, but Murong Wuhui, who was a few steps away from their siblings, could hear them clearly. Although she didn't speak, she always had a smile on her face with.

Murong Wuhui admired this son-in-law Lin Hua from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, you go down and inform them that the city defense tonight will arrange for them to rest as much as possible, and gather at the city gate after breakfast tomorrow morning." Lin Hua thought for a long time before turning her head to the deputy city lord.

Lin Hua didn't expect that there would be so few supernatural beings in Titan City, but these people should barely be enough!
Huo Guang, the city lord, frowned when he heard that the deputy city lord just reported the number of people. He didn't expect that this was the zombie siege, and more than one-third of the supernatural beings were injured in the zombie siege. He had checked the number of people before.

Compared with the people brought by Lin Hua, these remaining supernatural beings are too different!
"Tomorrow, I plan to go directly to the zombie king's location, and then wait for my signal to go out of the city to meet the enemy." Lin Hua said to these people in Titan City.

"Isn't it too risky to do this? If you go directly, the army of zombies will directly surround you. I'm afraid you won't have to deal with it easily." Murong Wuhui said worriedly.

"That's right, Lin Hua, if you do that, it will consume a lot of abilities and affect the battle with the Zombie King," Huo Guang said worriedly.

Because Huo Guang had fought that zombie king before, he knew the strength of that zombie king clearly, and when the zombie king fought him, he obviously didn't try his best. He knew Lin Hua's strength was strong, but He was still a little worried about Lin Hua, because if Lin Hua lost, no one would be able to kill the zombie king.

"Yeah, Lin Hua, I think it's okay to just kill it tomorrow, and then you can save some abilities and reduce a lot of pressure from the zombies," Murong Long said from the side.

Although Murong Xian was particularly worried about Lin Hua, he didn't speak, but listened to them quietly.

After hearing what they said, Lin Hua thought for a while and said, "There are too few combatants in the city now, so I can only do this in order not to cause more casualties. When the zombie king dies, the morale of the zombie army will be affected. Influence, when the dragons have no leader, it is the best time to go out."

Everyone who heard Lin Hua's words knew that what he said was right, there was no reason to refute it, and everyone was silent.

When Murong Xian saw that everyone was silent and not trying to persuade Lin Hua, he became a little anxious!But just as she was about to speak, she was stopped by Murong Long beside him.

"What Lin Hua said is very reasonable. This battle can only be won, not lost. Lin Hua did this so that as few people as possible will die," Murong Long said to the anxious Murong Xian.

Although Murong Xian knew that what they said was very true, he was still afraid that Lin Hua would be in danger, so he ran to Lin Hua and whispered to Lin Hua, "I will go with you tomorrow, I will watch you from the sky , if it doesn’t work, I can still save you.”

Lin Hua heard Murongxian's words, and knew that he was doing it for her own good, and she was afraid of getting hurt, so she was very moved. She pampered Murongxian's head and said, "Tomorrow, you should stay in the city and wait for me to come back. That's fine, otherwise I'd be distracted looking at you when you saw me in the sky."

"I'm fine, I'll fly higher so that no one of those zombies can see me." Murong Xian said anxiously after hearing Lin Hua's words!

When Murong Wuhui saw that Murong Xian was planning to go out tomorrow, he directly gave Murong Long a look, and Murong Long immediately understood what her father meant!
He directly covered her wound with his hands and shouted out the pain loudly, and even put on a particularly painful expression on his face!
Lin Hua understood at that time that Murong Long was pretending, and all this was to let Murong Xian stay in the city well.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly feel pain? You were fine just now." Murong Xian ran back to Murong Long to look at Murong Long when he heard Murong Long cry out for pain, and then said.

Murong Xian might be because her brother pretended to be in pain to prevent him from going, but she did see the pained expressions on Murong Long's face that didn't look like a fake.

"Xian'er, your brother is injured like this, so you can stay and take care of your brother." Lin Hua almost couldn't hold back her smile and said.

After Murong Xian heard Lin Hua's words, he looked at Lin Hua and then at Murong Long, who had a painful expression on his face. He was still hesitant, because he began to suspect that his brother was just pretending. It's the same, but it doesn't sweat. If it really hurts, it will definitely sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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