Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 544 Arrive on time

Chapter 544 Arrive on time
"Xian'er, you see that my elder brother treats you the best. Now that your elder brother is injured, shouldn't you stay and take care of me?" Murong Long said in a very pitiful manner.

"Yeah, Xian'er, just listen to Lin Hua, you will go out with Lin Hua and Lin Hua will take care of you distractedly, what if he loses because of you?" Murong Wuhui said when he saw Murong Xian who was still hesitating.

After listening to what they said, Murongxian still looked at Lin Hua, Lin Hua saw her staring at him and said with a smile, "I can't do without you, I will win because of you, so don't go out "

Hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Xian wanted to cry. Knowing that all of them didn't want him to go out, Murong Xian finally nodded and took them with him in the city, not going out of the city.

Then several people took a long breath, Murong Long saw that Murong Xian agreed and I stopped pretending to be in pain.

"I knew you were faking it. I saw that you were in pain and didn't sweat, so I knew it was fake." Murong Xian pinched Murong Long's face fiercely before leaving.He ran directly behind Lin Hua and stood there.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Murong Xian pinching Murong Long.

Maybe it was because of the pressure of the zombies attacking the city these days, so everyone's smiles were very presumptuous, only Murong Long didn't laugh, because the pinch Murong Xian just now really hurt.

"Boss, Gutian Beibei and I will go with you tomorrow," Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

They all know that tomorrow will be particularly dangerous, so the three of them discussed it just now and decided that they will follow.

Lin Hua frowned after hearing Li Jie's words, because tomorrow he was going to deal with that zombie king, and that zombie king was so powerful that he hurt Huo Guang like that, and he still had to use all his strength, so he needed to do it wholeheartedly. Those who came to deal with the zombie king did not want Li Jie and the others to follow.

Seeing Lin Hua frowning, Gu Tian knew that Lin Hua didn't intend to let them follow, and then suddenly said, "Boss, the three of us have no problem protecting ourselves. If we can't see it, we will run away. Don't worry."

"That's right, boss, I can kill all the zombies of the second level of the epic now, don't worry about them two having my protection," said Bei Bei, who was standing on Li Jie's shoulder, patted his chest.

"What do you mean, Beibei, Gu Tian and I still need your protection?" Li Jie said unwillingly at the time.

"I didn't do this to get the boss to agree," Beibei said proudly.

"Well, be careful tomorrow, that zombie king is quite powerful, I can't be distracted, so be careful yourself" Lin Hua said after thinking for a while.

After hearing that Lin Hua agreed, Bei Bei smiled proudly and said to Li Jie, "How is it?"

Seeing Bei Bei like Li Jie and Gu Tian just ignored him, at this moment Murong Wuhui said to Lin Hua, "I'll go tomorrow too, my injury is almost healed."

Lin Hua didn't expect Murong Wuhui to say that, because she also saw Murong Wuhui's injury today, and the injury was serious, but after Murong Wuhui said this, Lin Hua said directly to Murong Wuhui, "Father-in-law, you Take charge of leading the supernatural beings in the city for the final decisive battle tomorrow."

Murong Wuhui was about to say something after hearing Lin Hua's words, but he held back in the end!

She knew that this was Lin Hua's kindness. It would be extremely dangerous to go directly to the Zombie King's place tomorrow. Lin Hua was afraid that she would be injured or die again, so she shied away from it.

At this time, Guiwu and the others had already seen Jinmu's army from a distance while sitting on Huofenghuang, and they got together and told Jinmu Lin Hua's order.

Then they hurried on their way and rested not far from the zombie army at three o'clock in the morning, waiting for tomorrow's decisive battle.

Lin Hua didn't rest all night, but just stared at the zombies in the city, Lin Hua was afraid that something would change suddenly, and Murong Xian didn't sleep all night just to stay with Lin Hua.

By the early morning of the next day, Li Jie and the others had already woken up, because Lin Hua told them all to rest, and she could just watch by herself!

Seeing that they were all up, Lin Hua said directly to the supernatural beings behind, "Get ready to call all the supernatural beings, and then have dinner."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the supernatural beings in the back went directly to deliver the order.

"Boss, I've sent the signal to see if they've arrived." Li Jie asked Lin Hua.

Then Lin Hua nodded. According to the time, Jin Mu and the others should have been here for two hours, so Lin Hua didn't worry about anything.

Li Jie directly took out the big flare gun and released a green flare towards the sky. Less than half a minute after Li Jie released the flare, the sky in the distance was also a green flare.

After seeing the green signal flare somewhere, Lin Hua confirmed that Jin Mu and the others had arrived.

"What is that? It's very fun. Can you play with it?" Murong Xian said after looking at Li Jie's flare gun.

"That's a flare gun, but I can't let you play with it right now, because it will be used for fighting later on. When I come back, I'll be there, and he will let you play with it," Lin Hua said to Murong Xian.

Lin Hua didn't know why since she met Murongxian, she loved Murongxian so much, no matter what he asked, as long as he could do it, she would definitely do it.Maybe it's because Murong Xian was not well protected in the last ten years, so he missed this life and pampered him.

Soon all the supernatural beings who went out of the city today to fight had already gathered under the city gate, and all the food was brought over. Lin Hua didn't go down because Murong Wuhui would be in charge of the people below.

Lin Hua, Murong Xian and the others ate some food on it, and Murong Xian was already worried at this moment. She knew that Lin Hua was about to go out to fight that zombie king, so he was particularly worried about Lin Hua.

Although she knew that Lin Hua's strength was particularly strong, there were too many zombies outside, and the four of them were the first to go out. These were not considered the most important thing because the Zombie King was powerful, and she was afraid of Lin Hua. Hua was not the opponent of the Zombie King, and died in the hands of the Zombie King.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine. In my last life, I didn't protect you well. In this life, I won't let you suffer any harm." Lin Hua said to Murong Xian.

Lin Hua could feel the change in Murong Xian when he was eating, because he didn't talk much, and he didn't eat much, so he knew that he was worried for himself.

And Murong Xian didn't feel much better after hearing Lin Hua's words, it wasn't that he didn't believe Lin Hua, it was because he was afraid of losing Lin Hua, so she just hugged Lin Hua all the time, as if she was deeply afraid that Lin Hua would run away.

(End of this chapter)

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