Chapter 548
Now Lin Hua's abilities were killed because the ability body was killed, so the abilities in those body bodies did not return to Lin Hua's body but dissipated.

After seeing the supernatural body being killed, Murong Xian's heart was already in his throat.

At this moment, Lin Hua knew that if things continued like this, she would definitely use the zombie king's abilities first.So Lin Hua planned to fight this zombie king to death. Lin Hua knew that her skill, Rebirth of the Ice Mystery, was now available for use.

Lin Hua directly controlled the remaining supernatural body not to resist the zombie king's attack, but directly attacked the zombie king, and Lin Linhua's body could not resist the zombie king's attack either.

"Peng"'s life Zombie King swept away with one move, and the spear directly interrupted the body of the remaining supernatural body Lin Hua alive at his waist, and the eight strange cold sword of that supernatural body also pierced his body left arm.

The Zombie King's spear still aimed at Lin Hua's body, but because the supernatural body resisted the moment just now, Lin Hua disappeared, and was about to sweep towards the spear on Lin Hua's body.

Lin Hua reappeared at the position where the supernatural body disappeared just now, and all this happened between lightning and flint.

After Lin Hua appeared, Baqi Hanjian still stabbed at the zombie king's left arm, because the power body's desperate attack did not continue when the power body disappeared, so the zombie king's left arm can still be used of.

Lin Hua intends to pierce the zombie king's body directly through the left side!This zombie king is not an ordinary person either, the spear that was sweeping to the right was suddenly changed to sweeping back to the left.

Lin Hua didn't care about the spear that swept over, but directly stabbed the wound on the left arm that the supernatural body pierced just now with the Baqi Hanjian, and it was much deeper than the supernatural body stabbed just now.

"Aoaoao!" The zombie king roared in pain, and the surrounding zombies were all staring at Lin Hua and Li Jie, waiting for the zombie king's order.

And Li Jie was holding a flare gun in his left hand and a big knife in his right hand, ready to rush over at any time. Gu Tian and the others were ready to rush over at any time just like Li Jie, because they all knew that Lin Hua and others might turn into ice eggs.

At that time, Lin Hua was the most vulnerable.

Murong Xian saw that the remaining supernatural body was also dead, and the Zombie King's spear was still attacking Lin Hua's body, but Lin Hua didn't have the slightest intention of dodging, and just let out a scream.

Murong Long couldn't bear to see his sister like this, because Lin Hua couldn't avoid it now. She didn't want her sister to see Lin Hua's tragic death, so she just knocked Murong Xian unconscious.

And Murong Wuhui's cloudy eyes under the city were a little moist, he didn't expect that Lin Hua would trade his life for his life to kill the zombie king.

The zombie king saw that Lin Hua didn't dodge his attack at all, but he endured the pain and exhausted all his strength, and swung his spear fiercely at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua knew that the spear would attack her in the next moment, and she would turn into an ice egg at that time. If the Zombie King was alive at that time, even though Li Jie and the others were protecting him, he would definitely be killed by the zombies. If Wang smashed it, he would really die by then!A fierce light flashed in Lin Hua's eyes when he thought of this, and he must kill the zombie king the moment he turned into an ice egg.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua took a step forward, and the Baqi Hanjian directly inserted into the zombie king's body obliquely through the zombie king's left arm, and penetrated the zombie king's heart.

At the moment when Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian pierced through the zombie king's heart, the zombie king's spear directly swept towards Lin Hua's body, and the mysterious ice body shattered directly, and Lin Hua instantly turned into a cold egg.

With a "pop", the remaining force of the zombie king's spear hit the ice egg, and then fell to the ground. The zombie king also fell to the ground, completely dead, when Lin Hua turned into an ice egg. She died in an instant, because Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian pierced his heart, and the spear could continue to attack Lin Hua, all because the Zombie King swung the spear with too much force just now, and it was just inertia. .

The ice egg was not damaged at all by the zombie king's spear attack. The moment the ice egg appeared, Li Jie fired a shot at the sky, and the three of them rushed over.

And when those zombies saw that the zombie king was dead, they also rushed towards Han Bingdan.

After seeing Li Jie's flare gun, Murong Wuhui in the city of Titan wiped his eyes and waited for the prepared supernatural being to rush out.

And Jin Mu behind the zombie army also rushed towards the front zombie army with the supernatural beings from Xueyun City.

At this time, Xuewu, Heisha, and Guiwu on the Fire Phoenix flew to Lin Hua who had turned into an ice egg to protect the ice egg, because they all knew that Lin Hua would die if the ice egg was broken, so They must protect the ice eggs.

And when those zombie army saw that the zombie king had died in Lin Hua's hands, they began to rush towards Lin Hua who had turned into an ice egg. At this time, Li Jie and the three of them had rushed to Lin Hua who had turned into an ice egg. Near the birch, keep killing the rushing zombies.

And the army led by Jin Mu and the army of supernatural beings in Titan City led by Murong Wuhui have already confronted the army of zombies. It may be because Lin Hua killed the zombie king. All the supernatural beings are abnormal. Excited, high-spirited, and the zombie army that was particularly crazy just now, is no longer as crazy as before.

Xuewu and the others on top of the fire phoenix were also very anxious. While controlling the fire phoenix to emit flames to attack the zombies on the ground, Xuewu also controlled the fire phoenix to quickly fly towards Lin Hua who had turned into an ice egg.

"Brother Li Jie, Sister Xuewu and the others are here." Beibei pointed at the flying Fire Phoenix and said.

"Well, hold on," Li Jie said loudly while waving her dragon pattern epee to attack the rushing zombies
Murong Long looked at Murong Xian who had been knocked out by himself, and sighed. Now his heart is very chaotic, because he doesn't know how to tell Murong Xian when Murong Xian wakes up. Whether Hua died or not, Lin Hua disappeared and an ice egg appeared in his place, maybe it was Lin Hua, this was what he thought.

When the fire phoenix arrived at Lin Hua who had turned into an ice egg, Xue Wu directly controlled the fire phoenix to descend, and then several people jumped down directly, firmly protecting Lin Hua's ice egg in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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