Chapter 549
Xue Wu and Gui Wu didn't go down, they were still releasing skills on the Fire Phoenix to attack those zombies in a large area.

After about ten minutes, there was a crisp "pop", and some cracks gradually appeared on the surface of the ice egg.

After hearing the crisp sound, several people worked harder to resist the rushing zombies, because Lin Hua, who had turned into an ice egg, was at the last moment, and now was the most vulnerable time for ice eggs.

"The city lord didn't expect that Lin Hua really did it. Looking at the zombie army now, it won't take long for them to be wiped out," the injured deputy city lord said to the city lord Huo Guang.

"Yes, Lin Hua really did it, but Lin Hua's life and death are uncertain now. If he doesn't die this time, at least it's better to leave Titan City to him than to me." After the city lord Huo Guang heard the words of the deputy city lord Said slowly.

After hearing Huo Guang's words, the deputy city lord and the supernatural beings behind him remained silent, because what Huo Guang said was correct. If Lin Hua and the Zombie King hadn't traded their lives for their lives just now, they would have died in Titan City. He was killed in the zombie army of the zombie king.

"Brother, how is Lin Hua doing now?" After being stunned by Murong Long just now, he slowly opened his eyes and was the first one to ask Murong Long about Lin Hua's current situation, and then he burst into tears. Before she fell into a coma, she saw that Lin Hua was about to be hit by the Zombie King's spear, so she just woke up and was very worried about Lin Hua's safety. What she was most worried about now was to know what happened to Lin Hua. Did it die.

Murong Long was silent for a while after hearing Murong Xian's words, and then he didn't know how to tell her, because he didn't even know Lin Hua's current situation.

Murong Xian became even more anxious when he saw that Murong Long didn't speak. He looked at Lin Hua's position just now. At this time, Li Jie and the others were guarding the ice egg, and asked him to use her flying artifact to change towards Lin Hua. The place where the ice egg was formed flew away.

"Sister, come back!" All this was too sudden, Murong Long shouted anxiously when he saw Murong Xian flying up, because it was too dangerous down there, and it was too dangerous for his sister to go directly, so he was not at ease.

After Murong Xian heard Murong Long's words, she simply ignored her. Now her head is full of Lin Hua. She doesn't want anything to happen to Lin Hua. She is afraid of losing Lin Hua. Knocked out!If it wasn't for Murong Wuhui knocking her out, Lin Hua would have been fine.

"Lin Hua, you must be fine, if you die, I will die too," Murong Xian murmured silently in her heart.

At this time, Lin Hua, who was inside Bingdan, looked at Li Jie and the others desperately blocking the zombies who wanted to rush over and kill him, and couldn't help feeling a lot more moved in his heart.

A few minutes later, with a "pop", the ice egg was completely shattered, and Lin Hua immediately stood up!Now the supernatural powers in his body have fully recovered, and the injuries on his body are all healed.

"Boss" Li Jie said to Lin Hua directly after seeing Lin Hua recovered.

Lin Hua didn't speak, looked at Murong Xian who was flying towards him in the sky and smiled, then directly released the ice dragon and two supernatural bodies to attack the zombies.

Murongxian was overjoyed when he saw Lin Hua come out of the ice egg. He knew that Lin Hua had nothing to do now, so he flew towards Lin Hua quietly.

When Murong Wuhui and the others saw the ice dragon, they were also very happy. Seeing the ice dragon proved that Lin Hua had nothing to do now, and couldn't help but attack the surrounding zombies harder. The army of zombies, because of the death of the zombie king, The lack of morale in the army is simply unable to withstand the attack of the army of supernatural beings.

When Murong Xian arrived at the sky above Lin Hua and was about to land, Lin Hua yelled directly at Murong Xian, "Xian'er, you go back to the city first, and I will go back later."

After Murong Xian heard Lin Hua's words, he couldn't help but startled, and then he reacted, nodded to Lin Hua and flew towards Titan City.

Although Murong Xian was particularly worried about Lin Hua, but when he saw that Lin Hua had nothing to do, his worries eased a lot. She knew that she was not strong enough, and staying here would only drag Lin Hua down, so she went back directly. .

With Lin Hua joining the battle between the zombies and the supernatural beings, the situation was overwhelming. The zombie army was basically wiped out after about six hours, and the casualties of the supernatural beings were not particularly serious. , It's just one step and someone is injured.

After Lin Hua and the others cleaned up the zombies, they walked directly towards Titan City, while the city lord Huo Guang opened the city gate with the injured supernatural beings, waiting for Lin Hua and the others to return in triumph. They were also very happy to see that Lin Hua didn't die. Now they admire Lin Hua from the bottom of their hearts. If Lin Hua didn't kill the zombie king, their Titan City would definitely be wiped out by this army of zombies. hands.

Lin Hua was not surprised when he saw Huo Guang and the others coming out of the city to greet him. When Murong Xian saw Lin Hua coming back, he ran towards Lin Hua, hugged Lin Hua tightly, and sobbed non-stop.

Lin Hua lovingly touched Murong Xian's head silently and said, "I'm already back, why are you crying?"

"Yeah, I just saw that Zombie King's spear swept over you and then he couldn't see you anymore," Murong Xian said while sobbing.

"Okay, okay, I really almost died just now, but God saw you crying so sadly, so he didn't kill me, let me come back and take good care of you." Lin Hua said still The weeping Murong Xian said.

Puchi, Murong Xian couldn't help laughing after hearing Lin Hua's Hua.

"Yeah, Lin Hua, you really scared us just now." Murong Long said to Lin Hua.

"Well, it was really dangerous just now, but it's all right now. If I didn't take the risk of exchanging my life with the zombie king, the zombie king would not have died in my hands at all." Lin Hua slowly Said to these few people.

Others may not understand the strength of the zombie king. How could Huo Guang, who had fought against the zombie king, not know the strength of the zombie king? He also secretly admired Lin Hua's strength in his heart.

"By the way, there's nothing else to do now, let's go back and rest first." Murong Wuhui said to Lin Hua and the others!

(End of this chapter)

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