Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 551 Migration Issue

Chapter 551 Migration Issue
"What does Patriarch Murong mean? The two cities merged together, right?" said a leader of a Titan city.

"That's right, if Patriarch Murong were to merge, I think people from Titan City would migrate to Xueyun City," said another leader of Titan City.

After hearing what these two people said, Murong Wuhui couldn't help showing a trace of anger on her face, but she didn't have a fit because Lin Hua and Huo Guang haven't spoken to me yet!

Lin Hua turned her head to the city lord Huo Guang and asked slowly, "City lord, what do you mean by agreeing to merge or separate management?" After speaking, a lot of smiles appeared on Lin Hua's face.

After Huo Guang heard Lin Hua's words, Huo Guang knew that she couldn't avoid it. In fact, she knew that merging the two cities was the best choice. Timely, but if the two cities were to be merged, the population of one city would inevitably migrate to the other, and he knew it would definitely be Titan City.

Therefore, Huo Guang does not advocate the merger of the two cities, but if it is not merged, it is meaningless if Titan City does not join the Ice and Snow League, so it is difficult for him to choose now. He is different from Murong Wuhui, Lin Hua is Murong Wugui's son-in-law, Murong Wuhui can give unconditionally, he is willing, and Huo Guang is not Murong Wuhui, so he doesn't plan to merge.

But Huo Guang had promised Lin Hua that if Lin Hua kept Titan City, he would hand over the position of city lord to Lin Hua!But he opposed the separate management of the two cities, so Titan City remained the same as before.

Lin Hua knew that it was difficult for Huo Guang to make a choice, and then said to Huo Guang, "Master Huo, just say what you think, don't take into account what you promised me before." After Lin Hua finished speaking, the smile on her face became even stronger.

Huo Guang couldn't help being shocked when he heard what Lin Hua said, and then looked at Lin Hua and saw Lin Hua's smile. He felt that he didn't understand Lin Hua more and more now, but after hearing what Lin Hua said just now, he planned to take it directly. Speak your mind.

Then Huo Guang said directly, "Merging the two cities is of course the best choice, but how do you plan to merge the two cities?"

After hearing the words of the city lord Huo Guang, everyone forgot about Lin Hua and waited for Lin Hua's reply.

Lin Hua replied directly, "When the two cities merge, the population in Titan City will directly migrate to Xueyun City."

"What, move to Xueyun City, I don't agree"

"Yeah, I won't agree either, it's impossible for us to leave Titan City"

After listening to Lin Hua's words, the leaders of the forces in Titan City expressed their disapproval at that time!
Huo Guang saw that these forces have already expressed their views and said directly, "I don't agree either. The population of Titan City migrated to Xueyun City. I don't think many people would agree to migrate to Xueyun City."

"That's right, what the city lord said is not wrong, anyway, my brothers and I will not leave Titan City," said the leader of a Tier [-] epic force.

"I agree with Lin Hua's statement," Murong Wuhui couldn't help but said after hearing these people's words.

"Of course you will agree. Isn't Lin Hua your son-in-law? If you don't help him, who will you help?" After hearing Murong Wuhui's words, the people below started discussing.

This made Murong Wuhui so angry that he was about to explode, but in the end he was suppressed by Murong Long behind him.

After Lin Hua looked at all the people present, there was no trace of anger or displeasure and she said slowly, "Everyone should know the benefits of merging the two cities. The merger of the cities is because they don’t want to migrate to Xueyun City! I’m right.”

"Yeah, it's not that we disagree with the merger of the two cities, it's just that after the merger, Titan City will be relocated to Xueyun City. We have lived in Titan City for many years, how can we just leave?" A Titan The head of the city's forces said

"I have the same thoughts as hers, and I don't agree to move to Xueyun City either," said another leader of the Titan City faction, pointing at the supernatural being who spoke just now.

"Boss, we're here." At this time, Li Jie had brought Jin Mu and the others outside the main hall of Murong Mansion, and then said to Jin Mu outside the door.

After Jin Mu finished speaking, he walked directly to the hall of Murong Mansion with Li Jie and more than 30 people.

Jin Mu and the others, the backbone of the Ice and Snow Alliance, all stood behind Lin Hua after they arrived.

When the people in the hall saw Jinmu and the others, after more than 30 people, they couldn't help but show some fear in their eyes, because the strength of these people who came in just now is not low, the lowest is the fifth-order extraordinary strength , and at least fifteen epic-level supernatural beings are no worse than all the powers in Titan City in the hall, and they are much stronger.

The leaders of these Titan City forces thought that Lin Hua was calling for people to come, and wanted to use force to solve the migration.

And when Huo Guang saw Jin Mu and the others coming, he also thought that Lin Hua was going to use force to solve this matter, so he looked at Lin Hua.

Murong Wuhui couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw the backbone of the Ice and Snow League coming, because he also thought that Lin Hua's calling for someone was to do something.

Lin Hua looked at the crowd and said, "I didn't call them here to solve the problem of city relocation by force. I will seek my own opinion on the city relocation and there will be no persecution, so don't worry about it."

After Lin Hua finished speaking, the leaders of the forces in Titan City took a long breath, because Lin Hua was separated, so he would never persecute heavy people.

Lin Hua saw that the leaders of the forces in Titan City were all sent away, and said to Jin Mu after a sigh of relief, "Jin Mu, please tell everyone about the details of Xueyun City."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Jin Mu said directly, "Snow Cloud City covers an area of ​​200 square kilometers, with a population of 60 million ordinary people and about [-] people with supernatural powers, and now Snow Cloud City is still expanding. Among them, because people around Xueyun City are still coming to Xueyun City one after another."

"Ah, how is it possible? How could there be so many people without Titan City University?" a supernatural person asked in surprise.

"Yeah, why don't you come and lie to us?" said another power user.

After Huo Guang heard Jin Mu's words, he didn't have any doubts, because he thought that Lin Hua didn't need to lie at all. Especially the number of supernatural beings, no wonder Lin Hua easily dispatched so many supernatural beings.

But relying on this alone is not enough to make people from Titan City migrate to Xueyun City!
(End of this chapter)

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