Chapter 552

Lin Hua waited for 2 minutes and said directly, "Xueyun City's weapons and equipment are much stronger than Titan City's, which is very helpful for defending the city when zombies attack the city, but you may not believe me no matter how much I say. But I said that I will not force anyone, I think all the forces in Titan City are here now, whoever of you plans to follow the migration to Titan City and directly sign up with Jinmu, a total of three days, after three days, Titan City and me Lin Hua has nothing to do with it." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she walked out of the conference hall without looking back.

When Lin Hua turned and left the hall of Murong's house, the rest of the people were already in a daze. They were still immersed in Lin Hua's words at this time, and Murong Wuhui didn't expect Lin Hua to be so decisive, so he couldn't help but sigh. sigh!

"Everyone, think carefully about Lin Hua's words. If you plan to join the Ice and Snow League, you can come and sign up. If you have nothing else to do, you can go back," the city lord Huo Guang said slowly to several people.

Then the leaders of the forces in Titan City in the hall also left one after another. At this time, they were also very confused, because they didn't know how to choose. If they chose to join the Ice and Snow League, they would face the problem of migration. For the Ice and Snow Alliance, they simply cannot resist the next zombie attack.

When everyone had left, only Huo Guang and Murong Wuhui were left.Murong Wuhui looked at Huo Guang, the city lord at the side, and said slowly, "The city lord has already made his decision, why did he stay? Is there anything else to say?"

Now Murong Wuhui doesn't have any good feelings for Huo Guang, because if Huo Guang hadn't said that just now, maybe the matter would not have been discovered to this point!
Huo Guang also knew that Murong Wuhui didn't have the slightest affection for him, so he said immediately, "What I just said is just the truth, and it is also the voice of all the forces in Titan City, but they will think about it when they go back today."

After hearing Huo Guang's words, Murong Wuhui said slowly, "What the city lord said just now means that you don't plan to relocate either."

"That's all I said. I didn't intend to join the Ice and Snow League. I just didn't want to oppress them too much. How they choose is their business," Huo Guang said slowly.

After Murong Wuhui heard Huo Guang's words, he couldn't help being overjoyed. Just now, he thought that Huo Guang didn't intend to join the Ice and Snow League, but Huo Guang said that he just said that in order not to force other forces, and he himself joined the Ice and Snow League and agreed to move. , so how can we not make her happy.

Then Murong Wuhui went on to say, "What does the city lord think about this matter? Do you think other forces in Titan City may join the Ice and Snow Alliance?"

"I'm not sure about this either. I've said that I don't want to interfere with their choices." Huo Guang shook his head and said, and then he walked out of the hall of Murong Mansion and went back to his City Lord Mansion.

At night, when Lin Hua and Murong Wuhui were having dinner!Murong Wuhui said to Lin Hua and the others, "Huo Guang agreed to the relocation, he just said that in the morning because he didn't want to put too much pressure on the others and let them make their own choices."

"Oh." Lin Hua replied simply, not feeling any surprise at all because Huo Guang agreed to migrate.

"By the way, Boss Huo Guang said that in the morning, and then agreed to move, why didn't you have the slightest surprise?" Li Jie felt that Lin Hua didn't show any surprise when he heard Murong Wuhui say that Huo Guang decided to agree to move. To accident.

"There is nothing unexpected. Although I said that in the morning and then agreed to move, I expected it. There is no surprise at all," Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

"Ah, boss, how can you be sure that Huo Guang will agree to the migration?" Gu Tian asked after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Since Huo Guang can sit on the seat of the city lord of Titan City, it means that he is very smart. Smart people don't do stupid things. Agreeing to move to Xueyun City can be said to be beneficial to the power of Titan City. Smart No one would make a wrong choice," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Okay, now I understand." Gu Tian said to Lin Hua, although Murong Wuhui didn't say anything, but he had been listening to Lin Hua's words, and he found that Lin Hua was really too smart.

Sure enough, as Lin Hua expected, on the second day, some powers in Titan City came to sign up one after another, and more and more people came. Now Murong Mansion is very lively, and Murong Wuhui is already smiling. bloomed.

In the hall of the city lord's mansion in Titan City, the two deputy city lords and Huo Guang were discussing some things about Lin Hua's migration.

"The city lord, most of the forces in Titan City have joined the Ice and Snow Alliance and agreed to the migration," the deputy city lord said to Huo Guang.

"Well, I got it, within three days all forces should agree to move," Huo Guang said slowly to the deputy city lord.

"City Lord, my subordinates don't understand why you agreed to migrate and join the Ice and Snow League. Many forces in Titan City agreed to join because our City Lord's Mansion joined and Titan City has no shelter," said the deputy city lord. .

It is true that many forces in Titan City joined the Ice and Snow Alliance after seeing Huo Guang agreeing to the migration.

"I didn't directly agree to the migration at the beginning, mainly because I didn't want to disturb too many people's ideas, but joining the Ice and Snow League is the best choice. I have no choice. Although I haven't known Lin Hua for a long time now, I believe in him. As a human being, I will definitely protect everyone who joins the Ice and Snow Alliance, just to reduce the pressure on me in the future," Huo Guang said to the two deputy city lords.

"Okay, this subordinate understands what the city lord means," the deputy city lord said to Huo Guang!

"Well, there's nothing to go down first," Huo Guang said to the two people.

Then the two deputy city lords withdrew, and a beautiful woman slowly walked out from the back of the hall. She was Huo Guang's younger sister, Huo Xiang.

"Brother, are you helping Lin Hua?" Huo Xiang frowned and said to Huo Guang.

"Let me help him, if it wasn't for Lin Hua this time, Titan City might not exist anymore," Huo Guang said slowly to Huo Xiang.

"Brother, you trust Lin Hua so much, you are willing to hand over Titan City to him. Although Lin Hua is powerful, I feel that it is better for you to manage Titan City by yourself," Huo Xiang said to Huo Guang.

Huo Guang shook his head and said with a smile, "Lin Hua and the Zombie King can trade their lives for life, and there is nothing wrong with entrusting Titan City to him. After Huo Guang finished speaking, he stopped talking.

(End of this chapter)

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