Chapter 554
Huo Guang frowned even more after hearing what they said, and continued, "Then what do you mean now, President? Don't you just plan to go to Night Talk City?" After Huo Guang finished speaking, he looked directly at Lin Hua. Although he was a little afraid of Night Talk City, he had already joined Titan City, so all decisions were made by Lin Hua.

"Go, how can we not go, I also want to see how strong this self-proclaimed king has reached," Lin Hua said slowly.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Huo Guang and Murong Wuhui took a long breath, and then Murong Wuhui said, "The purpose of Lin Hua's night talk about the city this time is for the alliance of various cities. What are you going to do then?"

"Alliances are fine, but alliances are not." Lin Hua said coldly, and then there was a trace of chill in her eyes, because he worked so hard to manage the ice and snow alliance here, how could it be handed over to others!
"Boss, are you really going to attend this alliance meeting?" Li Jie asked after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yes, boss, have you really decided? Almost all the forces in Titan City have already decided on the migration issue, and they are all preparing for the migration now," Jin Mu said.

"Well, the relocation will be handled by you and my father-in-law, and the construction of Xueyun City must be accelerated. Maybe more people will join Xueyun City in the near future." Lin Hua said to Jin Wood said.

"Okay boss" Jin Mu knew after hearing Lin Hua's words that Lin Hua had already decided to go to Night Talk City, so he was no longer persuading him!
Li Jie knew that what Lin Hua said just now meant that he had already made a decision, so he asked Lin Hua, "Boss, I will go with you when I go to Night Talk City this time."

"Boss, I'll go too," Gu Tian also said.

In the end, Lin Hua decided to stay with Li Jie, Gutian, Xuewu, Heisha, Guiwu, Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, Beibei, Murongxian, and Huo Guang, because Huo Guang was very particular about the road to Yehua City. That's why Lin Hua decided to stay with him.

At first, Lin Hua didn't plan to take Murongxian with him, because he knew that going to Night Talk City this time would be extremely dangerous, because human hearts are more terrifying than zombies!
That's why Lin Hua didn't plan to bring Murong Xian there. It's very safe for Murong Xian to follow Murong Wuhui and the others to Xueyun City.

But when Murongxian heard that Lin Hua was going to the Night Talking City, she wanted to go no matter what, and she cried very hard. She also knew something about the Night Talking City, so she was very worried. After Lin Hua saw Murongxian like this, she still couldn't bear it, and finally took Murongxian with her.

Lin Hua and the others headed towards Yehua City the next day, and after Lin Hua left, Titan City began to migrate towards Xueyun City.

Lin Hua and the others summoned the Ice Dragon directly after leaving Titan City, and then several people headed towards the Night Talking City on top of the Ice Dragon. After walking for a while, Lin Hua asked Huo Guang behind him, "How far is Huo Guang Night Talking City?" It’s about a few days’ journey from here.”

"If it is at the current speed of the ice dragon, we can reach Night Talk City within three days." Huo Guang said to Lin Hua after thinking for a while.

"Oh, three days, the organization of the alliance in the Night Talk City this time should pay special attention to the strangers in the Night Talk City, so we don't need to hurry, let's go slowly, just right You can also kill some zombies to improve your strength," Lin Hua said to the people behind him.

"Yes, my level has been stuck at the first level of Epic for a long time, and during this time I can hunt some zombies to improve my strength," Li Jie said.

Lin Hua took a look at their strength, and they really should improve their strength, because except for Lin Hua and Huo Guang, they are all epic first-tier, and Murong Xian is super-ordinary third-tier, so they need to hunt some zombies to get special abilities. core to increase strength.

Lin Hua thought of this and directly controlled the ice dragon to descend towards the ground. After reaching the ground, several people came down!Start walking towards Night Talk City.

"By the way, leader, you need to pass through two cities to go to Yehua City. The first one is Bagu City, which is about the same size as Titan City. According to the current speed, it can be reached within four days." Huo Guang suddenly thought of the future Said to Lin Hua and the others.

"Oh, I think their city lord might have already set off before we arrived at Bagu City," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Probably not, because Jiang Tian, ​​the city lord of Bagu City, is a particularly stubborn and upright person. I think he might not participate in this alliance meeting because of his personality," Huo Guang said slowly.

"No way, you and Mr. Murong are both afraid of that Night Talk City, isn't that Jiang Tian afraid?" Li Jie asked after hearing Huo Guang's words.

"If there are any thirty cities in this world that you can't go to, maybe this Jiang Tian is the only one," Huo Guang said after hearing Li Jie's words.

After hearing Huo Guang's words, a smile gradually appeared on Lin Hua's face, because this Jiang Tian's personality was somewhat similar to his own, and then he said to Huo Guang, "Do you know this Jiang Tian very well? Tell me what he is. kind of person"

Several people heard Lin Hua look at Lin Hua, and after seeing the smile on Lin Hua's face, they knew that Lin Hua might be very interested in this Jiang Tian.

"I'm not very familiar with this Jiang Tian. We've only met each other a few times. He's very upright. It feels like he's upright until he can't turn a corner. He's also very stubborn. But he never bullies people in the city. He treats people very well and is very loved by people in the ancient city of Ba. Jiang Tian uses a big iron rod, and his strength is also at the second level of Epic, which is slightly inferior to me," Huo Guang said slowly.

Huo Guang was telling the truth. He and Jiang Tian were not familiar. Although they met twice, it was because of some things, and they didn't get along for a long time at all.

"Ah, after hearing what you said, I feel that this Jiang Tian is a bit like a stupid cow, Li Jie said after listening to Huo Guang's words.

"That's right, according to what the city lord said, that Jiang Tian should not be upright," Gu Tian said.

However, Lin Hua didn't say anything, because Huo Guang could only get a general understanding of this person based on what he said. He had to meet him and get in touch with him before he could truly understand what Jiang Tian was like.

"By the way, Lin Hua, you don't intend to form an alliance when you go to Night Talk City this time. What if the king of Night Talk City plans to fight? I've heard that she is very powerful. There is no one who is his opponent. He killed all the zombie kings who attacked the city three times," Murong Xian said with some concern.

(End of this chapter)

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