Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 555 The boss is the strongest

Chapter 555 The boss is the strongest
Because Murongxian was particularly afraid of losing Lin Hua, he knew Lin Hua's personality, and was afraid that he would be impulsive and would directly disagree with the alliance.

After hearing what Murong Xian said, Huo Guang didn't say a word, but he is also very worried now, because since he has chosen to join the Ice and Snow League, everything will be considered for the Ice and Snow League. Chengwang has more news than Murongxian.

Lin Hua looked at Murongxian and smiled softly, "Don't worry, I promise you, nothing will happen. If I really fight against the king of Yehua City, I will be defeated, but at least I can I ran for my life, so you just rest assured."

Although Murong Xian was worried, she felt much better after hearing Lin Hua's words. She was not as worried as before, because every time Lin Hua promised him something, Lin Hua did it. She believed that Lin Hua did it this time. It is definitely possible.

"Why do you keep saying that the lord of Yehua City is powerful? Isn't it because Yehua City is bigger and has defeated three zombie sieges? This makes you so worried." Li Jie said after hearing Murongxian's words .

"Yeah, our boss is so weak. The boss has defeated the zombie attack twice. I think the result will be the same even if you come ten times, so you must have confidence in the boss." Gu Tian continued. He didn't want to say it at first, but just now after he saw Murong Xian talking about the Lord of the Night Talk City, Huo Guang's face was particularly worried, so she said these words, hoping that Huo Guang can be like them, trust Lin very much birch.

Huo Guang knew that the words of the two of them were for herself, but she was very curious, why did Li Jie and the others trust Lin Hua so much!
At this time, Bei Bei, who was in Murong Xian's arms, had already woken up, and then jumped onto Lin Hua's shoulder and said, "I believe that the boss can defeat the city lord of the Night Talk City, because the boss is the strongest." Then he was very proud Patted Lin Hua's chest with her small left paw.

After being caught by Beibei's move, everyone couldn't help laughing out loud!

Then Lin Hua and the others continued to walk towards Night Talk City.

In the evening, Lin Hua and the others saw a small mountain village in the distance. They planned to spend the night in this small mountain village, rest for one night and continue their journey tomorrow.

However, as they approached slowly, they found that there should be no one living in this mountain village. According to the habits of this world, the cooking time is short at this time, but there is no smoke rising from the small mountain village, and it feels lifeless inside. land.

"Boss, I dare say that there will be no people in this small village. The reason why I don't cook is probably because I have eaten it all, but I haven't seen a house with lights on. Isn't this strange?" Li Jie pointed to the distant Xiaocun said.

"I feel that what Li Jie said is not wrong, there is no vitality in that village," Gu Tian said.

"It's okay, even if there is no one else, it's enough to have a house, at least we don't need to live outside, there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain," Lin Hua said slowly.

Then a few people quickly walked towards this small mountain village!At this time, I suddenly heard Beibei's voice saying, "Boss, be careful that there are some zombies in my house. There are not a few of them, but the strength is really not very strong."

After hearing Beibei's reminder, several people slowed down a bit and stared at the small mountain village in front vigilantly. As they approached, they found that there were indeed some zombies in this mountain village, and they were all lying around the house. On the ground, it looked like they were ambushing Lin Hua and the others, waiting for Lin Hua and the others to arrive, and then they all stood up suddenly.

Lin Hua and the others were also shocked when they saw those zombies, but they didn't feel the slightest fear. Instead, they didn't expect that these zombies would suddenly stand up so neatly, like well-trained soldiers.

"Wow, look at their appearance, they look like trained soldiers of the army, they move so neatly," Li Jie said after seeing the zombie.

"Everyone, be careful. Although they are not high-level, seeing how neat these zombies are, it won't be so simple." Lin Hua immediately released the ice dragon and rushed towards the zombies.

Li Jie and the others rushed towards the group of zombies opposite with weapons one after another. Although there were more than 100 zombies on the opposite side, they were quickly slaughtered by Lin Hua and the others because of their low level.

However, Lin Hua was still very vigilant around her surroundings to prevent any unexpected situation from happening.

"Boss, don't worry about me, Beibei's perception ability doesn't even come out, so you don't have to worry too much." Seeing that Lin Hua was still vigilant around her, Xue Wu said to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua shook his head, maybe he was thinking too much, and then he found a bigger house, and then a few people rested in this house, because there are nine of them now, and three people usually work, every day. After Lin Hua had assigned the two-hour duty shift, he didn't take a break directly because he felt that the zombie with the special and neat movements they eliminated just now would not be so simple.

So Lin Hua persisted until his first shift was over, and then he was relieved and worried before resting.

But just as Lin Hua lay down, there was a sound of "boom bang" coming from afar, and there was a slight vibration on the ground, just like the super big crocodile they had encountered before.

Then Lin Hua immediately stood up, and those who had just laid down on the same shift as Lin Hua, Heisha and Murongxian also got up. They all called out.

"Listen to this voice, this monster must be quite big, everyone be careful when the time comes" Lin Hua said to these people, then walked out of the house, looking vigilantly at the direction from which the voice came.

As the sound got closer, the ground trembled more and more. Soon Lin Hua and the others saw a huge ancient zombie warrior not far ahead, about 30 meters high and long. He is quite strong, and his exposed thighs and two arms are full of muscles, which is particularly powerful at first glance.

"Everyone go to the ice dragon." After Lin Hua finished speaking, he directly summoned the ice dragon, and then several people directly stepped on the ice dragon.

Because Lin Hua knows that this huge ancient zombie is not something he can deal with. Although the strength of that ancient giant zombie is epic level [-], but in terms of strength, perhaps the power of the ice dragon is not as strong as this ancient giant zombie warrior. , so Lin Hua directly planned to avoid it.

(End of this chapter)

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