Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 556 Ancient Giant Zombie Warrior

Chapter 556 Ancient Giant Zombie Warrior
"Aww!" After seeing the flying ice dragon, the ancient giant zombie warrior quickly ran towards Lin Hua and the others, still roaring incessantly.

Lin Hua didn't run away in a hurry, but looked at the ancient giant zombie warrior quietly like Tianlong, maybe this ancient giant zombie warrior was particularly unwilling, so he directly used the house on the ground with two huge He raised his hand, as if holding a child's toy, and threw it directly towards Lin Hua in the sky.

Fortunately, Lin Hua reacted very quickly and avoided it in time. The house that was thrown by the ancient giant zombie warrior just now, otherwise, Ryunosuke Ice might have been knocked down to the ground.

With a "bang", the giant ancient zombie warrior threw it at Lin Hua's house just now, and it fell to the ground and was smashed into pieces.

The ancient giant zombie warrior seemed to be even more unwilling after seeing that the house he just lost did not hit the ice dragon. He continued to pick up other houses and kept attacking Lin Hua and the others, but the results were all the same. It didn't hit the ice dragon.

"The thing below the boss seems to be sick, or else he can't attack us, why would he keep attacking us?" Li Jie pointed to the ancient giant zombie below who was still attacking Lin Hua and the others with a house.

"Yeah, is he a fool? It's been a long time and he's still attacking. Otherwise, let's go, boss, and ignore him," Gu Tian said.

"No, his direction is towards Titan City. If we don't get rid of him, many people will die in Titan City," Lin Hua said slowly.

What Lin Hua said is not wrong. Although some forces in Titan City are already preparing to migrate towards Xueyun City, but at their speed, they will definitely be overtaken by this ancient giant zombie warrior, and casualties are inevitable. , so this monster must be solved.

"Aww!" After the ancient giant zombie warrior lost all the houses, he roared unwillingly, and his eyes were still fixed on Lin Hua above the ice dragon.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people also thought that the direction that this ancient giant zombie warrior was facing was the direction of Titan City.

Then several people were particularly worried that the power displayed by this ancient giant zombie warrior was too powerful for them to deal with.

Li Jie said to Lin Hua, "Boss, this ancient giant zombie warrior, what if we can't beat him?"

"Yes, Lord Lin, look at his house, which can be easily lifted up and thrown such a high distance. I think his strength is the least that can only be possessed by the fifth level of epic." Huo Guang, the city lord, stared at the following The ancient giant zombie warrior said

Lin Hua is also particularly worried, because this ancient giant zombie warrior is too powerful, even if several people add up, they can't keep up with her.

"By the way, are there any steep cliffs near Huo Guang?" Lin Hua asked Huo Guang!

Lin Hua suddenly had an idea in his mind, that is to kill this ancient giant zombie warrior. Although he is powerful, his intelligence is not very high, so Lin Hua came up with this idea.

"Let's think about it, I haven't been active in this area for a long time." After Huo Guang finished speaking, he began to think hard.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the few people all knew what Lin Hua was thinking, and they couldn't help sighing, Lin Hua's brain is really too smart, and none of them thought of this method.

"By the way, Leader Lin, if I remember correctly, there is a very high cliff more than 100 kilometers in front of the left here. I think that if this ancient giant zombie warrior falls, he will be smashed to pieces." Huo Guang thought for a while and said.

Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon to fly slowly towards the front left, while the ancient giant zombie warriors on the ground followed closely. From his eyes, one could see the greedy look towards Lin Hua and the others.

"Boss's speed is so slow, even if there is that ancient giant zombie warrior on the cliff, he can still find it." Li Jie said, looking at the ancient giant zombie warrior on the ground.

"Yes, according to the speed of the ancient giant zombie warrior below, the boss should be able to stop in time," Gu Tian followed up.

"Now the speed can't be directly increased too much, otherwise, the ancient giant zombie warrior below will stop chasing immediately. Isn't that hard work in vain, so the speed needs to be fully improved," Lin Hua said slowly.

"It turned out to be like this, the boss thought carefully, if the ice dragon was at full speed, the ancient giant zombie warrior below would definitely not be able to catch up," Li Jie said slowly.

Lin Hua gradually controlled the ice dragon to slowly descend and increase its speed. Although the ancient giant zombie on the ground behind kept roaring, they still kept up. After more than ten minutes, Lin Hua had grasped the ancient giant zombie. The speed limit of zombie fighters is over.

"Leader Lin, according to the current speed, you can reach the cliff in less than ten minutes, but the ancient giant zombie behind should not be so easy to rush to the cliff," said Huo Guang, the city lord.

After hearing Huo Guang's reminder, several people's faces showed some worry, because what Huo Guang said was not unreasonable. The ancient giant zombie behind seemed too stupid, and probably wouldn't rush directly down the cliff. .

"Xuewu, can the power of your fire phoenix hit the body of this ancient giant zombie warrior?" Lin Hua turned her head and said to Xuewu.

"I think it should be able to bump, but I don't know how many meters I can make him retreat." Xuewu said, because the strength of the fire phoenix is ​​directly proportional to that of Xuewu, and she is only at the first level of epic strength. , and that ancient giant zombie warrior's body was so big, so she didn't dare to speak big words.

Lin Hua heard Xuewu's words and said directly, "Xuewu summoned the fire phoenix, and then everyone went to the fire phoenix, Xian'er, give me the flying artifact."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Xian handed the flying artifact directly to Lin Hua, and Lin Hua took the iron-feathered dragon's wings and placed them directly on his back.

And Xuewu directly summoned the fire phoenix and slowly approached the ice dragon.And the ancient giant zombie on the ground behind saw the fire phoenix that had just appeared, and roared excitedly.

Li Jie and the others jumped onto Huo Fenghuang's body as Huo Fenghuang approached.

In this way, Lin Hua controlled the ice dragon and the fire phoenix controlled by Xuewu flew side by side.

(End of this chapter)

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