Chapter 557
"Okay, I'll go up first," Lin Hua shouted to everyone on Huo Fenghuang.

"Lin Hua, be careful!" Murong Xian on top of Fire Phoenix shouted loudly.

Lin Hua nodded and then directly controlled the ice dragon to quickly rise towards the sky.

"Ho Ho Ho!" The ancient giant zombie warrior who had been chasing Lin Hua and the others on the ground saw the ice dragon controlled by Lin Hua slowly disappearing from his sight and couldn't help roaring angrily, but the fire phoenix was still there, so she Still running with it.He didn't want the last remaining fire phoenix to slip away under his nose, then his half-day chasing would be in vain.

At this time, after Lin Hua flew high above the sky, she didn't continue to move forward, but stopped to look at the ancient giant zombie warrior, and then slowly followed behind him.

Lin Hua planned to go to this ancient giant zombie warrior. After discovering that cliff, if he didn't want to jump, he decided to help him.

In this way, Lin Hua flew in the air and followed the ancient giant zombie warrior for about 10 minutes, and saw the cliff in front.

Lin Hua directly controlled the descent of the ice dragon. The ancient giant zombie in front might be a little excited, but no ice dragon descended.

"There is a cliff ahead, sister Xuewu should increase her speed a bit." Li Jie pointed to the cliff in front and said to Xuewu
After hearing Li Jie's words, Xuewu directly controlled the speed of the Fire Phoenix to increase again. After seeing the speed increase of the Fire Phoenix in front, the ancient giant zombie warrior behind him tried his best not to be pulled too far by the Fire Phoenix.

Li Jie and the others on the fire phoenix were very happy when they saw the ancient giant zombie warrior behind him speeding up, because at such a speed, the ancient giant zombie warrior behind him should not be able to stop.

But just when Li Jie and the others were more than 30 meters away from the cliff, the ancient giant zombie warrior running at full speed slowed down suddenly, because he found the cliff in front, and knew the danger, although he might not be able to reach the front The approval of the fire phoenix, but it is better than death, this ancient giant zombie warrior, unlike Lin Hua and the others, has no intelligence at all.

When Li Jie and the others realized that they were about to reach the cliff, the ancient giant zombie warrior behind slowed down, and they were all very worried. They all understood that the ancient giant zombie warrior behind should have discovered the cliff ahead.

"I didn't expect that this huge ancient giant zombie warrior is not as stupid as imagined, and he knows he is afraid of death." Li Jie said when he saw the ancient giant zombie warrior slowing down behind him.

"Yeah, it's a good thing the boss is following behind, otherwise, he really might not be able to fall," Gu Tian followed up.

After Lin Hua discovered that the speed of the ancient giant zombie warrior had slowed down, she increased the speed of the ice dragon to the limit, and rammed towards the ancient giant zombie warrior in front.

As the speed continued to slow down, the ancient giant zombie warrior stopped when he was less than two meters away from the cliff, but when he heard the sound of the ice dragon's extreme flight behind him, he turned his head suddenly, but the ancient giant It's too late for the zombie fighters to turn back!Because Lin Hua's speed in controlling the ice dragon reached the limit, at this time the ice dragon had already reached the side of the ancient giant zombie warrior.

This ancient giant zombie warrior also reacted very quickly. He directly held the head of the ice dragon with his two huge hands, intending to block the huge impact of the ice dragon, but he underestimated the huge impact of the ice dragon. , was directly knocked down to the bottom of the cliff behind.

"Ho Ho Ho" the ancient giant zombie warrior roared unwillingly. Although he was knocked down to the bottom of the cliff, he still held the ice dragon firmly and dragged the ice dragon to the bottom of the cliff.

Xue Wu controlled the Fire Phoenix and watched all this from above the cliff, while Lin Hua saw the ancient giant zombie warrior firmly holding the ice dragon's head, and immediately retracted the ice dragon. Lin Hua was not on top of the ice dragon, because The moment the ice dragon hit the giant ancient zombie warrior just now, he used the flying artifact iron feather dragon to fly directly.

'Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho' saw the ice dragon disappear, and then heard the roar very unwillingly.

There was a "bang" sound of the ancient giant zombie warrior landing heavily, and Lin Hua and Xuewu flew directly to the bottom of the cliff, because they were also very curious about whether this huge ancient giant zombie warrior could fall to death from this cliff. Zombie warrior.

This cliff is about 1000 meters high. When Lin Hua and the others landed on the ground, the ancient giant zombie warrior was already bloody and bloody. It was extremely disgusting. The blood of the ancient giant zombie warrior was black, and it was emitting bursts stench!

Several people couldn't help frowning, not approaching, but Lin Hua seemed to be unable to smell it, and went directly to take out the alien core of the ancient giant zombie warrior.

Then he said to Xuewu, "I'm hitting the third level of epic now, so I'll keep this, it should be enough."

"Okay" several people replied, but after Huo Guang heard that Lin Hua was going to reach the third level of the epic, he couldn't help but sigh. He knew that he would not be able to catch up with Lin Hua in this life. After he saw Lin Hua kill the zombies When he was king, he still thought that he would redouble his efforts to surpass Lin Hua, but now that he thinks about it, it should be impossible.

"Wow, you will be able to upgrade after eating this alien core, have you reached the third level of epic?" Murong Xian asked in amazement.

"Well, I can upgrade to the third level of epic after eating this heterogeneous core, because I have been at the peak of the second level of epic for a long time now, and now I can break through just a little bit after eating the heterogeneous core of the zombie king "Lin Hua said to the very curious Murong Xian.

Then a few people went back the same way, and continued to walk towards Night Talk City, but they encountered some particularly low-level zombies after walking all afternoon, and they were easily dealt with by them.

In the evening, after they finished their food, Lin Hua took out the alien core from his pocket, because he planned to break through to the third level of the epic, because what Huo Guang and the others said made Lin Hua feel that his current strength might not be that night. The opponent of the city lord, so what he has to do now is to improve his strength as soon as possible, and then he will be able to defeat the city lord of the night with certainty.

But Li Jie and the others saw that Lin Hua took out the alien core to break through his strength, so they all silently stopped talking and looked at Lin Hua quietly, waiting for Lin Hua to break through to the third level of epic.

(End of this chapter)

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