Chapter 559 Promise
Murong Xian was startled when he heard Lin Hua, and then stopped crying. At first he thought that Lin Hua really didn't like crying, but after thinking about Lin Hua's words, he knew he was wrong, because Lin Hua said so I just wanted to stop crying, otherwise Lin Hua would feel very uncomfortable, thinking of this and then stopped crying.

"By the way, this is you, Xian'er. Don't cry in the future. I promise you that no matter what happens in this life, I will never leave you. This is my promise to you." When Lin Hua met Murong Xian said after he stopped crying.

"Yeah, let's make a deal, no matter what happens in the future, don't leave me." Murong Xian said to Lin Hua, and then the two came to Li Jie, they were not far away, and they both No Hui came back to leave a separate space for the two of them on purpose, so they continued to chat.

The few people on the side looked at Lin Hua and Murong Xian who were not far away with smiles on their faces.Xuewu was the only one who was depressed, and was soon discovered by the rest of the people. Except for Huo Guang who didn't know why Xuewu was depressed, they all knew the reason for Xuewu's depression, so they didn't have much to say. say.

Huo Guang saw a few people who didn't speak, but Xuewu was always sullen and asked Xuewu, "Xuewu girl, what's wrong with you?"

After hearing Huo Guang's question to Xuewu, several people looked at Xuewu quietly without saying a word!Then Xuewu said directly, "Maybe it's because after seeing the fireworks today, I miss the life before the end of the world."

After Xuewu finished speaking, he left alone. Both Heisha and Guiwu knew that it was not because of this reason, so they followed Xuewu to comfort Xuewu.

Only Huo Guang and Li Jie were left.When Huo Guang heard Xuewu's answer, he was a little skeptical, because Xuewu wasn't like this when the fireworks were over just now, why did Xuewu become sullen after they came here, so his face appeared like this? raised some doubts.

Li Jie and the others couldn't help sighing after seeing the doubt on Huo Guang's face at this time.

Li Jie looked at Xuewu and the three of them who were walking away, and then said to Huo Guang who was puzzled, "You may not know because you joined the Ice and Snow League for a short time, but I tell you, I just don't treat you as an outsider, so Don’t tell anyone, just know it yourself.”

After hearing what Li Jie said, Huo Guang looked at the expressions of the rest of the people. They should all know why Xuewu was depressed, and then nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely take this matter to you after you tell me." Things rot in the stomach"

Because Huo Guang was also very curious, why Xue Wu suddenly became depressed.

After Li Jie heard Huo Guang's words, although he had been in contact with Huo Guang for a short time, he also knew that Huo Guang was a very trustworthy person, otherwise he would not have promised Lin Hua that if Lin Hua defended Titan City, he would successfully defend against it. After the zombies attacked the city, they handed over the position of the city lord of Titan City, and they did it.

Li Jie said directly, "I don't know what happened before the end of the world, but I heard from the boss that he was the boss of an underground force before the end of the world. At that time, Xuewu had followed the boss for many years, and he always liked him. They are still together, but the boss knows Xuewu's feelings for her, he has never accepted it, the boss once told me that he has someone in his heart, so he will not accept Xuewu, but Xuewu has been waiting, but Murong Xian After it appeared, Xuewu knew that it was impossible for her and the boss, but sometimes it was just a little sad."

"Oh, so it's like this, no wonder, don't worry, I will definitely keep this matter in my stomach, and I won't tell others." Huo Guang suddenly realized after hearing Li Jie's words.

Now he finally understands that Xuewu's sudden gloom is due to Lin Hua, and he also knows that Xuewu and Lin Hua did not accept Xuewu for so long before, and now he and Murongxian are married, and Lin Hua's love for Murongxian His feelings for Xuewu are still so deep, so it is even more impossible to accept Xuewu.

"Sister Xuewu, don't be so sad, since the boss has her happiness, you should bless her, maybe you may be together in the next life." Ghost Dance in the distance comforted Xuewu.

"Yes, Xuewu, everyone knows your feelings for the boss, and it can be seen that the boss treats you like a brother treats a sister, so you should completely give up your feelings for the boss," Heisha followed Said.

"I know, it's impossible for me and the boss, but sometimes I just can't help it," Xuewu said with moist glasses.

From the beginning, he has been waiting for Lin Hua to accept himself one day!However, from the moment Lin Hua met Murong Xian, Xue Wu understood that it was impossible for him and Lin Hua to be together. He clearly knew that it was impossible for him to be with Lin Hua, but he still saw Lin Hua and Murong. When the fairy is sweet, his heart will feel uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable.

"Xuewu can't blame you. Although I haven't liked anyone, I understand your feelings for the boss. You can't just give up in a short while. Take your time," Heisha continued to comfort.

"Thank you for coming to comfort me now," Xuewu said after hearing Heisha's words.

"Who said we are friends, and it's not your fault that you like Boss, because Boss is so attractive, as long as a woman is not blind, she will fall in love with Boss," Ghost Dance continued.

"What, Gui Wu, don't you also like the boss?" Xue Wu asked in surprise after hearing Gui Wu's words.

Gui Wu nodded, indicating that he also likes Lin Hua, then Xue Wu looked at Heisha again, but when Heisha saw Xue Wu's gaze, he said directly, "Don't look at me, I'm a tigress, don't you forget So how can I like people?"

"Pu Chi" was amused by Heisha's words, both Xue Wu and Gui Wu laughed.

"Sister Xuewu, in fact, I liked the boss at first, but I found that the boss is not suitable for me, so I don't like him now, just treat him like my brother, you can also be like me, After a long time, you will forget your feelings for him," Gui Wu said to Xue Wu.

"Yeah, from now on, I will treat my boss like my brother," Xuewu continued.

"Brother Li Jie has something approaching, and his strength is not very low." Bei Bei who was in Li Jie's arms said suddenly, because just now, in order to create a separate space for Lin Hua and Murong Xian, when Li Jie left, he took Bei Bei Also took it away.

(End of this chapter)

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