Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 560 Ghost Walker

Chapter 560 Ghost Walker

When Li Jie and the others heard Beibei's words, they yelled at Xuewu and the others, and ran towards Lin Hua.

Lin Hua and Murong Xian heard that Li Jie and the others had come back, so they knew that something must have happened.Then he asked, "What's the matter, Li Jie?"

"Boss, just now Beibei said that there are powerful things approaching here," Li Jie said directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

In the vicinity of Lin Hua and the others, there were indeed more than a dozen figures, all glowing with dim light, wearing ancient bronze armor, bronze helmets on their heads, and holding dark green long death scythes in their hands, slowly moving towards Lin Hua and the others. close.

Because Li Jie called Xuewu and the three of them just now, they also came to Lin Hua's place very quickly.

Then several people held their own weapons and stared at the surroundings vigilantly, guarding against the monsters that were slowly approaching.

"In that direction, they're almost there," Beibei pointed to the back and said to several people.

After hearing Beibei's reminder, Lin Hua and the others looked at the direction Beibei said with special vigilance.

"These monsters must have come here because of the flare gun I fired just now," Murong Xian said with some self-blame.

"Even if you don't fire the flare gun, they will come sooner or later, because we have a fire here." After hearing Murong Xian's words, Lin Hua pointed to the fire beside him.

"That's right, sister-in-law, you didn't bring those monsters here. They have nothing to do with you. They come as soon as they come, and just kill them when they come," Li Jie continued.

After Murong Xian heard what Lin Hua and Li Jie said, he didn't blame himself as much as before. At this time, Lin Hua heard a burst of footsteps coming!These footsteps are slowly approaching.

"It sounds like the number should be more than ten!" Lin Hua said to several people.

Then in front of Lin Hua and the others slowly appeared fourteen dark green zombie warriors wearing ancient armor. The faces under the helmets of these dark green ancient zombie warriors were already rotten. You can ask for a foul smell!

"Quack!" When those dark green ancient zombie warriors saw Lin Hua and the others, they let out a terrifying laugh.

"What is this, it looks so disgusting?" Murong Xian who was standing next to Lin Hua asked.

"I haven't seen this kind of thing, so I don't know, do you know them?" Lin Hua asked several people.

"I don't know, I think they are ordinary ancient zombie warriors," Li Jie continued.

Huo Guang, who was staring closely at the dozen or so dark green ancient zombie warriors in front of him, suddenly spoke, "They are called ghost walkers, and they are also a type of zombies, but they are stronger than ancient zombie warriors of the same level. I used to I've heard of this kind of zombies, but I haven't seen them, they are usually guardian treasures that appear in lairs in the wilderness, and rarely appear."

"Oh, they were originally called ghost walkers, no wonder they have ghost green on their bodies, it is very appropriate to call them ghost walkers," Murong Xian said.

"According to what you said, there should be some rare treasures nearby, otherwise they wouldn't have appeared here." Lin Hua asked Huo Guang.

"Well, I heard it before, but I only saw it and confirmed it, so I don't know if it's true." Huo Guang said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Everyone, be careful." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she immediately drew out the Eight Wonders Cold Sword, and rushed towards the ghost walker who was holding the dark green death scythe in the front.

And Li Jie and the others waved their weapons one after another and rushed over!
"Boom, boom, boom..." Lin Hua's speed was extremely fast. After directly killing the three ghost walkers in front, these ghost legends reacted.

About 2 minutes later, the fourteen ghost walkers were all killed by Lin Hua and the others, because although these ghost walkers were powerful, they were all at the extraordinary level. How could it be Lin Hua and the others? What about the opponent!

After taking out their different cores, everyone ate them directly, but the levels of the few people did not improve except for Murong Xian, who had reached the third level of extraordinary strength.

"Boss, Huo Guang has already said that these ghost walkers are guarding rare treasures, should we look for them now?" Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

"Yeah, it's Heitian right now, so it's easy to find ghost walkers, maybe we can find strange treasures," Gu Tian continued.

"Haha, I just heard about it, and I'm not sure if there is a strange treasure." Huo Guang heard what Li Jie and Gu Tian said and knew that they were interested in the strange treasure, and then said.

"Regardless of whether he has a strange treasure, let's go and see, maybe he is really lucky to find a strange treasure." Lin Hua said after thinking about it.

Then a few people walked towards the front in the direction that the ghost walker came, and a few people encountered several waves of ghost walkers on the way, and they were all easily dealt with.

After walking for about two hours, Lin Hua and the others found that there was an underground lair in front of them. No, a pair of ghost walkers came out of this underground lair, and several people did not go in, because this underground lair was a ghost. It was too dark to see anything, so a few people waited for daylight, when the light could reach the underground nest, and went in.

"This should be the lair where the ghost walker guards the treasure. I think there should be a more powerful ghost walker guarding it." Lin Hua, who was resting not far from the underground lair, said slowly.

"Then boss, don't we just go in? Isn't it just a waste of time?" After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie thought that Lin Hua didn't plan to go in, so he said.

"I didn't say, don't go in. I just said that tomorrow when we go in, we should be more careful. We can fight if we can. If we encounter one that is too powerful, we will just retreat. No matter how good the treasure is, it is not as important as human life. " Lin Hua said slowly.

"Don't worry, boss, we will be very careful after entering this underground lair," Gu Tian continued.

In this way, the few people did not rest, and waited for the next morning. When the sun rose high, the few people walked directly to the underground lair after eating.

After arriving in this underground lair for the first time, several people felt that it was so cold at that time. Even if there was sunlight shining inside, the temperature did not increase at all.

Seeing that several people were extremely cold, Xue Wu immediately summoned a few big fireballs, temporarily raising the temperature of the underground lair.

"Tick tock tock" The sound of water droplets falling can be heard if the wall of the underground lair is not correct.

(End of this chapter)

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