Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 561 It's Just a Test of Strength

Chapter 561 It's Just a Test of Strength
"Quack!" When Lin Hua and the others advanced less than ten meters along the underground lair, they heard the laughter of the ghost walker coming out of the front.

"Be careful, the ghost walker in front is approaching the important people," Lin Hua reminded the people behind him.

Then Lin Hua and the others walked vigilantly to the bottom of the underground lair, and the ghost walker who had just let out a creepy laugh soon appeared at a distance of more than ten meters in front of Lin Hua and the others.

There are five in total, four of which are at the extraordinary level, and the ghost walker who is making a creepy laugh is at the first level of epic strength.

At this time, these ghost walkers looked at Lin Hua and the others with greedy eyes. It may be that they haven't eaten human flesh for a long time, so they were very excited about the arrival of Lin Hua and the others, and they were deeply afraid of Lin Hua and the others. A few colors run away in general.

"On' Lin Hua finished speaking and immediately drained out his weapon and rushed towards the ghost walker at the front of the Epic Tier [-]. Huo Guang, Li Jie, Wu Yu, and Gu Tian all followed Lin Hua and rushed to the back.

And the few ghost walkers in front of Lin Hua and the others roared excitedly after seeing Lin Hua rushing over, and rushed towards Lin Hua, waving the huge death scythe that emitted a dark green color.

"Boom..." Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian directly collided with the death scythe in the hands of the epic first-order ghost walker!
After the first impact, this ghost walker of the first level of epic was repelled dozens of steps by Lin Hua. Although the strength of the ghost walker was powerful, the strength level of this ghost walker was only the first level of epic, and Lin Hua was The third-tier epic, so how could it be possible to resist Lin Hua's third-tier epic power?

After Lin Hua saw that his blow had repelled the first-tier epic ghost walker, he didn't give him any time to think about it. He used all his strength and swung the eight strange cold sword in his hand to chop like a ghost walker. .

"Bang bang" saw that after Lin Hua repelled him, he didn't mention it at all, and just attacked him in one go, so he could only hastily defend himself passively, barely resisting Lin Hua's attack.

At this moment, Lin Hua had only used all her strength, and her speed hadn't been raised to the highest level at all. She just wanted to see how long this ghost walker, who was an epic level one, could hold out under her attack.

The battle between Huo Guang, Li Jie and the others was also one-sided, and it was over soon. After taking out the different cores, they all watched the battle between Lin Hua and Ghost Walker.

"It seems that leader Lin is not in a hurry to kill this ghost walker, but just wants to calculate their strength through the battle with this epic first-order ghost walker," Huo Guang said to several people.

"Yeah, I don't think the boss has used all his strength, or else the ghost walker of the first level of epic would have died in the hands of the boss long ago," Li Jie continued.

At this time, Lin Hua already had a general understanding of the relationship between the ghost walker's power, speed, and level. Seeing that Huo Guang and the others had ended the battle, they immediately increased their speed.

Soon, this ghost walker of the first level of epic began to be unable to withstand Lin Hua's attack, and died in Lin Hua's hands.

"You see, I said that the boss didn't use all his strength just now?" Li Jie said to several people.

Lin Hua took out the alien core of the first-order epic ghost walker that he killed just now and ate it directly, then walked towards several people and said, "The speed and power of this ghost walker are much higher than those of ordinary ancient zombie warriors." The strength and speed have increased a little, just doubled, so as long as there is no epic third-order peak ghost walker, we can deal with it enough."

"Ah, boss, you just fought against that epic first-order ghost walker just now to study their data." Gu Tian asked in surprise after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Why, did you guess it?" Lin Hua continued.

"It's not us who guessed it, but City Lord Huo guessed it. I didn't expect Huo Guang to be so smart." Li Jie looked at Huo Guang and said.

"Ao" Lin Hua said in response.

"Leader Lin, what you said just now means that you can handle ghost walkers at the peak of the third-order epic, right?" Huo Guang asked directly.

"Yes," Lin Hua said lightly.

At this time, Huo Guang already admired Lin Hua from the bottom of his heart, because Lin Hua had just broken through to the third level of the epic not long ago, and he could face ghost walkers of the same level who were one or two times stronger than ordinary ancient zombie fighters. Anyone at the peak level can deal with it. Although Lin Hua only talks about it, he believes that since Lin Hua can come, he will definitely be able to do it, and Lin Hua will not say anything if he can't.

"What are you thinking, Huo Guang, let's go." Li Jie patted the dazed Huo Guang and walked forward.

After being slapped by Li Jie, Huo Guang realized that several people were walking forward, and he followed quickly.

This lair was not very big at all. When they walked about 800 meters, they came to the deepest part of this underground lair. The three ghost walkers inside were watching Lin Hua and the others!
Although these three ghost walkers have the same appearance as the ghost walkers who were killed by them just now, there is some red light mixed with the faint green light on their bodies!
The two red lights at the back are not particularly obvious, but the red light from the ghost walker in the front is indeed particularly obvious.

Lin Hua stared vigilantly at the ghost walker at the front, because her strength had already reached the third level of Epic, and the two behind her were also at the second level of Epic!

This ghost walker should be at the second level of the epic. The ghostly green light on his body began to glow red. As the level increases, it will finally reach the red light all over his body.

"The red light of this ghost walker is quite beautiful. I feel that if the whole body is red, it is much better than this ghostly green body." Murong Xian said, looking at the ghost walker wearing red light on his body in front of him.

"Oh, if the whole body of the ghost walker turns red, none of you will be able to escape." Huo Guang said, because she is now at the peak of the second-order epic strength, and can see through the strength of the two ghost walkers behind. , but he couldn't see through the one with the most red light in the front, so she also guessed that the red light on Ghost Walker's body increased with the improvement of strength.

"Well, what Huo Guang said is not wrong. When the strength of the ghost walker reaches the second level of epic, red light appears on his body, and the one with more red light on his body in the front is already at the third level of epic. If his whole body is emitting red light, The strength should be particularly terrifying," Lin Hua said, staring at the third-tier epic ghost walker at the front.

(End of this chapter)

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