Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 562 The Ghost Walker Braving the Red Light

Chapter 562 The Ghost Walker Braving the Red Light

"Ah, their level is above the second level of Epic, no wonder I can't see through it," Li Jie continued.

"Ah, Lin Hua, you can't defeat them?" Murong Xian asked worriedly after hearing Lin Hua say that the ghost walker in the front was at the third level of Epic.

"Well, judging from his current situation, he should have just reached the third level of the epic, so it shouldn't be difficult," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Let me deal with the one on the left," Huo Guang said, looking at the epic second-order ghost walker on the left.

"Babe, how do you and I deal with the one on the right?" Li Jie said after hearing Huo Guang's words.

Because although Li Jie is usually a little conceited, he knows that the ghost walker is a second-order epic, so he directly plans to deal with him with Beibei.

"Okay." After Beibei finished speaking, she jumped off Lin Hua's shoulders, and then directly became bigger, and finally became the size of a person before stopping.

Lin Hua looked at Beibei Li Jie and Huo Guang, and after they thought about it, their strength should be enough to deal with the two ghost walkers.

Lin Hua directly released the skills Mysterious Ice Bodyguard and Ice Bind, and then walked step by step towards the frontmost epic third-order ghost walker.

And Li Jie, Huo Guang, Beibei, and the three of them also believed in the two ghost walkers in front of them.

The ghost walker at the front saw Lin Hua and the others walking over, looked at the cave behind, then let out a roar and rushed towards Lin Hua. Which two epic second-order ghost walkers at the back saw the cave in front? After the ghost walker made a move, he rushed over directly.

The ghost walker of the third level of the epic just now was spotted by Lin Hua when he looked behind. Lin Hua also looked in that direction. It turned out that there was a small cave somewhere. Lin Hua knew that it must be this small cave. A rare treasure guarded by ghost walkers.

But Lin Hua immediately came back to his senses, because now he had to defeat the ghost walker to obtain the strange treasure. If he couldn't defeat her, then he was doomed to miss that strange treasure.

"Boom..." Lin Hua didn't slack off in the slightest. She used all her strength at the beginning, and didn't dare to hold back too much.

And this third-level epic ghost walker was particularly surprised when he fought against Lin Hua just now. Although he could see Lin Hua's strength, he felt that Lin Hua should not be very strong, and he could easily kill him , but right after he fought Lin Hua, he knew that he was wrong, and it was a big mistake.

The strength shown by Lin Hua is only strong but not weak to him.

"Bang bang bang" Lin Hua didn't use any skills at all after fighting this epic third-order ghost walker, and all relied on his superb swordsmanship to fight him, so the two are now tied. Lin Huagang Fighting against this epic third-tier ghost walker, I can feel that this ghost walker is not his opponent at all, so Lin Hua is not in a hurry to kill this epic third-tier ghost walker, but to get familiar with him by fighting Own swordsmanship, and the use of strength and abilities.

And Li Jie and the others have already fought with the other two epic second-order ghost walkers.

The two of Li Jie and Beibei managed to stabilize the situation against the second-level epic ghost walker, but it was also very difficult to defeat the second-level epic ghost walker.

After Huo Guang fought with the remaining epic second-tier ghost walker, he clearly had the upper hand. It should only be a matter of time before he wants to defeat this epic third-tier ghost walker.

"Gutian, do you think we should go and help Li Jie and Beibei? It seems that their condition is not very good." Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, saw Beibei who was fighting with the epic second-level ghost walker at this time. Talk to Li Jie.

"Yeah, I think I should go over and help them two," Murong Xian said, because she could see that Lin Hua had no pressure at all in fighting that epic third-tier ghost walker, and she wasn't worried at all. On the contrary, Li Jie and Bei Bei and the two of them were under some pressure.

At this time, Gu Tian was also tightly holding the big knife, ready to rush over to help at any time.

"Don't worry, we'll talk when Li Jie and the others can't stand it anymore, now is the time to hone them, just wait here," Xue Wu said from the side.

After hearing Xue Wu's words, the few people were no longer as worried as before.

While Lin Hua was fighting this ghost walker, he was watching Li Jie and his team's battle.

"Ho Ho Ho" the ghost walker facing Lin Hua was particularly depressed, because Lin Hua fought with him and watched the battles of several other people from time to time, which was a great disrespect to him, but he wanted to kill him It was impossible for Lin Hua, that's why she roared unwillingly.

After Lin Hua heard the roar of this third-tier epic ghost walker, she knew it was time to get rid of it.

Then Lin Hua directly used all his strength to attack the ghost walker. After seeing that Lin Hua wanted to kill him, the ghost walker quickly used all his strength to block Lin Hua's attack.

However, this third-tier epic ghost walker was wrong. Before Lin Hua's Chilling Sword came into contact with his death scythe, Lin Hua directly used the skill to move the ice phantom, and disappeared in this third-tier epic. In front of Ghost Walker.

This third-tier epic ghost walker saw Lin Hua suddenly disappearing from his face. He was startled at first, knowing that it was not good, and then he turned his head to look behind him, and found that Lin Hua's Eight Strange Cold Sword was already on his face. The distance to the head is less than half a meter away.

The ghost walker of the third level of the epic wanted to take back the death scythe that he had exhausted all his strength just now, but it was too late!The Death Scythe hit the air, and Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian directly slashed fiercely. On the head of the third-tier epic ghost walker, the head of the third-tier epic ghost walker was directly crushed, leaving only a strange nucleus falling on the ground. The ground, and then the whole body fell down.

It turned out that the blow that Lin Hua exhausted all his strength just now was not intended to head-on with this epic third-level ghost walker, but to force that epic third-level ghost walker with all his strength!Then he disappeared again, appearing behind the third-tier epic ghost walker, and the Baqi Hanjian directly attacked the third-tier epic ghost walker's head, and even if the third-tier epic ghost walker reacted, the time was simply not enough In time.

"Wow, Lin Hua, you are so good!" Murong Xian shouted loudly when he saw Lin Hua killed the third-level epic ghost walker.

(End of this chapter)

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