Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 563 An Easy Kill

Chapter 563 An Easy Kill
"The boss is really powerful, the ghost walker of the third level of the epic died in the hands of the boss so quickly," said the zombie slayer, watching Lin Hua go to pick up the alien core of the third level of the epic.

"Well, the strength of the boss has improved too fast, I believe that is the one, it is not so easy for the city lord of Night Talk City to defeat the boss," Heisha continued.

At this time, Heisha couldn't help sighing, because Lin Hua's strength had grown too fast. He still remembered that when he first met Lin Hua, Lin Hua was not her opponent, but now Lin Hua's strength He already has the strength of the third level of epic, and Heisha himself is the strength of the first level of epic. He couldn't help but sigh. He knew that he was right when he asked Lin Hua and the others for help, but he didn't kill Lin Hua and the others. Looking at it now Lin Hua's potential is very huge, and she also believes that Lin Hua will definitely become the most pinnacle existence in the future.

After Lin Hua picked up the epic third-order alien core, he went straight to Murong Xian and the others. When Murong Xian saw Lin Hua coming back, he immediately hugged Lin Hua.

And the two ghost walkers of the second level of the epic were shocked when they saw the ghost walker of the third level of the epic died in Lin Hua's hands. Knowing that Lin Hua's strength was unfathomable, they couldn't help but panic. The moment the ghost walker who was fighting panicked, she used her spear to pierce through the head of the epic second-order ghost walker and killed it directly. Similarly, this epic second-order ghost walker did not make any sound, because of all this It happened so fast.

It was only a short moment for Huo Guang to draw the gun and retract the gun. That's why the epic second-level ghost walker died so badly, and he didn't make any sound when he was dying.

After Huo Guang took out the heterogeneous core of this epic second-order ghost walker, he went directly to Lin Hua and the others, watching Li Jie's battle.

Lin Hua was not surprised at all that Huo Guang could kill this ghost walker, because Huo Guang was not weak either. The strength of the ghost walker at the second level of the epic was different from that of the zombie king who defeated Huo Guang at the second level of the epic.

Although Huo Guang couldn't beat that zombie king, the strength difference between this epic second-order ghost walker and the zombie king was too great.

The last epic second-order ghost walker became even more panicked after seeing that the other two ghost walkers were dead.

After Beibei and Li Jie could see that this epic second-order ghost walker was a little panicked, they directly attacked him violently.

At the beginning, the epic second-level ghost walker still had the upper hand, but after the two ghost walkers died, he began to defend, and stopped attacking Li Jie and the two of them.

And Li Jie and the others just seized this opportunity and attacked him desperately.

"Boss, how long does it take for Li Jie and the others to kill that epic second-order ghost walker?" Gu Tian said, looking at Li Jie and the others who were fighting.

"Yeah, Lin Hua, Beibei and the others were still very passive just now. I didn't expect to reverse their occupation so quickly." Murong Xian said, looking at Li Jie and the others.

"Because two ghost walkers have already died, the remaining ghost walker is afraid of stepping into the footsteps of those two ghost walkers, so she is passively defensive, but Li Jie and the others want to kill the epic two It's not that easy to become a ghost walker, it still takes a while," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this, so you went to help kill that epic second-level ghost walker directly, isn't it just for fun?" Murong Xian continued.

Lin Hua shook her head. In fact, Beibei and the others don't need my help at all. The two of them are enough. As long as the two of them attack in tandem, they can quickly kill the ghost walker.

But then Lin Hua reminded Beibei and Li Jie, "Beibei, you two attacked one after the other."

After Beibei and Li Jie heard Lin Hua's reminder, Beibei glanced at Li Jie, saw Li Jie nodded, then turned around and retreated to the back, and then went around to attack the ghost walker.

And the Epic Level [-] ghost walker, who had been passively defending, looked at Lin Hua resentfully after hearing Lin Hua's reminder, because Lin Hua's reminder just now was fatal to him. Although she was fast, she wanted to If you deal with two people head-on at the same time, you can barely deal with it, but it's not easy if you deal with them one at a time, not to mention that Beibei's speed is still very fast.

The ghost walker of the second level of the epic knew their strategy. When Beibei detoured behind her, he passively defended when he was away, and directly started to attack Li Jie. The ghost walker of the second level of the epic wanted to solve this dilemma. Li Jie must be killed as soon as possible.

Immediately, Li Jie's pressure increased greatly, but after seeing the second-order epic ghost walker suddenly increase his attack, Li Jie knew that this method was useful, and used all his strength to block the second-order epic ghost walker's attack.

At this time, Beibei had already detoured behind the ghost walker of the second level of the epic, waving her two sharp claws, and grabbed directly at the back of the ghost walker.

The ghost walker saw that Li Jie was desperately holding his own attack, and Beibei behind him started to attack him, so he could only passively defend back and forth, which was more hasty than Li Jie's attack and defense before. up.

"Boom..." Li Jie seized an opportunity to directly use the shield-breaking skill, and ruthlessly attacked the Death Scythe of the Epic Tier [-] Ghost Walker, and the Death Scythe was immediately knocked into the air by Li Jie.

Bebe, who was immediately behind the second-level epic ghost walker, directly grabbed the heart of the second-level epic ghost walker with his sharp claws.

The ghost walker of the second level of the epic was shocked when he saw his death scythe being knocked into the air, and hurriedly used his two hands to block the two sharp claws of Beibei, but the hands of the ghost walker of the second level of the epic were not at all Just didn't stop the moment.

"Aww!" After the two hands of the epic second-order ghost walker were pierced by Beibei's sharp claws, he howled in pain. It didn't mean to stop at all, it directly penetrated his heart, and the howling of the epic second-order ghost walker stopped abruptly.

"Boom..." The ghost walker of the second level of the epic fell to the ground.

"Lin Hua, you are really good. You just said something casually, and you quickly eliminated this second-level ghost walker." Murongxian saw that Beibei and the others killed this epic second-level ghost walker. said afterwards.

(End of this chapter)

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