Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 564 Small Cave

Chapter 564 Small Cave

"Yes, leader Lin, how did you know that the one-on-one attack could kill that epic ghost walker so easily?" Huo Guang asked Lin Hua, because even he didn't expect it.

"It's very simple. If you attack from the front, the second-tier epic ghost walker can easily defend. Beibei's speed is not much of an advantage at all. But if you are one behind the other, the second-tier epic The ghost walker will be distracted, and Beibei's speed advantage has been fully reflected," Lin Hua said slowly.

Because it was Beibei who killed the epic second-order ghost walker, so Beibei ate the alien core, and Li Jie didn't get angry at all.

Then Lin Hua walked directly towards the small cave behind, because Lin Hua knew that there must be strange treasures in the small cave behind, otherwise the ghost walker of the epic third level just now, when he was fighting with him, would not Will look back at that cave.

"Boss, what are you going to do?" Li Jie asked directly when he saw Lin Hua walking towards the small cave.

"Yes, leader Lin, what can be in that small cave?" Huo Guang was also particularly puzzled, so he asked.

Because when the epic third-level ghost walker looked back at this small cave just now, Huo Guang and the others didn't pay much attention to what the epic third-level ghost walker was looking at, and what the epic third-level ghost walker was looking at. What about the two epic second-order ghost walkers!However, Lin Hua discovered that the third-tier epic ghost walker was not looking back at the two epic second-tier ghost walkers, but this small cave.

"Perhaps there are strange treasures in this small cave." It was time for Lin Hua to reach the entrance of this small cave.

Because this small cave is not as tall as a person, people can't get in if they stand up, so the few people didn't take it seriously at first!But after hearing Lin Hua's words, several people walked towards the small cave.

Because they are also very curious, what kind of treasures will there be in this small cave!

The inside of this small cave is very dark. Lin Hua took out a flashlight from the space ring to shine on the inside of the small cave, then bent down and walked towards the small cave. Li Jie and the others also followed Lin Hua into this small cave. Inside the cave, only Wu Yu and Huo Guangheisha were left outside, in order to prevent another ghost walker from appearing suddenly.

When Lin Hua and the others bent over and walked more than ten meters in this small cave, they saw a very simple wooden box, which was not too different from an ordinary ring box.

When Lin Hua saw this simple wooden box, she was also curious. Could it be that this is the rare treasure guarded by these ghost walkers.

Lin Hua directly took the small wooden box and said to the few people behind, "Go outside first, you have already found this rare treasure."

The few people behind heard Lin Hua's words and walked out of the small cave.

"Boss, what is this strange treasure?" Li Jie, who was walking outside the small cave, couldn't help asking curiously.

"Yeah, what kind of treasure is boss?" Gu Tian followed up and asked.

Because the space inside this small cave is very small, Li Jie and the others simply didn't see the small box in front at all.

"It's a small wooden box about the size of a ring box. I haven't opened it yet," Lin Hua said slowly.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people were very curious, because what Lin Hua was talking about was a small box about the size of a ring box, and what kind of treasure was contained in it.

Soon Lin Hua and the others walked out of the cave one by one.

"Boss, quickly open it and see what rare treasures are in this small box." Li Jie said directly to Lin Hua as soon as he came out.
"Yeah, boss, open it up and have a look, what can be contained in this small box, it can't be a space ring," Gu Tian followed up.

The rest of the people didn't speak, but they were all very curious, and they all wanted to know what kind of treasure was contained in this small box.

After Lin Hua saw the curious eyes of several people, she planned to open this simple wooden box directly to see what rare treasures were inside.

"Wait, Boss, let's guess what's in it first, and then open it," Beibei said suddenly when Lin Hua wanted to open the small wooden box.

"Well, I think it should be a ring, because this small box can't hold anything except a ring," Li Jie was the first to answer.

"I think it's a necklace, because the necklace is not particularly big." Gu Tian then guessed.

“I think it should be a treasure map”

"Potentially a very precious drug"

"There should be a fruit inside"

After guessing, several people waited for Lin Hua to open this small wooden box!When the small box was opened, several people were taken aback, because none of them guessed correctly that the small wooden box turned out to be a key.

After Lin Hua took out the key, she took a good look at it and didn't find anything special about the key, so she handed the key to Li Jie and the others to see!
But in the end, Li Jie and the others didn't find anything special, and they were all very disappointed. They thought that there would be something good in this box, but they didn't expect it to be a broken key.

"This broken key made everyone spend so much time in vain," Li Jie said depressingly.

"Yeah, I thought it was a good thing, but it's just a broken key," Gu Tian said.

"That's right, it's just a broken key, and there's no explanation. What kind of lock does it use?" Murong Xian said with a pouted mouth.
Lin Hua couldn't help shaking her head when she heard them bite one broken key at a time. Lin Hua thought this key was not an ordinary key, otherwise these ghost walkers wouldn't be guarding here.

Then Lin Hua said, "This key should not be an ordinary key. There must be some secret that we haven't discovered, otherwise these ghost walkers wouldn't be here to guard it."

"Yes, I agree with Leader Lin. The key guarded by the ghost walker must not be simple, because the ghost walker has always guarded the strange treasure. Maybe this ordinary key belongs to the strange treasure, but we didn't find it. That's all," Huo Guang said, but he smiled awkwardly after he finished speaking.

Because he also looked at the key just now, and looked at it for a long time, but she didn't find anything special, so he smiled awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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