Chapter 566

After Lin Hua heard Jiang Tian's words, she couldn't help laughing and said, "I didn't expect City Lord Jiang to be so straightforward. I'm telling the truth. This time I came to Ba Ancient City just to persuade City Lord Jiang Tian to join us in this alliance meeting. Anyway, our purpose is the same, and we do not agree to join this alliance,"

Jiang Tian thought for a long time after hearing Lin Hua's words, and seemed particularly hesitant, because he didn't intend to go directly to this alliance meeting, but she knew that this would undoubtedly directly offend the Lord of Yehua City, but Lin Hua said he He also did not agree to join this alliance meeting, so he had the idea of ​​going to this alliance meeting with Lin Hua.

Lin Hua looked at Jiang Tian who was still hesitating at this moment, and knew what he was hesitating about, so she didn't say much and just quietly waited for Jiang Tian's reply.

After more than ten minutes, Jiang Tiantai turned his head to Lin Hua and said, "Since City Lord Lin also disagrees with the alliance, I will go with you, but I don't want to start now. I need to deal with the situation in Bagu City." Things, how about we set off tomorrow morning?"

"Okay, let's get more help from City Lord Jiang," Lin Hua said to Jiang Tian.

"It's not a matter of helping each other or not. I'm also very selfish. I don't want my brothers in Bagu City to accompany me to die," Jiang Tian said slowly.

After hearing Jiang Tian's words, what Lin Hua and Huo Guang said in the future was not wrong. This Jiang Tian is indeed a straightforward and upright person.

"Then City Lord Jiang, let's go back to the inn to rest first. Let's gather at the city gate tomorrow." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she was about to walk outside the gate.

When Jiang Tian saw Lin Hua and the others were about to leave, he said, "City Lord Lin, don't go to the inn to rest, just stay overnight in the City Lord's Mansion, I will do my best as a landlord."

After hearing Jiang Tian's words, Lin Hua stopped in her tracks, thought about it, and finally decided to rest in the City Lord's Mansion for the night.

In the evening, after Jiang Tian, ​​the lord of Bagu City, arranged the affairs of Bagu City, he hosted a banquet for Lin Hua and the others. However, for safety reasons, none of them drank too much and were hungry. Only Huo Guang and Jiang Tian did not drink too much wine. drink less.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua and the others went directly to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion after breakfast and waited for Jiang Tian.

About ten minutes later, Jiang Tian's rough voice came from inside and said, "I didn't expect Lin Chengzhu to wake up so early." Then Jiang Tian appeared in Lin Hua's field of vision, followed by eight supernatural powers Among them, two are at the first level of epic strength, and the remaining six are at the fifth level of extraordinary strength. Although they are a little lower than Lin Hua and the others, they are still relatively strong.

After hearing Jiang Tian's words, Lin Hua said, "It's morning, so I don't like wasting too much time."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Jiang Tian didn't say anything, just like Lin Hua and Jiang Tian's two teams walked towards Yehua City.

"By the way, brother Jiang, are you going to spend the night in Talk City?" Lin Hua asked Jiang Tian who was beside him.

"I haven't been there, but some people in my city have been to Yehua City. It is said that the scale of Yehua City is very large, and there are no zombies within a range of more than 50 kilometers around him." Jiang Tian heard Lin Hua's words Said.

"Ah, so it's okay to say that the city lord of Night Talk City, there are no zombies in such a far range." Li Jie said after hearing what he said for two days.

"Well, although the Lord of the Night Talk City is very mysterious and rarely shows up, the Night Talk City he manages is very good," Jiang Tian continued.

Lin Hua listened to Jiang Tian's words and didn't say anything. The few people continued on their way, probably because Lin Hua and the others had a large number of people and were relatively strong. They hadn't encountered any zombies this day!When they were chatting at rest at night, Lin Hua knew that tomorrow they would pass by a place called the Zombie Forest. There were many powerful zombies in it. Many supernatural beings had died in it, and reminded Lin Hua that they would pass by tomorrow. Be careful in the zombie forest.

At noon the next day, Lin Hua and the others came to the zombie forest that Jiang Tian mentioned, it was a forest with relatively dense trees!

"This is the zombie forest. There are a lot of zombies here, and they are all stronger. Everyone, be careful." Jiang Tian reminded again when he was less than [-] meters away from the zombie forest.

After hearing Jiang Tian's second reminder, Lin Hua and the others became particularly vigilant at this time. When Lin Hua and the others just entered the zombie forest, they felt the sinister wind in the zombie forest, and the air was still filled with An unpleasant stench.

Although it was Lin Hua and the others who had just entered this zombie forest and did not see a single zombie, but Lin Hua and the others knew that it was very dangerous inside, so they were especially vigilant around to prevent sudden attacks from zombies.

"Quack..." When Lin Hua and the others hadn't walked a hundred meters, they heard bursts of terrifying laughter from around them. This laughter combined with the environment Lin Hua and the others were in at this time gave people a creepy feeling. a feeling of.

After Murong Xian heard the terrifying laughter, he held Lin Hua's arm tightly. Lin Hua looked at Murong Xian who was holding his arm tightly and said softly, "Xian'er, don't be afraid, I'm not with you." by my side"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, he nodded, then let go of Lin Hua's arm, and followed Lin Hua closely, as if he was afraid that a zombie would jump out and eat him.

"Sister-in-law, don't be afraid. The boss is here, and any zombie boss will kill him." Li Jie couldn't help laughing when he saw Murongxian at this time.

But Lin Hua and the others were staring at the surroundings vigilantly at this time, and did not move on, because they had already sensed that some zombies were near them, approaching them.

Soon some ancient zombie warriors with big knives appeared behind the trees around Lin Hua and the others, but these ancient zombie warriors were different from what Lin Hua and the others had seen before, because they did not wear bronze armor, but some ordinary ancient clothes.

Then in front of Lin Hua and the others, more than 20 ancient zombie fighters also appeared. The strength of the more than 20 zombie fighters in front is not weak, the lowest is the strength of the extraordinary level, and there are six epic first-order two It is only an ancient zombie warrior of the second level of the epic, but the one-eyed dragon zombie in the front is the most powerful, but it is also the strength of the second level of the epic. He holds a big knife in his hand, and he is not wearing armor, but ordinary clothes.

Lin Hua stared closely at the one-eyed zombie, because Lin Hua felt a familiar feeling in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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