Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 567 More Than One Key

Chapter 567 More Than One Key

"Second leader, I didn't expect to meet so many powerful supernatural beings this time down the mountain. It seems that we have eaten some this time," said an epic second-order zombie behind the one-eyed dragon zombie.

When Lin Hua heard the words of the epic level [-] zombie, she understood why these ancient zombie warriors were not wearing armor anymore, because they were a group of bandits, how could it be possible for them to wear the armor of those warriors? Calling that one-eyed dragon zombie the second leader is enough to show that they are a group of bandit zombies.

"I didn't expect that there are bandit zombies among the ancient zombies. This is really an eye-opener." Li Jie said, looking at the one-eyed dragon zombie in front of him.

"Yeah, it should be that this group of bandit zombies were bandits before, so when the end of the world came, they got infected with the zombie virus and turned into bandit zombies," Gu Tian continued.

After hearing what Li Jie and the others said, the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior snorted coldly and said, "Hehe, let me tell you that I am a bandit. I will eat you all later."

"It depends on whether you have that ability." Lin Hua said after hearing what the one-eyed zombie said.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the one-eyed ancient zombie warrior only looked at Lin Hua, because he didn't look at Lin Hua at all just now, because he couldn't see Lin Hua's strength, and he couldn't feel the fluctuation of abilities, so He thought Lin Hua was an ordinary person!So she kept staring at Jiang Tian and Huo Guang.

But the one-eyed ancient zombie warrior glanced at Lin Hua, then shook his head and pointed at Lin Hua and said, "Keep this human, and eat the rest. I feel that this person is a little familiar. I will go back and ask my brother later. something happened"

Those ancient zombie warriors behind heard the words of the second-ranking Cyclops zombie, and they didn't feel shocked, and then the epic second-order ancient zombie just said, "Could the second-ranking family have something to do with the strange treasure I got a while ago?"

Lin Hua and the others were particularly surprised after hearing the words of the epic second-order ancient zombie warrior, because what the epic second-order ancient zombie warrior said just now meant that the second-in-charge Cyclops zombie should have obtained a strange treasure some time ago, maybe And that key too.

Then Lin Hua directly asked the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior, "Did you get a strange treasure a while ago, a key?"

"Ah, how do you know?" After hearing Lin Hua's words, the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior said in amazement. The key is exactly the same as Lin Hua's key.

After Lin Hua and the others saw the key worn on the chest of the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior, they were very happy. They thought this key was a waste, but they didn't think that there was another one.

"Boss, I didn't expect that this key is really not a waste, maybe it's the key to a treasure," Li Jie said happily.

"Hey, who said it was a broken key a few days ago, but now says it's the key to the treasure map?" Gu Tian sarcastically said to Li Jie.

Lin Hua ignored what Li Jie and the others said, and directly took out the quaint little box in his interspatial ring, and then took out the key.

"Ah, why do you have this key, there are only two of them?" said the second-in-charge Cyclops Zombie.

"There are two. Does anyone else have this key besides you?" Lin Hua heard the second head of the Cyclops Zombie say.
When the second-in-charge Cyclops heard what I said, he thought for a while and said, "It's okay to tell you, my elder brother also has a key. We snatched it from a group of people with abilities. That person has two keys. What is a strange treasure, in exchange for his life"

After Lin Hua heard what the second leader Cyclops said, she thought for a while. The fact that she felt familiar with the second leader Cyclops zombie just now must be because of the key. Now, there are three keys. I am not sure how many keys there are. How many keys, then there must be something good hidden behind this key, or a shocking secret, otherwise, he would not have given out so many keys, so Lin Hua said directly, "Where is your brother?"

"Why are you asking so many questions? You're all about to die. You'll know where my elder brother is when you die," the second-in-charge Cyclops ancient zombie warrior said impatiently.

After hearing the words of the second-in-command Cyclops, Lin Hua knew that he probably couldn't get any useful information from him!Then he stopped talking, Lin Hua didn't intend to do anything, because Li Jie and the others were enough to deal with these ancient zombies.

"Boss, I think there must be something good hidden behind this key, otherwise it wouldn't be so mysterious," Li Jie continued.

At this time, the second-in-charge Cyclops on the opposite side couldn't hold back anymore. After a roar, all the zombies rushed towards Lin Hua and the others.

Lin Hua didn't move, but was thinking about the words of the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior.

Li Jie and the others all took out their weapons and rushed towards these zombies. Murong Xian didn't move, but stood quietly behind Lin Hua, probably because the terrifying laughter just scared her. .

Beibei directly fought against the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior, Jiang Tian and Huo Guang respectively dealt with the other two epic second-level ancient zombie warriors!Lin Hua thought for a while but couldn't figure out what the key would hide, so she stopped thinking about it and watched Beibei's battle with them.

The second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior is very powerful, even though his speed is not as fast as Beibei's. When Beibei collided with the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior for the first time, he knew that he was at a disadvantage in terms of strength, so Instead of going head-to-head with the second-in-command Cyclops ancient zombie warrior, he used Beibei's own speed advantage to skillfully deal with the second-in-chief Cyclops ancient zombie warrior!

The second-tier epic zombie that Huo Guang was fighting against was not under too much pressure, because although Huo Guang is also the second-tier epic now, he has already reached the peak of the second-tier epic.

As for that Jiang Tian, ​​he belongs to the type of a bull. He knows that his strength is not as strong as that of the epic second-order zombie warrior, but he still confronts him head-on. If he continues to fight like this, Jiang Tian will soon be defeated. In the hands of this epic second-order zombie.

(End of this chapter)

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